[MF] A short story of how a Redditor help me to ‘seduce’ the asian mother next door.

Im still buzzing right now since if everything goes as planned, I will be able to finally fuck this milf. Let’s call her Tran, a Vietnamese immigrant. She is a house wife while her husband is a chef and own an incredible vietnamese restaurant in here.

During my previous post a few weeks ago, I went on a camping trip with her daughter (a uni friend of mine) and her. During the night, I thought she was provoking me by wearing so little and sleeping so close next to me in the tent (this gotta be a [hint](https://www.reddit.com/user/draftpics/comments/xk9s7l/fuck_me_guys_is_this_a_hint/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) right?). I did indeed made a post on Reddit and most of them encouraged me to cope a fell and shit. But while I was rubbing her pussy, I got fucking caught and while I was frozen at that moment, she dead looked me in the eyes and said STOP and fucking went back to sleep. I – was not being a rapist, decided to stop doing whatever the fuck I was doing and thinking at that time. Of course i was fucking scared that she would report me for sexual harassment. It made the trip back to home super awkward.

Nonetheless, we got home without my friend questioning about the tense atmosphere. I spent the whole fucking night to think about it and talked with some of the redditor and most of them told me that I screwed big time. However, a particular Redditor reply to my story about the fact that my neighbour was just testing the water and was trying to make me feel that she was not the one that is hunting the male specimen. I was intrigued by her (the Redditor) response so I decided to talk with her and tried to get her point. Finally, we decided that I should follow her plan and see what would happens. I did indeed follow her plan and fuck me, it worked like a charm.

Instead of being dreadful and hiding like a loser. I got bolder and tried to hang out in her house a lot more (with excuses to help my friend out and shit). Trying to be more comfortable around her. Man, to my surprise, Tran wasn’t mad at me or anything and to build upon that, I got her phone number while helping her with some errands.

Now to the most difficult part, Laura- the Redditor told me to confess about the camping night. I was like what the fuck, were you out of your mind or smt but she said that I need to trust her. And yep, I did indeed do as her said. I told Tran about the night, on how I wasn’t able to control myself, that I had a thing for older woman and I took a chance when I got one. All the bullshit that I spurted out was artificially crafted by Laura. It was like Laura was in Tran’s head. In two weeks time I got from Tran stopping me from fingering her to Tran complimenting my sexual reddit post that I sent to her. Wtf everything Laura asked me to do worked like a charm. We went from zero to being comfortable to talk about sexual experiences. She was able to talk about what she wants to try if she could turned back to her younger self. I of course compliment the thought of her with some of the best ‘reddit posts’ that I could find and man that did awaken something inside her.

And somehow we were able to plan a secret trip to Thailand. Of course she is going with good friend while I’m going alone. But we have agreed to explore some of the part of the island together. Hang out with Tran and her friend for the whole day, got a few spicy pictures too and is having a few beer at the night market. Tonight might be the night guys! Wish me luck.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xwauif/mf_a_short_story_of_how_a_redditor_help_me_to


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