I fucked [M]y [F]riend all over her sister’s house

*Context: After my childhood friend [helped me get over my ex](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xt0yk9/my_childhood_friend_helped_me_get_over_my_ex/) and we had [multiple](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xtowba/i_came_in_my_friends_ass_minutes_before_her/) other [adventures](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xuo6aq/i_fucked_my_friend_on_the_forest_floor/) together, we decided to have our last tryst at her sister’s house during the first few days of Spring Break.*

The sprawling foyer of the house opened up before us as Emma and I stepped across the threshold, duffel bags in hand. Emma had lucked into house-sitting for her sister Laurie over Spring Break, and Laurie’s income as a dentist had been put to very good use. Plenty of expensive amenities and intricately decorated rooms, on top of her in-ground swimming pool. Emma had already regaled me with a bunch of ideas for how we could make good use of every square inch of this place.

“Wow,” I marveled, looking around at the *avant garde* sequence of open-concept rooms.

“Yeah, no joke,” Emma agreed, brushing past me and striding up the stairs. “On one salary, too! Whoever she ends up wifing will be a very lucky woman.”

We made our way to the bedroom, which was strewn with bookshelves, monitors, and black-out blinds. Perched atop the bed was a bowl of condoms and what appeared to be an entire liter of lube. The bottle had a post-it note on it with “Have fun! Be safe!” etched in cursive letters. I turned to Emma, my face growing red.

“Wait, you told her I was coming?”

Emma laughed and gave me a playful punch on the arm. “Yeah, dude, I tell Laurie everything. Don’t worry, she won’t let the parents know.”

“Okay,” I stammered, still processing Laurie’s cavalier attitude towards her sister’s sexual exploits. My family isn’t exactly prudish, but I couldn’t imagine being so open with a sibling.

“Come on,” Emma tugged on my arm. “There’s beer in the fridge. It feels amazing outside and I want to relax.”

“Alrighty,” I replied, shaking off my initial shock at our reception. It turned out that Laurie, in addition to her sense of humor, also had excellent taste in beer, as she had a hefty supply of my favorite IPA on hand. I opened a bottle as Emma cracked open a can of hard seltzer, and the two of us made our way outside to the deck beside the pool.

It was nearly midnight already; our ride over from campus had taken over four hours with traffic. Even though I was tired, I could feel a strange excitement settling in as I took my seat next to Emma and the two of us gazed out over the pool, which was illuminated from within by a series of lights. The shifting surface of the pool cast hypnotic patterns of light across the two of us as we laid back in our chairs, letting the stress of the first half of the semester wash away.

After a few minutes of meditative silence, Emma knocked back a sip of her seltzer and turned her head towards me. “Truth or dare?”

I laughed. “What are we, twelve?”

“Come on,” she urged teasingly, “please? It’ll be fun.”

“Truth,” I said, rolling my eyes as I drank my own beverage.

“Had you ever jerked off to me before? Before we were fucking, I mean?”

I nodded. It wasn’t worth trying to lie. “I mean, yeah… You’re incredible, Emma. I’ve fantasized about you for a while. But like, I think guys just fantasize a lot, in general.”

“So I shouldn’t be too flattered?” she giggled.

“Well, I didn’t say that,” I replied.

“How many times have you jerked off to me?”

“Are you trying to double up on truths over there?”

“*Please*, Greg. Come on, it’s basically the same question.”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. Hundreds?”


“I don’t know! Guys jerk off a lot, Emma. I’ve known you for a while. Do the math!”

She smiled, “Well, now I do feel flattered.”

“Okay, my turn,” I shot back, sitting up a little straighter.

“Truth,” Emma said, before I even had the chance to give her the choice.

“Okay,” I nodded, “who did you lose your virginity to?”


“You heard me.”

Emma winced and hid behind her seltzer can as I prompted her confession.

“… Derek Kuehner.”


“It was one time! I used to have a crush on him! What do you want from me?”


“He wasn’t that bad! It was actually pretty fun! He was really sweet. Who was your first?”

I raised an eyebrow at her. She grimaced.

“Oh… wow… sorry. So I’m only your second ever?”

I nodded.

“Wow… now I’m very flattered… Truth or dare, Greg?”

“Truth,” I replied, taking a swig of my IPA as I gazed out over the shimmering pool. Looking over, I saw Emma now sitting cross-legged on her chair, fiddling with her can of seltzer. Her normally playful expression melted away slightly, exposing a complicated mix of feelings underneath. She turned to me, forcing a smile and asked me point-blank:

“Greg… are you in love with me?”

I nearly choked on my beer. The question, the forwardness of it, hit me like a freight train to the chest. I immediately felt my heart-rate quicken as I stared into Emma’s eyes in response. Her face bore a neutral expression, but I could see deep emotion welling up behind those eyes.

I swallowed my beer cautiously. I suddenly became keenly aware of the chirping of the crickets, the steady ripples in the pool’s surface, the occasional wafting of the evening wind. The question hung in the air as I considered my options.

I could lie. I could play this off, pretending like this had all been a casual fling to me. But Emma would still know the truth. She already knew. And lying would only make it worse.

My mouth felt dry and the words stuck in my throat before I finally met her gaze again and eked out my confession.

“Yes,” I said, meeting her gaze. “I’m in love with you, Emma.”

Her eyes went misty at my words and she looked away across the pool, fixating on some point off in the distance. I could see her shoulders slump and her left foot started shaking as she tried to process the confirmation of what she had already suspected.

“I’m sorry,” I said, putting down my beer and swiveling in my chair so that I was facing her directly. She half-laughed, half-choked in response, and I could see a tear streaming down her cheeks. She quickly pawed at it with her sleeve, but I could see that she was on the edge of breaking down.

“You’re fine,” she said, and in her tone I could hear the tempest of competing feelings whirling around inside of her. “You’re…” she looked away again, tilting her head up to look at the stars. The moon and the soft glow from the illuminated pool cast shifting patterns of light across her face. I hung my head, feeling the emotional weight settling on both of us. After what felt like an eternity of silence, she sat up straight in her chair and looked at me.

“Greg…” she began, and paused just as quickly as she started. Her shoulders shook, but she breathed in deeply and braced herself. “These past few weeks… they’ve been amazing. You’re great, you’ve been great… And you deserve so much better than Ana… But…” her voice caught in her throat and I put a hand on her knee, waiting for her to be ready to speak again.

The seconds ticked by as she tilted her head down, letting a few more tears stream down the sides of her face. Her breathing eventually evened out and she finally looked at me again.

“But… I can’t be… I don’t think I can be what you need. Not long-term. Not in the long-run. We’ve had fun, and I’ve really enjoyed our time together. But if the two of us tried to get together, to be an actual, serious couple… I don’t think we’d work. I really don’t. And I’m afraid of what would happen when that relationship fell apart… I just…”

She bit her lip and put her head down again, tapping her heel against the ground nervously. I stood up out of my chair and stepped over towards her, lifting her up and pulling her into a hug.

“I know,” I said, more calmly than I had expected. “It’s okay, Emma.”

I heard a muffled sob as she buried her head in my chest. Her shoulders heaved rapidly for a few moments as she cried into me, letting her tears soak into my hoodie.

“It’s okay,” I repeated. It would be. It would have to be.

We held each other for a few minutes as Emma cried, letting her pent-up emotion dissipate until her breathing evened out once more.

I looked down at her and she met my gaze. Her eyes were red and raw from her tears. I squeezed her one last time and then turned around, sitting back down in my chair. After a pregnant pause she did the same.

I took a hefty sip of my beer and then smiled. Somewhat forced, somewhat genuine, somewhat confused. I pressed my own complex reactions further down inside of myself. I could process those at another time. Maybe.

“It’s your turn,” I said wryly. She choked out a laugh in response.

“Truth,” she shrugged, her playful attitude returning even in the midst of her tears.

I rapped my fingers on the beer bottle a few times before posing my question.

“Emma… Are you ready to make this the best weekend of our lives?”

She laughed in response, shaking her head at my impertinence. “You’re too good for me, you know that, right, Greg?”

“I know,” I said, smiling, lying through my teeth.

“If this is going to be our last weekend together,” she replied, standing up and walking towards me. “Then I want it to be one worth remembering.”

She pulled her sweatshirt up over her head, exposing her perky, beautiful breasts. I tossed my beverage to the side as she shimmied out of her sweatpants. Her mouth was on mine in an instant as she mounted me, pressing me back into my chair.

I had never felt so much raw passion during sex before. She rode me like she wanted to stress-test the chair we were fucking on. I shot my load deep inside of her as she explored my mouth with her tongue, her lips sealed against mine.

We laid there for a while, skin against skin, sharing each other’s warmth as the cool nighttime air washed over us.

Eventually, Emma pulled herself off of me, being careful not to let too much of my cum leak out of her onto her sister’s deck. She gave me one last kiss as she put her sweatpants back on.

“I’m really excited for tomorrow,” she whispered into my ear, a familiar mischievous gleam returning to her eyes.

“Me too, Emma. Me too.”



I’m not sure that there’s any feeling comparable to waking up with your cock in a beautiful woman’s mouth.

After we had showered the night before, Emma and I had clambered into her sister’s queen-size bed. Our general exhaustion combined with the bed’s silken sheets and cooling-gel pillows meant that we were unconscious in a matter of seconds.

The next morning, I was stirred to wakefulness by a familiar warmth engulfing my flaccid cock. My eyes opened to see Emma with her big brown eyes staring up at me, sucking on my growing shaft as her saliva oozed down onto my balls. Not missing a beat, I reached down and grabbed a tuft of her hair, holding her head steady as her tongue and lips coaxed my cock into a throbbing erection. Just as I was really starting to feel her pick up speed, she pulled her mouth away, taking a loud breath, and then pounced upward onto the bed, planting her sopping wet lips on mine.

She broke the kiss and looked at me with a tiger-like intensity. Her pussy hovered mere inches above my cock, and just as I thought she was about to lower herself onto me she rolled herself off the bed and stood up, stretching her limbs and giving me an eyeful of her flexible body as it caught the morning sunlight.

She walked out of the room, looking over her shoulder at me, still splayed out on the bed with my cock glistening with her spit.

“You ready for breakfast?” she asked.

“Absolutely,” I said, springing off the mattress. I was starving, in more ways than one.



Emma and I both came to the rapid realization that this was going to be a clothes-optional day. And, when presented with the option, we both usually went without clothes. There was something so exhilarating about seeing Emma walking around the kitchen performing domestic tasks without a stitch of clothing on her body.

Well, that’s not entirely true. At one point, to make sure she didn’t get any bacon grease on her bare skin, she put on an apron. And, let me tell you, seeing a beautiful woman making you breakfast wearing nothing but an apron is a recipe for the stiffest erection you will ever experience. At one point I came up behind her, resting my cock up against her ass-cheeks as I reached under the tight red apron and massaged her breasts from behind. She moaned softly as I pushed my cock downward, bringing it closer to her already-dripping slit.

“Patience,” she chided me, somehow managing to keep her focus on flipping the bacon with a pair of tongs. Even though my libido was howling at this point, I pulled myself away from her, a few droplets of my pre-cum falling to the floor.

Eventually, she plated up an idyllic array of bacon, eggs and fruit. We sat down at the kitchen table together and started to dig in, both realizing we’d need copious fuel to keep our energy up throughout the day. I noticed her scarfing down her food rather quickly and I smirked, wondering what her rush was. After taking one last bite of her apple, she took one large swig of water and swirled it around her mouth, washing down every last trace of her breakfast. I started to push my half-eaten plate away, more interested in tasting her than the food, but she stayed my hand. A determined firmness filled her gaze as she whispered to me:

“Keep eating.”

I took a pensive bite of bacon, furrowing my brow in bemusement. The next thing I knew, she had disappeared under the table, and I felt the entirety of my half-swollen shaft enveloped by her mouth. I immediately lurched in my seat as her cock-sucking prowess pushed me closer and closer to the edge. My hands shook as I took a swig of orange juice.

Hearing her gagging on my cock and feeling her saliva flowing down my balls drove me wild. The juxtaposition of me consuming a totally mundane breakfast while receiving an absolutely divine blowjob drove my arousal to previously-unrealized heights. Before too long, I could feel my glute muscles tensing in the chair. My legs tightened up and stretched out. The silverware clattered out of my hand as any thought of continuing to eat fled my mind. The only thing that existed for me now was Emma’s mouth sliding up and down my cock.

My hands gripped the edge of the table as I felt my cock swelling even more. My eyes closed as my entire body began to tremble. I felt Emma’s lips slide off the tip and I felt her fingers wrap around my shaft.

Then? Absolute ecstasy as jet after jet of cum erupted from my cock.

My chest rose and fell rapidly as I tried to catch my breath. Emma reappeared from under the table, her face painted with warm, white stripes. A few thick strands had shot into her hair, but she didn’t seem to mind as she ran her left hand down her cheeks, scooping up as much of my warm seed as she could. She sucked on her cum-coated fingers as her right hand wandered between her thighs, rubbing her inviting pink pussy.

I couldn’t help it. Even in the wake of my own intense orgasm, I could feel a deep arousal inside of me. I stood up out of my chair and grabbed Emma by the shoulders, forcing her down onto the kitchen table. As her own intuition was aligned with mine, she instinctively spread her legs apart to give me unrestricted to her dripping-wet cunt. My tongue plunged deep inside of her, rubbing up against her pussy walls, triggering every pleasurable nerve ending it could find. Her right hand shook in a flurry of deft movements as she massaged her clit.

It took only a few moments for her to explode in a turbulent climax of her own. Her moisture spilled out the sides of my mouth as she writhed, accidentally knocking over some salt-and-pepper shakers in her reverie.

I sat back on the ground as she remained splayed out on the kitchen table, cum-covered and freshly-fucked. We both took a while to recover, but eventually we managed to rouse ourselves from our post-coital stupor and return the kitchen to a semi-presentable state.

**Living room**


We spent the rest of the morning cuddling under some blankets on her sister’s L-shaped sofa. A little bit after noon, I could feel some of my own vitality returning. Emma had nearly drained the life out of me earlier with her expert cocksucking technique, but as we laid on the couch, running our hands up and down each others’ naked bodies, I could feel my cock beginning to stir once more. Emma sensed the same, smiling as she kissed me lower and lower until her lips were on the tip of my cock once more.

Even though my shaft was hardening, it was still super sensitive, so I shuddered as Emma gingerly caressed my cock.

“You okay, bud?” she asked teasingly as I squirmed.

“You really gave it to me earlier,” I laughed, pulling her hair back to stare into her eyes. “I think I’m still recovering.”

She smiled in response, standing up off the couch and letting my eyes run down every inch of her. She turned around and started to jog up the stairs.

“I’ll be right back!”

I took my cock in my hand as I watched her prance up the stairs, her supple ass cheeks jiggling with each footfall. I slowly massaged my twitching member, maintaining my erection until Emma came down shortly thereafter, bearing her butt-plug in one hand and a bottle of lube in the other.

“Don’t worry, I haven’t invited my parents this time,” she giggled as she tossed the bottle of lube in my direction. I reached up and caught it out of the air as she placed a few extra blankets over the couch to keep it from getting absolutely soaked. She swung herself on top of the blankets, perching on all fours and arching her back to show off her clean asshole. She wiggled her hips, eagerly waiting on me to lather her tight hole with lube.

I debated doing that. But looking at her bent over, so ready for me, I decided to take a different approach. Still lying down on the couch, I sat up and grabbed her hips, pulling her back towards me violently. She yelped as she was yanked out of doggystyle position – rather than being perched on her knees and elbows, she was instead flat on her chest with her ass in the air, tantalizingly close to my mouth.

I leaned forward, moving my hands from her hips to her ass-cheeks and spreading them to make her hole even more accessible. I slowly began to run my tongue up and down along her hole, lathering her with my own saliva. Her asshole held a menagerie of bitter, salty, and acrid flavors, but any unwelcome tastes paled in comparison to the obvious pleasure that she derived from the touch of my tongue.

“Oh, *fuck* Greg,” she whispered loudly, her voice devolving into a series of hoarse moans as I kissed and licked her asshole. Intermittently, I would massage and spank her ass-cheeks, eliciting a high-pitched yelp with each measured strike. Before too long, I was switching between licking and fingering her hole, slowly coaxing it open. Her hand drifted down between her thighs, and in no time at all she was putty in my hands.

I pulled myself away momentarily to reposition myself on the couch. She whimpered at the sudden cessation of sensation, but when she heard me un-cap the lube bottle her whimper became an excited giggle. I applied several generous squirts directly to her hole, using two of my fingers to slowly fuck the lube deeper and deeper. Then, I squeezed some out directly onto my cock, running my right hand up and down my shaft to distribute it evenly.

I pressed my cock against her ass so that the underside of it was resting in between her oiled-up cheeks. She moaned as I rocked back and forth, rubbing my veiny shaft against her puckered asshole.

“Do you want daddy’s cock?” I asked, feeling a dominant streak rise up within me as she melted underneath my touch.

She nodded, looking back at me with a breathless eagerness, “Yes, daddy.”

I rubbed my cock up against her slightly more quickly, savoring the feeling of her smooth skin.

“Do you want daddy to fill your ass with cum again?”

A loud moan escaped her lips, almost unbidden. She buried her face in a couch cushion and I heard a muffled *fuck* as her legs quivered.

“What was that, baby?” I asked.

“Please fill me up, daddy. I want every drop of your cum. I want to feel you explode inside of me… Please, daddy, please, daddy, please please *FUUUUCK*!”

I sheathed myself inside of her, her hungry hole devouring every inch of my cock. The wet *slap* of our bodies colliding together echoed throughout her sister’s cavernous living room as I thrust into her, my cock sliding in and out of her asshole with ease.

I wish I could say that I teased her for hours, bringing her to several screaming orgasms as I fucked her senseless. But, truth be told, as soon as I started building up steam I knew I wasn’t going to last for long. I projected an aura of being dominant and in control, but in reality I was at the beck and call of my own primal lusts, and the desire to fill Emma’s tight ass with my cum became just too powerful. I pressed her down into the couch as my hips drove into her, spurts of lube and her own wetness running down our legs onto the blankets beneath us.

A thin film of sweat formed on my brow as I fucked her faster than I’d ever fucked her before, spanking her ass-cheeks with a firm, open palm. Her yelps and moans filled my ears as the smell of her arousal wafted up to my nostrils.

“You ready, baby?” I asked, my voice a low growl as my thrusts reached terminal velocity.

“Fuck daddy fuck fuck fuck please daddy fill me with your cum please daddy…” Emma’s eyes rolled back and her whole body tensed up in anticipation of my imminent release.

Fully consumed by my lust now, I tugged on her hair and leaned forward, pressing her down into the couch as my cock erupted inside of her. My grunts and moans mingled with her sighs and gasps as we both shook from the cascades of electric pleasure that washed over us. I let my cock slowly go soft inside of her, spurting out the last few drops of cum into her ravaged hole. I plucked the plug off the table and quickly pulled out, sealing her up with a fresh load as she moaned into the couch cushions.

I gave her ass one last congratulatory slap and then collapsed beside her, pulling her into a warm, wet embrace. I held her as her body came down from the exultant highs of her own orgasm.

We laid there for a while, both utterly exhausted. As we both steadily returned to a serene sanity, she ran her fingers across my chest and kissed my neck. I tried not to think about how, soon, this would all be over.

“Hey,” she said, putting her hand on one side of my face and turning it so that I met her eyes.

She looked at me intently, pursing her lips as she assessed my expression. I forced a smile that withered almost instantly.

“I’m going to miss this,” she whispered.

“Then why stop? Can’t we just… go on, like this?”

A myriad of emotions shot across her face all at once. She frowned slightly as she let go of me and rolled over to lay on her back beside me. She stared up at the ceiling for a few seconds before replying.

“What do you think happens next for us, Greg? If we do ‘go on like this?’”

I shrugged, heart skipping a beat. “I don’t know?… But… Do you really want to stop? I mean, after these past few weeks…”

“Do you think you’d try to find someone else if I kept fucking you?” she interrupted, her tone becoming more pointed.

“What? I mean… I don’t…”

“Greg,” Emma whispered pleadingly, turning her brown eyes towards me once more. “… I can’t be with you. I can’t be the one you need. And every extra minute we spend together… *like this*… it makes it harder and harder to eventually separate…”

I fell silent, biting back the roiling cocktail of anger and sadness that burbled up within me. She was right. I knew she was right. And I wanted, with every fiber of my being, for her to be wrong.

She kissed my cheek again and nuzzled her face into my neck. “Let’s just enjoy this last day, okay?”

I ran my fingers through her hair, feeling a cool hollowness settling deep within my soul. I stood up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen.

“I need a drink.”



Emma rejoined me in the kitchen a few moments later as I cracked open another IPA, relishing the taste of the bitter liquid as it sloshed down my throat. She leaned up against the doorframe and crossed her arms under her breasts, regarding me from across the room.

“What’s going on, Greg?” she asked, her eyes fixed firmly on me as I downed the bottle a little too swiftly.

“I’m fine,” I reassured her, sifting through the fridge to pull out another beverage. I pulled out another IPA and reached over to the counter to grab the bottle opener, only to find Emma’s hand grasping my wrist.

“Stop,” she said firmly. I wanted to pull my hand away and grab the opener anyways, but one look at her face halted me in my tracks. I set the unopened bottle back down and she released me, crossing her arms again.

“Greg,” she said, her firm tone now colored by a heartfelt concern. “It can’t be like this… You can’t self-destruct over me. I can’t be your next Ana.”

My heart sank as the weight of her words connected with me. I could already see the same patterns of behavior, the same emotional responses welling up inside of me. I was about to suffer unrequited love once more and I was bracing for impact.

“Talk to me, Greg,” Emma begged, extending her arm and placing her hand on my shoulder.

I wanted to be angry. To blow up in her face. To rage, to shout, to scream. But I didn’t do any of that. As I stared into her eyes, I tried to bite back tears. But I couldn’t. Seeing the onset of my breakdown, Emma wrapped her arms around me tightly and cradled me as I sobbed.

“Hey, hey, hey,” she whispered, kissing my neck. “It’s okay. You’re okay. You’re okay, Greg. You’re okay.”

We stood like that for a while. I felt my negative emotions seeping out with every teardrop, every choked cry. Emma didn’t waver. She stood firmly planted, her grip on me as stable as ever, her voice calm and reassuring.

After a while I was too exhausted to stand. Everything was sore. Pangs of sorrow reverberated around my soul. I stumbled back to the couch and collapsed and Emma wrapped herself around me, spooning me as she continued to comfort me with her words.

Eventually, I fell asleep like that, cuddled into a premature nap. I vaguely remember Emma disentangling herself from me as the world faded to black and I drifted off into unconsciousness.

**Living Room**


When I woke up, Emma was seated in a recliner across from me, wearing one of my hoodies and a pair of her leggings. She clutched a steaming mug of tea between her hands, blowing on it to cool it down. Her eyes washed over me as I stirred from my slumber.

My gaze met hers as I sat up, rubbing my temples.

“Hey,” she said.


“How are you doing?”

I shrugged, covering myself with a blanket. It felt a little strange to be totally naked while Emma was clothed head-to-toe. “I don’t know… I’m fine, I think.”

She nodded in response, taking a sip of her tea. “Okay.”


She sighed, “Greg… I think we need to end this… *us*… tonight.”

I nodded, “Yeah… Yeah. I think you’re right.”

We sat there in silence for a while, both coming to grips with the fact that this really was all coming to an end.

“Thank you, Emma,” I said, finally. The words hung in the air as I looked at her. I felt a calmness washing over me as I kept talking. “A few weeks ago, I was… really going through it. And you noticed, and you didn’t let me retreat into my shell… you went after me, and… *this time*… with *you*… has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life…”

I hung my head as a bittersweet smile broke across her face. I somehow managed to conjure the words to conclude my thought.

“And… I expected too much. I took what you graciously gave me and I wanted more. And I think, in a way, I’ve blamed you for establishing boundaries? I don’t know… But, I’ve been unfair to you. You’ve been incredible and I haven’t been nearly as grateful as I should be. I’m sorry… Do you forgive me?”

She cocked her head, a puzzled expression spreading across her face. “Greg,” she laughed, “you’re… fine. There’s nothing to forgive! Honestly, looking back at our time together… I think I need to apologize to *you*. I’ve led you on. You were coming off of a traumatic break-up and I somehow thought it was a good idea to swoop in and fuck you and expect you not to get emotionally wrapped up in this. I’m… I’m sorry, Greg. I wasn’t careful. I wasn’t safe with you. Do *you* forgive *me*?”

I smiled, feeling a strange peace settling across me. “There’s nothing to forgive, Emma. You’re amazing.”

She smiled and took a sip of tea. “Am I still insane?”

“Oh, of course.”

“Glad to hear it,” she smirked, then placed her mug on the table. She turned to me and rested her elbows on her knees.


“So…” I repeated, leaning forward as well.

A sly grin crept across Emma’s face. “One last time?”

I smiled and nodded. “One last time.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xvrepx/i_fucked_my_friend_all_over_her_sisters_house


  1. That was the best story I’ve read!! I could feel everything this dude felt cause I loved her too!! It broke my heart!! I kinda wanna know how this dude gets thru this! I mean the sex part is awesome af but now I care about these characters!! Thanks so much for sharing such a great journey with us and please update!!!! If this is true story I would love to see a picture of this woman I fell in love with!!

  2. Ooof. This hit me hard. She was a special woman. Incredible emotional intelligence.

  3. Having been in a similar situation.. I applaud you for having the strength.. I continued to self destruct.

  4. I don’t think there was a set of stories that had me more involved then this. Hits close to home in sort of a way. Damn this one really did a number 😂

  5. I’ve got to agree with the comments section here, fantastic set of stories, rich depth of characters. I’d love to see a picture of this goddess as well.

  6. Sounds like a relationship I had with a woman I dated nearly a year. Broke my heart and self destructed myself. I’m still not completely over her. It’s been 2 years, but are getting better.

  7. I hope at the end of the next story you explain a little bit about how she ends up with your roommate/friend. I think we all have a soft spot for Emma and would like to know how she ends up finding love.

  8. Unfortunately this is what im currently goung through and i want to ask, do you feel better for going through it even tho in the end it hurt or would you have rather not gone through it at all??

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