Stay at my side Ch.28 [18F/18M] [Friends to lovers] [teasing] [slowbuild] [oral(M->F)]

Chapter 28: Messing around

[Chapter 1](

“So then it’s Thursday?” I asked Casey. “Yeah, let’s see what you’ll come up with.” She tried to hide it but it was pretty noticeable how exited she was. She sat at my desk, doing her homework. This would probably take up to an hour someone needed to make dinner anyway so I excused myself and went downstairs.

While cooking I thought about what we could do on Thursday. I didn’t want to do some basic date. Casey and I had so many memories together and I wanted to implement some of them into this date.

Date… I still couldn’t believe that I wouldn have one with Casey. Last Thursday we’ve just been friends and now we were practically together. I guessed it just showed how long we really had these feelings and how much we needed it if this could happen so fast. I’ve always loved Casey and i’ve always known that. It even felt different from other kinds of love but I always thought it was just a stronger version of friendship.

Anyways, I should look forward and do what I would have done even if we were still just friends. Casey needed to go home in the next days to get some important stuff. Even if she could forgive her parents. I couldn’t let her go back there. I hoped she’d understand that and wouldn’t think I was overprotective. Usually she trusted me with important decisions but I probably worried a little more about what she thought of me now that we realized our feelings.

I’ve been so lost in my thoughts that I’ve almost burned the food. Luckily no one noticed when they came down one after another. It almost seemed casual by now to eat in this constellation.

Mia offered to clean up and Sophie insisted on helping her so Casey and I ended up in my bedroom again. She almost tripped on the way and I may have laughed a bit which was why she now sat on top of me and playfully hit me.

“I could have died! Stop laughing!” She was laughing even more than me but still kept attacking me. I could defend my head but suddenly she started hitting my chest. “And that’s for teasing me in the bus!” Her hits got weaker and she laid down onto me. “That wasn’t nice you know?” I still couldn’t believe that I could tease her this easily but there was something I wanted to try anyway and this was my chance.

“Want me to make it up to you?” She looked a little irritated when I said it but then nodded. I rolled us over so I was on top of her. “Hey, you…” I kissed her before she could finish her sentence and continued until she calmed down.

When kissed her neck, she let out a slight moan and reached for my hands. I took them. As I was kissing her lower and lower she grabbed them tighter. Reaching the cutout of her shirt I realized that I couldn’t proceed like this. Luckily Casey helped me by quickly getting out of her shirt and tossing it on the ground. Her bra followed.

She laid down again but wrapped her hands around my neck this time. Now I had both hands free to pleasure her. I already had thought about what to do in this situation which made it much easier from now on.

I placed my right knee right in front of her crotch and put one hand on her waist. I used that hand to pull her closer to my leg. Additionally I leaned forward to kiss her again. While doing that my thigh pressed down onto her pussy, I didn’t know whether this worked but I would find out later.

Before ending the kiss, I gently laid my hand around her breast. I almost instantly felt her nipple harden under my palm. She seemed to be more sensitive there than I thought. I decided to experiment a little more and did the same with the other breast. After this nipple also became hard I took it between my thumb and index finger. I just put a slight pressure on her teat but Casey still reacted heavier than expected.

She tried to press her legs together but I was between them. Not did she had way more power in her legs than expected, she also hit the exact spot to press out all the air that has been in my lungs. It didn’t hurt that much but I still had to stop and catch my breath for a moment. I looked at her. Casey seemed shocked. Almost terrified of herself. “Easy there Case, I haven’t even started.” I could laugh it away but Casey couldn’t. “I’m so sorry Matt, I don’t know why it happened. You touched me there and then it just happened.” She pulled me down onto her chest. I knew that I couldn’t talk her out of feeling guilty but there was a way of distracting her right in front of me.

This time Casey was able to hold herself back. I still felt her whole body tensing up as I did the only reasonable thing in this situation: licking her nipple.

Casey moaned in delight while let my hand wander down her stomach and simultaneously kept kissing her teat. I reached her pants and continued further until my hand laid on her soaked panties.

“Matt, I’m begging you. Please stop teasing me.” You could hear the pleasure out of her voice and the majority would have interpreted that as a good thing but I’ve known Casey long enough to notice how hard that was for her. She had almost no experience and teasing her so long was probably too much for her. I even felt a little guilty.

Making it up to her was luckily not that hard because all I had to do was to pull down her pants and just make her cum. No detours, no teasing.

Looking at her pussy, I realized what I had done. She was completely drenched. When I put my lips onto her clit, I was surprised by the taste. It wasn’t good to be honest but nothing really bad. I didn’t plan on doing this for a long time anyway as Casey was already freaking out just because of this. Swirling my tongue around, I ran my finger through her slit. Everything was so slippery that I could probably just slide in if I wanted to.

I was right. My finger slid inside her without any resistance. It wasn’t even intended. It just happened. I heard a surprised squirm from Casey but she didn’t seem to mind it. I slowly pressed my finger further into her until it was complete gone.

It felt warm in there. Hot to say the least. Casey’s inside twitched and clenched on to my finger as if it tried to hug it. I could feel the different consistencies she had. There were some harder spots and some were just as soft as her breasts. There was one particular spot that stood out though. A little spongy and rather small but with a significantly big impact.

As I pressed against her G-spot I felt the muscles around my finger contracting. My whole world went dark shortly after as Casey wrapped her legs around me and pressed face into her crotch.

To be honest, it sounds nice but it isn’t. Anyway, after teasing her like this I totally deserved that.



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