My Mom’s Best Friend Pt. III [F52/M32] [Pussy Licking] [Vanilla] [Public]

*I really, really advice you to read the previous parts first.* [*They are over there*](*. Enjoy your read.*

Yes, my mom caught me and my best friend coming down the stairs. After we fucked each others brains out. And we did that in my parent’s bedroom. And we might have made a little mess. And it for sure was an awkward situation for me to run into my mom, after I fucked her best friend, a woman that practically knew me my hole life long.

And it was, her, my mom’s best friend, that opened her mouth first, after my mom gave a very snappy comment: “Yes, we had. Your sun is a great stud. You raised him well.”

She did that on purpose. My mom turned red, now it was awkward for her too. Not just for me. You clearly don’t want to hear your best friend talking about your own son that way. But my mom’s best friend, she kept on going: “And well, we had our fun on your bed. And well, we might have made a little bit of a mess.”

Now my mom was close to loosing it. She had an “I am going to kill you, if I get you expression” on her face. But knowing my mom, she also wanted to see the mess we made. To clean it up as fast as possible. So when her best friend and I walked past her, there was probably only one thing on her mind: “I have to get upstairs, to clean up the mess we made before my husband comes back home. Not that he comes up with some stupid ideas.”

So mom gave us a very angry stare when she walked by us and then she hurried upstairs. Her best friend and I used the chance to get out. No, we weren’t running. I had plenty of time to grab my stuff, that was still laying on the coffee table in the living room, to get dressed up and to leave my home.

Out on the street the two of us looked each other in the eyes, while saying the same thing in the same moment of time: “We better avoid her for some time.”

We both had to laugh a little bit after it happened, because each one of us really knew my mom. Then we walked down the road, towards her house. And we were holding hands. No, not on purpose, it just happened. There really was something going on between the two of us.

On the way we try to come up with an idea how to spend the rest of our day. We both knew that we wanted to spent the time together, but well, while doing what? Fucking each others brains out all afternoon long sounded more than just tempting, and I suggested it, but she declined. She wanted to head out.

So we ended up heading into town. Into the glorious center of our small town. We were hitting main street, so to say. We went to have lunch at the Italian restaurant in town. The Italian restaurant, because there were only two, and the second one was just a bar that served some pizza from time to time.

When we went down the street towards the restaurant we were holding hands again. People were looking after us. Most of them knew who we were, most of them knew about our backstories. Combine that with the fact that she was about twenty years older than me, it for sure gave the people a lot to talk about.

After entering the restaurant we got the best table in the place. Then we ordered our food. While our eyes were all over each other. While I was starring down her cleavage. While I had a raging boner between my legs.

But hungry me one. At least for now. We ordered some antipasti, we ordered some pizza and some desert. Then we dug in. We enjoyed our meal. We enjoyed our conversation. It was a great lunch date. Conversation was great, we had a few laughs and food was more than just eatable.

After lunch we went on a stroll through town. While holding hands, while our bodies were more or less constantly touching. Sharing a few gentle kisses from time to time. And talking to people either one of us, or the both of us knew and we ran into. People were more than curious about the two of us. We clearly were the talk in town.

While walking, while touching more and more sexual tension built up between the two of us. We wanted to fuck each others brains out. Horny was taking more and more control of the two of us. We even began to share passionate kisses in public. We behaved like some love drunk eighteen year olds. Being that was was nothing but awesome.

So we were looking for a place to fuck. And we needed one fast. Luckily there was huge construction site not far away. They were building a new hotel, and well, it was Saturday, and construction workers don’t work on the weekend. At least not the official tax paying ones.

We ran towards it. While still holding hands. Then I opened up a fence while she was looking if someone was around. Then we snuck into the half finished building. Once we were able to hide behind some walls, we just let go. We let horny taking over control.

Our clothes were flying through the air. Passionate kissing set in. Our hands were all over each others bodies. Our moaning soon was filling the room.

A few minutes later she was sitting on a huge stack of bricks, her legs spread wide open while my tongue was on her clit, while my fingers were sliding and out of her pussy. Her moaning was filling the room. Her moaning got more and more intense. Until she came. Until she had her first orgasm.

Once she was herself again, she returned the favor. My dick was sliding in and out of her move. And even a little bit down her throat. While she was squeezing my balls. Now my moaning was filling the room. It felt awesome, but she didn’t wanted me to finish off. She wanted to feel me inside her.

So she made me sit down on the bricks. Then she climbed on top of me. We were sharing passionate kisses while my dick was sliding inside her pussy. Her pussy wrapping herself around my rock hard dick, again, it felt so fucking good.

Then she began to ride me. She rode me the way she liked it. My dick was sliding in and out of her pussy. She kept on going. And going. And going. The two of us came closer to an orgasm with every thrust, with every up and down.

Just a few more thrusts left to go. One more. And then one more. And then boom. My balls dumped their load inside her dripping wet pussy. She came a few moments after me. Then she collapsed onto me. We kept on sitting on sitting, laying on the bricks for some time. We enjoyed the hormones rush, we cuddled a little bit, we shared some gentle kisses.

But nothing lasts forever, we had to get up, we had to fix ourselves, and we had to leave the construction site. And on our was out it happened, we got caught for the second time on that day. No, not by our mom, the local police officer, the sheriff of the town caught us breaking out.

A police car was driving towards us the moment we climbed over the fence: The siren and the blue lights were on, but the driver didn’t seemed to be in a hurry. The car wasn’t speeding or anything. It just came closer and closer.

My girlfriend and I looked at each other: “Damn it, we got caught, again.”

We both were thinking about running away. About going into hiding. Because we clearly did something illegal: Trespassing private property can be punished by the law. But we decided against it. It was better to just stay, wait and hoping for the best.

When the car was next to us, the driver turned off the siren, turned off the blue light and turned of the engine. Then the sheriff, yes it was the boss herself, got out of the car. She had a huge smile on her face: “Have I caught two love birds escaping from the scene of the crime?”

Yes, news are traveling fast in small towns. I had to let out a few deep breaths. What was I thinking before? Why had I worried about anything? Probably I am not used to the small town living anymore. Because our towns sheriff was about the age my mom and her best friend were. And they knew each other. Since forever.

So the sheriff just wanted to shock one of her friends. And it worked, we both were a little bit shocked. My girlfriend told the sheriff to never ever do something like that again. She nodded with her had, but she also a smirky smile on her face while doing so.

Then she offered us a ride: “I can drive you everywhere you want, if you like.”

We thanked her, but my girlfriend and I declined her offer. We were planing on walking back home. Holding hands, flirting a little bit and giving the town a little bit more to talk about.

When we saw the police car disappear in the distance, the two of us looked each other in the eyes, we had a laugh, we shared a few kisses then we began to walk home. On our way home we stopped in some local run grocery store to buy some supplies, then we headed towards her place.

Once we arrived, we kissed goodbye and she went in. I was planing on joining her for dinner later, but for now, I headed home, to grab some stuff, and to deal with my mom. To calm her down, because she for sure still was somewhat furious because we messed up her and my father’s bed earlier that day.

Luckily dad was home too. He gave me a very encouraging smile. A smile that told me that he was proud of me. That he was proud of me fucking my mom’s best friend. Then I ran into mom, she was in the kitchen, preparing some lunch. She wasn’t looking that mad at all: “Don’t ever dare to mess up my bed again son. And don’t dare to fuck in there again.”

I nodded with my head. I promised her to do nothing like that again. While having a smirky smile on my face. But she accepted my answer: “Are having dinner with us today?”

“No mom, I am having dinner down the street. With my new girlfriend.”

A huge smile appeared on my mother’s face. She hugged me. She genuinely was happy for the two of us. She told me to have fun. She wished me all the best.

When our conversation was over, I went upstairs to grab some clothes and my toothbrush then I left my home, headed down the street and knocked at my girlfriends door.


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