My [F] bisexual awakening

Hi, everyone :)

This is my first story. Let me know how you like it, I might write more :)


I must’ve been about 18, maybe 19. Up until that point, I had never really considered that I might be bi. Sure, I thought women were beautiful, but doesn’t everyone?

Then came the person who would become my best friend, Ginny. She came into my life in a funny moment. We had friends in common and met at a small house party, where of course drinking was taking place. We found ourselves drawn to one another, being the only two who had a preference for vodka over beer and no interest in partaking in any games. Outside, sitting by the pool, we started chatting and soon found out we were both getting over bad breakups.

“Their loss,” I thought of her ex. Standing in front of me was a beautiful, tall brunette with long legs and small breasts. Anyone who saw her would’ve taken her for a model, and that only justified my surprise when she leaned in closer and asked if she could kiss me.

I froze. She was close enough that I could feel her breath on my neck when she whispered those blessed words. “I don’t know,” I said, tense. “I’ve never kissed a girl before.”

“Wait, really? Are you for real?” she exclaimed, flashing me her perfect white teeth in a surprised smile. “That means I would be your first. But it’s totally ok if you’re not into it. I was just thinking, you’re getting over your ex, I’m getting over mine… maybe we could help each other.”

She did make a good point. I looked deep into her eyes and hesitated, but she knew.

Ginny put one hand on my cheek, wrapped her other arm around my waist and pulled me into the deepest kiss I’d ever experienced. I closed my eyes, as I felt myself getting lighter and growing weak in the knees the more she gently flicked her tongue in my mouth and nibbled at my lower lip. She had her entire body pressed against mine now and I could feel my nipples hardening against hers.

At one point, the rest of the group went into the house to give us privacy. We were so focused on ourselves, we didn’t even notice. Ginny and I rolled off our poolside chairs and into the grass. She opened my legs and wrapped them around her waist, her hips pressed snuggly against my crotch.

When she pulled away, the cold air was a shock against my flushed skin. We were both breathing heavily and I let out a little nervous laughter: “That was really amazing. I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on this for so long.”

Running her fingers down my back and leaning in to kiss my neck, she whispered: “You don’t know the half of it.”

For the next year, Ginny and I would become inseparable.



  1. I love hearing about your bisexual awakening. It has always been one thing my favorite genre’s.

    Are we going to hear more of your adventures ?

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