I got [F]ired for inappropriate business attire but fired back

Years ago, I got my first corporate job as an intern at a big insurance company. It wasn’t anything special pretty much all paper work and boring time at my desk. The pay wasn’t half bad, but I was eager to leave soon.

A little about me, when I was 20 years old I was a whole lot perkier. Smaller waist and ass, but my breast never got the memo. I was a little too busty to hide, particularly in working clothes. I was fairly careful, but at some point I was tired of wearing the same old boring outfits.

Also, I was pretty upset with the fact that body types would dictate what is or isn’t allowed at work. Like the rules were a whole lot different for flat chested woman ๐Ÿ˜… I knew I was handing in my resignation by the end of the week, so I would get a little wilder for my last few days. Unfortunately, I never got there…

I came in on Monday with a white top, a little black skirt and purple heels. It was the first time I showed my stomach at work, but it felt fairly appropriate. The day went by slowly as always, I didn’t get any looks or anything. I had to work later since there was a lot of people on vacation.

My boss asked me to fill out some files in his office to finish my day. He was an attractive married man in his mid 40’s, trimmed beard and fairly muscular. As much as you guys will think this was on purpose, I didn’t feel that he picked me deliberately to get on my knees late at night to rearrange his files. He wasn’t being flirty, but I’d lie if I didn’t feel like he was staring at my ass. He helped me out to finish up and got a pretty good look down my shirt too.

As we were about to get up and leave, his door smacks open.

“What the fuck is that bitch doing in your office so late!! ”

I jumped up as she scared the shit out of me. Obviously, this was his wife that also works in our department. Actually, I am not really sure she ever does anything. She mainly walks around and chats all day or complains about everyone. As she was still screaming at her husband, I left discreetly.

I got in the next day expecting it to be a little awkward and sure enough it was. People were whispering like high schooler as I walked pass them. Let me remind you, I didn’t do shit but I still somehow had the reputation of the girl that slept with the boss. I got to my desk and immediately got called up to my boss office. I walk to his office and I see his wife smirking as our eyes meet. He asks me to leave the door open as I sit down.

“We have received a complaint about you for inappropriate attire at work, since you are here as an intern we have the right to terminate your employment with a month of salary as compensation”

I was left speechless, his bitch wife got me fired. On the other hand, I was about to leave this job so I won’t complain about an additional 2k in salary. I didn’t really know what to say, so I grabbed the letter and the box to get my things. As I crossed the door, I almost bumped into his wife who was clearly spying on us.

I retrieved my belongings pretty quickly and noticed she was still in his office arguing with him. I looked quickly through my emails and found my boss phone number. I send him this picture of me ([https://imgur.com/a/qqlcuSO](https://imgur.com/a/qqlcuSO)) and say:

“We got so lucky we had time to get our clothes back on. I can’t believe you never bent your wife over your desk like you did to me ๐Ÿ˜˜”

I grabbed my box of things and head out, I see his phone light up as his wife quickly grabs it. I leave hearing a loud smack. Looking back at my previous stories, I realize that I’ve broken up a few couple in my days. I don’t feel bad one bit about this one ๐Ÿ˜˜. He did message me later on, but I wasn’t interested. He’ll have to live with only the fantasy of bending me over his desk ๐Ÿ˜‰.

How about you guys would you have complained to HR for the way I was dressed?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xx6p9n/i_got_fired_for_inappropriate_business_attire_but


  1. Finally first and what a story! And i would complain if you weren’t sitting next to me

  2. so you were lying in under your last story, the outfit and therefore the picture were not safe for work! ^^

  3. No way, you would have been my motivation to come to work and stay late each day. Although I probably be distracted, but hey, its good distraction and motivation at the same time!

    Your other coworkers must have been sad that you left.

  4. Definitely wouldnโ€™t complain. Itโ€™s hard not to make other women jealous with what you have up top.

  5. I think we all understand why she was a little jealous. Another great story as always. :)

  6. Love reading all ur stories. God I wish there’s someone in my workplace dress like that too

  7. I can’t believe that is considered inappropriate for work. As a guy I think I show off more of my body at work.

  8. That was a girl boss move right there goddamn. So effective, so petty, I love it ๐Ÿ˜Œ. And that attire isnโ€™t inappropriate at all, it suits you well!

  9. So would you have let your boss bend you over the desk if given the chance?

  10. When you’re partner is as jealous as his wife was it’s either because he has a history of cheating, or more probably that they are a serial cheater and feel the need to be self righteous to compensate for their guilt.

  11. Ooh I would have loved to be a mouse in your boss’s office when his wife smacked him.
    Glad you could take a bit of a revenge of them! I really don’t think it’s inappropriate, but a little more skin showing and I don’t think I could complete a single task of the day with you in the office…

  12. No way would I get HR involved with an outfit like that! I would most likely be stealing glances at you throughout the day, any chance I got… ๐Ÿ˜

    Love the picture Btw, now I need to re-read a few of your older stories, since I have a better idea of how amazing your body is.

  13. Wow definitely got fired by a jealous wife, not the outfit. Nice to get a little revenge though!

  14. I mean, itโ€™s just common sense not to show your stomach in an office setting, great story though.

  15. I wouldn’t fire you. I would give you a raise! That outfit is sfw enough in my opinion. You look very good in it though.

  16. I would not file a complaint, but that’s definitely against our corporate dress code.

    How old are you now?

  17. If you came to work dressed like that, I would’ve made sure you kept your job. You look absolutely amazing no matter what you wear ๐Ÿคฉ

  18. That’s such an inappropriate outfit, you should take it off now! ๐Ÿ˜

  19. Amazing! Would never have complained to HR about you. Would have died to see more and imagined what they looked like bare constantly.

  20. Hahahaha that is fucking hilarious, way to clap back in amazing fashion ๐Ÿ™Œ and I have to agree with everyoneโ€™s sentiment here, youโ€™re flirtin with the SFW limit and I love it ๐Ÿ˜› great pic, thanks for sharin

  21. So no photo of you bending over in your little black skirt with a hot red assthong panty showing your bulging vulva? ( And a little hint of Asshole Buttspokes?)… I am dissapoint!

  22. Man you were lucky to be at a place that gave you a month’s salary on the way out. I got canned a few weeks ago for handing in disability paperwork (yes, that IS illegal, and I’m still looking into getting a lawyer), and those assholes gave me nothing!

  23. Always a fan of your work, especially when they include pics! The wife feels the same way, and gets pretty worked up wanting to see the whole thing even more than I do.

  24. Wow! Thereโ€™s no way anyone would have been productive in the office with how hot that outfit is on you ๐Ÿ˜

    Also youโ€™re frighteningly good at getting back at bitches like Tori and the bossโ€™ wife lol

  25. Such irony: Everyone here begging to see you in less and they complain about it being too unprofessional.

    You have a lovely body and everybody should be grateful to get a glimpse of it.

  26. No complaints here. It would be something to look forward to everyday. โ˜บ๏ธ

  27. I sometimes find the stories in which you don’t have sex or go naked sexier than the ones in which you do. Plus, this pic is so sexy. I think I will enjoy it a lot.

  28. If you’re gonna be accused of that kinda thing without proof you might as well reinforce the rumour ๐Ÿ˜‚

  29. Incredible writing as always, so impressed at how consistently your prose sets the bar for this sub. The real revenge move would have been to send him a pic in just the skirt and bra, with a note about how lucky you were she didn’t arrive a few minutes earlier…

  30. So you ruined a marriage for basically no reason when you were gonna quit anyways after being told you’d you were you’d be getting 1 month salary on top of that? You’re a piece of shit.

  31. Sexy af! Awesome revenge as well. Great body AND highly intelligent. That is so sexy!!!!!

  32. No I would not complain to anyone I would enjoy the beautiful view every time you showed up to work ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›

  33. Those are excellent! Too bad we didn’t get to see them in the salmon sports bra ๐Ÿ˜‚

  34. I canโ€™t be the only reading her stories and playing dress up in my head. ๐Ÿ˜…

    Lola bunny, swimsuit, soccer uniform, My jaw dropped when you blew my imagination away now. Canโ€™t wait to read about more.

  35. Feel free to ask me anytime if any of your future work outfits are inappropriate or notโ€ฆ or bikinis or sportswear or birthday suit or whatever really ๐Ÿ˜

  36. Your tits are great, but from your story I was expecting something extreme. That outfit is pretty normal, tbh. If I were your boss, I might have mentioned the crop top and asked you not to show your stomach in the future, but it just sounds like his wife is just a cunt.

  37. I worked at a company as a manager, and one of the members of my team was a young woman who had a habit of dressing in even skimpier clothes. Because we were a software development house, no-one on our team interacted with the public–and our company had no formal dress code.

    I routinely got complaints as her manager to talk to her about what she wore–despite the fact that we had no dress code. But as a manager I felt one of my jobs was to hold the umbrella over my employees from the shit raining down from up on high–so I’d basically just ignore the complaints.

    If there is no rule, how am I supposed to enforce the rule?

    Once HR asked me to have a conversation with her about her “inappropriate dress”, so I did–but only to check the damned box. I told her that HR had received a complaint, that they were not happy with what she was wearing–and frankly, as far as I was concerned, as long as all the naughty bits were covered, I couldn’t care less. And that she could go on doing whatever she was doing–but just be aware she’s turning heads. And not all of them are happy.

    (I did push back on HR, by the way, demanding the dress code so I could enforce it. But, as there wasn’t one, I mean, what am I supposed to do? ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ)

    There’s nothing sexy about the story–more just being really fucking annoyed at people at the work place who have nothing better to do than be shitty towards young women.

  38. you look amazing and you’re revenge on that evil woman was brill her husband should have had some balls and put her right instead of bowing down to her

    i hope you’re enjoying you’re new job

  39. I just went through and read all your stories, I’m addicted. Love the photo teases and the way you write!

  40. And here I am, still thinking about Lola Bunny. Now this story and realizing youโ€™re the same author.. easy follow!

  41. One of the best writers on here with one of the best bodies as well. I can’t wait to see and read more

  42. Thatโ€™s the best story! Your outfit would be totally fine in my corporate commercial RE office ๐Ÿ˜

  43. In my office, I donโ€™t care what anyone wears. On the job site though – steel toed shoes, yellow vest and hard hat required.

  44. Those breasts are definitely not safe for work. Theyโ€™re dangerous weapons and far too much of a distraction!

  45. Love the ending to this one! And he has a momento of the experience lucky guy ๐Ÿ˜‰

  46. Honestly, if you actually did break him up with his wife, you did him a favor… His wife sounds like a total control freak.

  47. As always, a great story. Paired with the great outfit on this great body makes it a 11/10

  48. Definitely delivered a great photo from your promise last story. Your stories really are something else. Keep em coming!

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