[My] infidelity diaries: [F]inding my way back to Sabina

*This is part of an ongoing series. About me: Tall, dark hair, skinny in my youth but less so these days, with a cock on the small side of average. Oh, and for better or worse, I am a serial cheater. These are my stories — all of them real in every way, except for the names. I’m not sure what I hope to gain from writing all this down; maybe it will be cathartic for me, and hopefully it will be hot for you. Anyway, here’s what happened.*

[Shields up: This one has a long buildup. I’m not telling you where the sexy stuff starts. Feel free to abandon ship if you just want to read about fucking.]

I met Sabina when I was still in university. She was a few years older than me, and an absolute knockout. Dirty blond hair, big eyes, amazing and curvy body, and tits that looked like they wanted to burst out of her sweaters. She was Czech, and spoke with a thick, sexy accent. And she was married — but as a means of staying in the country.

I met Sabina in a bar where I was a regular. I was dating [Robin](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m0yzg0/my_infidelity_diaries_robin_makes_an_offer/) at the time — who I also met at this same bar. I can’t remember if Robin was there the day Sabina first waltzed past me, but I sure hope not, because I absolutely guarantee that I did not hide my lustful gaze. Holy shit, I wanted to fuck Sabina’s brains out from the moment I first laid eyes on her.

It would take me two decades, but eventually, I got my wish.

My first conversations with Sabina were the usual bar banter. Nothing too deep or consequential, and I honestly didn’t think she paid me much mind. She attracted a *lot* of attention from the other male regulars, though I did note that I never saw her leave with any of them. She didn’t come by the bar as often as I did, but I saw her about once a month throughout the rest of my relationship with Robin. After Robin and I broke up, I decided that I had to shoot my shot. I went to the bar the following week, hoping that Sabina would be there (and Robin would stay away). As luck would have it, I got my wish — and this time, I decided to take my conversation with Sabina as far as I could.

We left the bar together that night, and went to get a slice of late-night pizza. I had zero game at the time, though, and for whatever reason I could not take it any further — though I did manage to get her number. I set up a date with Sabina, for a few weeks later, and about an hour into it, I tried to kiss her.

“I’m not going to let you kiss me that easily,” she told me. “You made me wait when you were with Robin. Now it’s my turn to make you wait.” I left the date with sharpened resolve to see Sabina’s amazing tits as soon as possible. Then, a week later, I met Anne — and we dated for two years (though I cheated on her many times, including [with Robin](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m2h0uq/my_infidelity_diaries_robin_the_finale/)).

When Anne and I broke up, I tried to reconnect with Sabina. We even made plans for a date.

And she stood me up.

Now folks, that would usually be the end of a story like this one, but in the world of social media, even hot Czech girls you never hooked up with can still be in your orbit. For you see, it turns out that Sabina did in fact hook up with some of the other regulars at the bar where we met, and remained connected to them on Facebook. And so we eventually became Facebook friends.

Cue Act 2. It’s now 20 years since we first met. I’m married. I notice that Sabina has been liking my Facebook posts lately, so I decide to send her a message.

She responds. And we start chatting regularly.

I learn that she divorced her “husband” after getting her citizenship. She’s single. I keep things light, but I can’t help trying to see if I can finally get my long-lost wish. I suggest we meet up at the bar where we first met. She enthusiastically agrees. And this time, she doesn’t stand me up.

Though I knew from her Facebook photos that Sabina still looked good, I am floored when she walks in at how hot she is. She’s like a fucking dream. I’m sure I looked dumbstruck, because she flashes a coy smile as she walks up to me at the bar. We sit together and chat all night, catching up like old friends. Finally we leave, and start walking — toward her place. Neither of us acknowledge this fact, and I wonder if she knows I know where she lives; the only reason I knew was because one of my old friends from the bar, who subsequently moved away, had stayed with her a couple of years prior on a return visit.

We arrive at her door, and she invites me upstairs for some mulled wine. Her place is small and cramped — the kitchen and living room are one open space. I sit on her couch as she busies herself with her pot of mulled wine, and I catch her glancing at me. I decide that this is my moment. So I walk over to her in the kitchen, and lean against the counter.

Sabina turns around, and stares me right in the eye. “Be careful,” she says. “I’m a horny cougar.”

I slide my hands around her waist and pull her toward me. Our bodies press together and, after two goddamn decades, we kiss for the first time. Her tongue is light and playful, but her body is more urgent. She grinds her pussy against my cock, and I slide my hands up the back of her shirt. Her back is smooth and taut, and though my usual instinct would be to take it slow, I decide that 20 years is slow enough and I unclasp her bra, then slide my hands around to the tits I have been dreaming about.

They do not disappoint — firm but still supple. I play with her nipples under her unhooked bra, and Sabina moans against my lips. I push her against her fridge and slide her bra and sweater up above her tits. She raises her arms and I pull her top off, then grab her wrists with one hand while I slide my other back onto one of her amazing breasts.

We soon move toward her couch, and I pull her on top of me and finally get my mouth onto her nipples. She squirms and writhes against my cock as I suck on her tits, my free hand wrapped around her waist. Eventually, I slide a hand inside the waistband of her jeans, and she stops me.

“It’s my moon time, and I’d rather not,” Sabina says. My heart sinks (and not just because she literally said “moon time”).

“I understand,” I tell her. “But I need you to know that I intend to fuck you, and I’m not going to wait another 20 years to do it.”

The bad news: It turns out that I would have to wait. The good news: I fucked her three months later. But that’s another story.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xrq5bs/my_infidelity_diaries_finding_my_way_back_to