Shutting up that bitch [F]rom my mixed soccer team

My BF and I joined a mix soccer (football if anyone outside America reads this 😘) team last summer. We didn’t really know the other players, but wanted to join the team together. I am pretty bad, but I’m trying to stay in shape.

The team captain is a bitch named Tori. She’s that girl that ”only has boys friends” and hugs everyone she meets. She’s always complaining and she wants to be the center of attention on and off the pitch. Physically, she has a pretty face, great bubble butt and literally no breast. She usually wears a sports bra, but she absolutely doesn’t need it.

You might ask, how do I know what kind of underwear she wears… because everybody does 😅. Every occasion she has, she undresses in front of everyone seeking attention. It does not matter what she’s wearing under tiny thong, laced up panties, bralettes you name it, she’ll find a way for everyone to see. She always says stuff like “I don’t get why you guys are so timid and prude like are you that ashamed of your body” or “it’s just like you are at the beach”.

Those comments felt a little bit personal since my BF and I always get there fully clothed in our team’s sport wear. I get there and leave in the exact same outfit since I see absolutely no benefit of changing before or after the game, since I am going home.

My BF couldn’t come to one of the game and I got mixed up with the time, so I didn’t have time to get dress before the match. I got there barely before tip off and hurried up to join the team. Tori was speaking to everyone as always and I was right behind her. The eyes of everyone shifted as I lifted up my shirt. I know this is a recurring theme in my stories, but let me assure you, my teammates were absolutely clueless as of what I look like.

I was standing there in my salmon bra as I looked up to everyone staring. Don’t get me wrong, that bra makes my boobs pop and it’s gives me a nice deep cleavage, so it was quite a show 😉. I heard Tori say what the fuck is going on as she turned around. I swear half the guys had their mouth half opened and their eyes widened. Tori’s BF even let out a little “woah…”, which got him the angriest eyes back from his girl.

I quickly put on our team’s shirt to cover myself up. My girl friend couldn’t help but comment:

“Girl you’re gonna poke an eye out 😂”

“Ohh don’t you worry, I have my little tricks 😘”

I extended my arms back and unhooked my bra. I wiggled around a little to find a way to remove it while my shirt kept me covered. I tossed it in my sports bag getting applause from the team. I laughed as my cold tits were clearly poking through my shirt. I grabbed my sports bra and with a little magic got it on without too much trouble. Everyone was impressed by my skills or my breast I am not really sure, except Tori who hurried everyone on the field.

We ended up winning the game and I even played pretty well. My BF joined us for the drinking after the game, he was puzzled by the new dynamic of the group. Everyone seemed to be orbiting around me, as Tori and her BF were in the corner arguing. We had so much fun and it felt so good getting back at her.

I shared what happened with my man as we walked back to his car. We jumped into the back seat as I got really turned on by taking power away from that bitch. We both got out of our clothes in no time and I jumped on top of him. I was riding him hard and I didn’t give a fuck who would hear my loud moans. My boobs were free and hitting him in the face on every thrust of his fat cock. I came as he filled me up.

From that point on, things got a lot better on the team and a lot worst in Tori’s relationship. I even got a text from him at some point, just looking to catch up. He is cute and my BF and I feel a little bad for him. What do you guys think, should we explore a little? My BF’s loves the thoughts of sharing me and I’d love to be an even bigger pain in Tori’s ass, so it seems like a win win to me 😘



  1. Love it! I can just imagine the look on Tori’s face as you pop out the big guns 😍

    Hope you get to fuck her boyfriend too 💖

  2. You are back in style with another amazing story! I wish I could have seen that salmon bra that made all the boys jaw dropped!!

  3. The best writer on this subreddit shares again! Amazing story. I can’t even imagine what that salmon bra looks like!

  4. Yes explore!!

    We can’t wait to see that salmon sports bra 😍bet it’s even better than you described

  5. Fuck, that sounds so hot. Did any teammates need a bathroom break after that? Sounds like they had some material to get a little imaginative with 😍 and that salmon sports bra just sounds like an absolute dream

  6. Hoooooott! The view must have been quite impressive to pull the attention of the whole room. ;)

  7. I can just imagine their faces if you didn’t put on the football shirt but turned around so they couldn’t see the front but only use their imagination. Best writer on Reddit!

  8. Your teammates must have loved that view, and it must have felt great showing Tori up. Definitely should explore with her bf to put her in her place!!

  9. It sounds like the whole team got lucky.. I’m sure you looked amazing in that salmon bra

  10. Lovely as usual, I can imagine how some “visual stimulation” brings a team together. Maybe you and Tori could be team captains 😈

  11. Glad Tori got put down a peg or two 💪 as always a great story! Would love to see what the rest of the team got a glimpse of or even what your boyfriend got to see… 😛

  12. Hahaha. I can only imagine what they al were looking at :) . And for the poor fella. Give him a chance to explore you completely if your bf is fine with it ;)

  13. There is no feeling that is quite like seeing a great pair of tits for the first time without a shirt.

  14. I can hardly image the show you put down for your team. Would have loved to see it myself 😬

  15. I bet the guys on the team, including Tori’s Bf, had a really nice image for themselves for later when they got home and came to the rest of the games 😂

  16. How do I sign up for this soccer league haha? Incredibly written and hot story as always

  17. Great story. Love how you went from self declared nerd to full on exhibitionist in your stories. Keep it up! Looking forward to the next read :-)

  18. Incredible as always and very teasing. It was worth the waitng and the signt of your poling nipples must have ben a wonder for the eye

  19. Love the stories! I wish I was one of the guys in that change room too. Would have loved to see your little show

  20. I bet you look incredible in that salmon bra! Great story as always! You’ve become my favorite writer on the sub!

  21. Love when toxic people get what they deserve. I’m sure her BF couldn’t keep what he saw out of his mind after this. Keep up with the stories!

  22. I bet everyone cheers you girls on with you on the team :) I know I certainly would be screaming for you. I hope I got lucky enough to be cheering in other ways today ;)

  23. I think this story is very sexy, but, most of all, funny! Even if the sight of your poking nipples must have been a wonder I think of this as I would think of Rachel’s nipples in Friends!

  24. Everyone in here is talking about the salmon bra, but I’m turned on thinking about your pokies while changing ;)

  25. Aaayy as an avid footy player this story is a dream – I definitely know the type and am cheering you and your BF on 🙌 Oof lol can also attest to how great the show must have been during your bra swap – sheesshh 😛 what a dream

  26. Wow the salmon bra and pokies what a show. Let us know if you gotten back at tori with her bf.

    This story is so hot as always.

  27. The latest chapter in the saga of the magic tits does not disappoint! If the bf gives you the go ahead, definitely go for it cause fuck Tori and her tiny tits

  28. Wow, such a hot story. If you do decide to explore with Tori’s bf, you should wear the same salmon bra for the first time!

  29. Can’t imagine how good a view that would be to get the whole room’s attention

  30. I was sure that this was going to end with a MFM with Tori’s BF.
    Maybe that’s the next chapter… update us!

  31. Every story just makes me more and more curious how incredible your boobs must be to stop everyone in their tracks

  32. Would love to know what color salmon is? A bit color blind. Mind sending me a picture to help me out?

  33. Fuck yes love it when someone like that get a reality check and kicked down a peg. Yeah definitely fool around with him if the BF keen. Really stick it to Tori 😂👌

  34. Oh man, I play sports and have been one of the guys in the background getting excited when the girls change in front of everyone. But I’ve never seen anyone change a bra under their shirt. I can’t imagine how hard you would get me pulling off those amazing moves.

  35. I wish I could be lucky enough to have you on my coed team! Dying to see you change into that uniform!

  36. Oh my God your story is amazing. It would be so incredibly hot getting to see you change into your soccer uniform, I don’t know why but I almost have a kink for girls in sports uniforms. Then to top it off your boyfriend fucking you in the car at the bar was incredible. I would love to be able to get the chance to suck on your spectacular 2 passengers while you ride my cock.

  37. Imagine it was a sports bra with a salmon graphic, not a salmon colored bra.

    Glad you were able to silence her. Hate playing with people who take recreational sports too seriously

  38. That’s pretty hot. You should share more pics on Reddit. You’re gifted, why not share your gifts with the world?

  39. Even hotter that you inadvertently cucked Tori 😂 would love to see that salmon bra if you’re up for digging it out 😜

  40. I would’ve paid to see that show you put on for your team, and double for the look on Tori’s face

  41. You gave your team two main “reasons” to make you captain! And personally I would also go for the win-win situation

  42. That’s awesome , well if you do you have to share with us how it goes 😏

  43. Sounds like you could easily make the bay watch walk on soccer field and break some necks and ruin some marriages of insecure spouses. Another great story!

  44. Okay I’ve been reading a few of your stories and the imagery and descriptions are so erotic and mind blowing. Love the writing and details

  45. I loved when one of the soccer girls on the team would change their shirt right before or after the game. I can only imagine how amazing you looked!

  46. Great story as always. I’m jealous of everyone that got to enjoy the view! ;)

  47. Send Tori’s BF a picture of you in the salmon bra and ask what he would do to you…

  48. Great story as usual. Can only imagine what it looked like to draw in the whole room.

  49. Your stories are always detailed and very descriptive. Excellent reads! Give that guy a pick me up. He needs one having to deal with that girl.

  50. Sigh… I’m always late to this party. Anyone care to pass a description?

  51. Should you explore? Well, since your BF does like the idea, be honest and ask him if it’s ok and what are the boundaries of this potential adventure (only allowed if he’s there to participate or to watch, anything goes except for emotion, etc).

    As for Tori, she’s still captain of the team, so it’s really up to you whether you like to do this to get her back for being an attention bitch. No matter how bad her relationship is due to this event, you will become an excuse and who knows what she’ll do to if she cracks in front of everyone.

  52. Welcome back! It was worth the wait ☺️ your stories are always descriptive as if I can see myself there. Would have been a hell of a view and a finish 🤯

  53. Suddenly have the urge to join a soccer team. That must have been quite the show

  54. Great story, thanks for sharing! You and your BF should definitely pursue that avenue and then tell us all about it!!

  55. I would be happy to be your teammate! Lucky people, that’s for sure!

  56. This is the first time I’ve read one of your stories, but I’m hooked.

  57. I am sure i speak for everyone when i say we would love to hear an update about this and alsobmaybe finally see what you look like

  58. Hey, if you got the goods… you gotta show them off 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry Tori!

  59. You literally got a round of applause for your boobs?! How was anyone supposed to focus on the game after that?! Hahaha

  60. Do you know someone who could do video scrapbook of the season. With a few shots of everyone, but a slo mo scene with your boobs bouncing… jiggling.. bouncing../then a GOAL /SCORE scene/team celebration scene. Maybe work some shots of your bf’s fat cock showing well in shorts.

  61. A day late on reading this. Salmon colored bra? I’d have busted in my pants

  62. That story is incredibly hot. Can’t even try to imagine you without….enough for now.

  63. Cute story! I will check out some of your other writings. I like reading stories for r/Gonewildaudio. I’ll send you a dm about it. ☺️

  64. She fucked around and found out in the most satisfying way possible lmao. Would love to see that bra

  65. you may have shut her mouth, but I’m pretty sure seeing that would make my jaw drop

  66. If you ever post a picture, you’ll definitely end up taking top post all time in this sub. 🥵

  67. I wish I played on your soccer team and had the opportunity to see you in your sexy bra!😍🔥🔥

  68. Maybe I should join a mixed sport 😅
    Probably won’t be that lucky though

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