[28F] “The girl with big boobs” and the story of jerking off my first boyfriend [FM]


I’m by nature more of an introverted, quiet, quirky kind of personality. I’m a middle child, so I tend to gravitate to being the mediator in the group. I like to play board games with friends, I’m really good at that one Nintendo 64 Mario Party game where you aggressively spin the joystick around to paddle the boat, I used to think I most identified as an air bender but now I’m coming to think my personality is more water bender, and I have the patience to make a really good smore.

Growing up, I was a quirky kid. I would like to think I still am. And growing up with big boobs, you’re automatically assumed to be the easy, slutty, bad influence. But the reality couldn’t have been further from that perception. I grew up in a small neighborhood and I suddenly became “the girl with the big boobs.” Even girls that had “big boobs” were girls that were like half my size. In my town, there were several girls named Heather, but I was always the one in reference, “no, not that Heather, not the one with the huge tits.”

Maybe it was just the feeling of being the awkward teenage ugly duckling, exacerbated by my eccentric personality, but I never felt like I fit in. Boys assume you’re super easy, girls assume you’re trying to always be slutty, and even teachers start to treat you differently.

Growing up, I bucketed the world into 3 basic subgroups: (1) boys that that are indifferent to me or think I’m some bizarre freak of nature designed for a zoo, (2) shy boys who are crippled with fear and would rarely, if ever, approach me, and (3) boys who think I’m a “trophy” and they can parade their conquest to their friends that they felt up “the girl with the big boobs. To be fair, adulthood has taught me it’s a bit more nuanced than that, but this was basically my world view for years growing up.

**My first boyfriend:**

My first “boyfriend,” if you call it that, back at school was firmly in the #2 camp. We were each others first for basically everything. Holding hands as you walk home from the library, awkward kiss goodbye when you’re walked to the door, scary movie cuddle on your parents’ basement couch, etc. The only reason we met was because we were assigned to each other for a science project and so were forced to be in each others orbit to work on the project. I doubt he would have approached me otherwise. His eye contact was comically bad. I think because he couldn’t tempt his eyes to look at my chest by even looking at my eyes, he just opted to look away entirely to circumvent the whole issue. He was sweet, he was caring, and had a cute endearing shyness that felt unique amidst all the jock #3s in school.

He eventually opened up and the science project turned into movies, turned into hangouts, turned into more. Our parents were always home and so we had to get creative where we got a bit more intimate. There is this one state park preserve nearby. Big rolling hills, huge green fields, and you can venture a bit off path to areas of the park where nobody would ever see you. We would have little impromptu picnics there and make out for a bit. I remember the first time I was on top of him straddling him and I pulled up my top and let him play with my boobs. It was a like a kid in the candy store. Sucking, kissing, bouncing, and squeezing for what felt like hours. Hardly enjoyable for me candidly, but it was the first time I had ever shown a boy my boobs and he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself. Isn’t that what first times are all about?

**The action…**

Fast forward a bit and we were downstairs in my parents’ basement around midnight. My parents were already long asleep and we had finished the movie. We started making out for a bit when I felt the boner in his pants rubbing against me thru his polyester gym shorts. He was always too shy to ever make the first move and so I instigated the action. I told him to sit back in the couch and I would take care of him. My shirt was off at this point already and so I just unclipped my bra for him. I was on my knees next to him on the couch, propped up so my chest was hoisted up into his face.

“The girl with the big boobs” hosting up with the biggest boobs in the school up into his mouth. Served up on a silver platter. My left arm cradling my boobs underneath to prop them up for him and better form the cleavage. And my right hand now down rubbing his dick up and down.

His face is pressed so hard into my chest his moans are muffled by my boobs just fully encompassed and spilling around his head. He’s smothered on all sides with just overwhelming boob volume. We had done some dry humping before, but this was the first time I had ever touched him like this before skin-to-skin. He was twitching under my touch and and his legs would spasm every so often as he edged closer. No lubrication or spit was necessary with the copious amount of pre-cum leaking out. It was my first time feeling a penis too. I was scared to touch the balls much since I had always thought that was the most delicate part to be tread around. Really, my only go-to move was to just rhythmically pump the foreskin up and down and distract and disorient him with my boobs in the meantime. Boobs can hide all sins.

It didn’t take long until he groaned and moaned something along the lines about how he’s going to finish. He didn’t say cum. That would have been too explicit and forward of him. But he said he was going to finish, so I tried to hasten the pace a bit. I pulled my chest back away from his chest a bit and funneled my nipple into his mouth so he could still suck on me a bit, but still see the action underneath. And then he exploded out my hand and all over the couch, his shorts, and the carpet.

I gave him a peck on the lips after and told him that I really enjoyed it and then I went down and I gave his penis a little peck as well on the tip. I lied and I said I liked how he tastes and I darted off to grab him a wad of tissues. A few hickies strategically placed around my boobs as trophies of my own for a job well done.

**I hope you enjoyed! :))**


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xs1zhw/28f_the_girl_with_big_boobs_and_the_story_of