I fucked my best friend’s mom [MF] Part 7 – At his Wedding (Final)

For the ones skipping to this one, here’s a short summary of my life so far. Susan is the mother of my best friend, Tommy, and they lived in the same street as we did back then and it was more often than not that I’d hang around their house.

[In the first chapter](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x52fiq/i_fucked_my_best_friends_mum_mf/), I returned from my basic training in the army [M20 at the time] and got a nice and heartwarming “surprise” reception from family and friends, and it was when Susan [F45 at the time] revealed to me how sexy and insatiable she was. Only now do I realise how much she risked, but damn it was worth it. I wish my first time was with her, but honest to god, it felt like a first time to me.

[The second chapter](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x5v97p/i_fucked_my_best_friends_mum_mf_part_2/) happened shortly after, with me spending an afternoon with Tommy [M20 at the time] and then sneaking to her bedroom.

[In the third chapter](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x8xfo8/i_fucked_my_best_friends_mum_mf_part_3/), just before leaving to go on a mission for months on end, I spent the day with Tommy, my best friend, but couldn’t shake the feeling of how I missed his mom, but not him that much. The plan was for him to sleep over, and I took the opportunity to go to his house and stay with Susan instead.

[In the fourth chapter](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x9eq5x/i_fucked_my_best_friends_mum_mf_part_4/), it’s the day I’m back from my mission (in which I had my first couple of sexual encounters with other men) – and I went to see Susan, it was the first thing I did, and we fucked in Tommy’s bed, eventually breaking it. It was when I suspected she was seeing Dan as well, her ex-husband, which she denied.

[In part five](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xm3wr5/i_fucked_my_best_friends_mom_part_5_at_a_bbq/), I start to get a more “no fucks given” approach, flirting openly with girls in front of Susan, a way to get her attention if you’d like. No point in reminiscing on the root causes – we fucked in a garden shed, during my neighbours’ barbecue party from all the places.

And finally, [in part six](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xofe2r/i_fucked_my_best_friends_mum_mf_part_6_a/), the last time I was intimate with Susan before today’s story, I watched as we became an animal-like frenzy, how she was able to free herself from her own barriers, leading to a fuck session that was hard to top. And which led me to confess my love for her, to say those fucking words, “I love you” and to see my world crumble.

And for the next few years, I moved on, focusing on my army life and being single. I kept in touch with Tommy (I did fuck things up further down the line, but we never lost contact and he surprised me by asking if I wanted to be his best man – of course I wanted that honour).


This happened on Tommy’s [M27] wedding day. I had to go and check the date on the invite, not believing so many years went by already, and this was a very different Susan [F52] that I encountered. But, if you ask me [M27 at the time] I’d do it again and again and again.

Trust me, I love Tommy as a brother. Or more than that really, by the number of things we went through together. But his mom has a special place in my heart, despite having broken it before. It’s strange what happens in seven years, and now that I look back at the wedding pics (I was his best man) it’s incredible how different I looked as well. On my fucking prime (or, at least, that’s what I think).

Throughout this time, while Tommy and I remained friends, it was very rare to see his mom. She got back with Dan, and they seem happy. I took that knife to my heart and moved on.

The first hookup after Susan was wonderful, but the other that followed, well, I was setting up too high expectations, or simply didn’t understand women at all. For Susan, I was a sort of a kink that worked out perfectly, a desire she had that I was able to correspond with. At 45 she was still a gorgeous woman, anyone’s dream to be honest, and at 52 she didn’t lose any of that power. It was not about the firmness of her body or anything else, it was about confidence and sexuality.

She didn’t love me. Or, at least, I think she could have some feelings, but none that were noble enough to use me more than an escape for her, a sex toy, someone to screw her nice and hard, and it was me that went down the wrong path and confused what could have been a lifetime of great fucks with love and care.

Using this as a pretext to think about what my life has been, I don’t think I’ve been a bad person after all. I kept the truth from Tommy, and I’d do it again. I don’t love him less for that, but I’m sure he’d be pissed off with me if he find out. And he got what he wanted in the end, mom and dad together, and the girl of his dreams (which I gave him a little help with). Plenty of things happened, and it’s difficult to write an accurate and factual account when you go down memory lane, but part of me regrets I didn’t get to explore more with Tommy – sexually, I mean. While in the army I got to experiment with other men, it was with Tommy that I felt the strongest same-sex attraction – this was one of the reasons we didn’t speak for a couple of months, years before his wedding because I kissed him. And he was the person that made me see – clearly – that I’m more bisexual than straight.

But I digress.

I went with a nice, well-fitting, midnight blue suit – it made no sense to go with any ceremonial uniforms. Got to his house quite early, and helped him prep. Weddings are such chaos, I don’t understand why people go through so much just to say I love you, but this wedding was a beautiful one in the end.

One week prior, we went to his stag do, celebrating years of friendship, a nice bar, then a strip club, of course, with all the lap dances he could handle, shit, what a crazy night that was, and then partying like we were 20, going back home as the sun was high up. I was so fucked up, we uber to my place, and I crashed on the couch as he took my bed. It was evening when we got up and spent the rest of the night talking about the future. His future. Marrying Monika was, for Tommy, the biggest decision of his life and yet the one that seemed the most logical one. He was not having second thoughts, but thinking what if Monika would regret marrying him? He brought back the memories of her flirting with other guys, but I made him understand that what happened before they were a thing didn’t really matter. To the question “do you love her” he told me yes he did.

And the days just rushed into that morning, and it was Susan who opened the door of the house. His part of the wedding would leave from his parent’s house, and all the memories flooded me. She was much different and made my heart jump against my chest. We said an awkward “hello,” and she was about to leave the house to get her hair done. She kept her distance, and I kept mine, focusing on the task ahead which was to be my friend’s best mate. And I had to make small talk with Dan which was worse than biting my tongue.

I got Tommy nice and ready, and cracked a few jokes, he was terribly nervous.

“What if I’m making a mistake?”

Damn, he was fucking adorable. I hug him tightly. “Hey, no mistakes here. You two been together for so long, I’ve never seen you this happy.”

He nodded, and I let him go of my embrace, but he hugs me back. “I’m not sure,” he said, and I do my best to calm him down. This wasn’t the first marriage I was the best man of, and I’d seen this before. He was about to dedicate his whole life to one person.

“You remember that Cranberries concert?” Tommy asked me, and I told him I did. “You kissed me, remember?” Oh shit, I did. “We were drunk,” I told him, but he insisted. “What if there’s a whole world for me to explore? What if I’m unhappy?”

And I sat him down and explained to him how we can’t stop that from happening. “You’ve been happy with her for seven years. I kissed you once, I was drunk. You made the right choice.”

He paces around the room and then gets his nerves in check. Damn, he was not that skinny anymore, he was so handsome (much more than I’ll ever be). His future wife was a lucky one, and I was happy to be his best man.

The wedding reception was luxurious and his bride, Monika [F27] was a slim and tall woman, with medium-sized breasts, wide hips, and too much makeup in my modest opinion. She used to hit on me in the old days, but I showed her how much of an asshole I was and how she was so much better with Tommy. And she agreed with me on that.

Things were going smoothly, and I managed to stay away from Susan and Dan for a while, but as best man, I also had a front role, so I had to face it. She was in a pretty dress, this kind of pearl-like colour that went all the way down to her feet, and was wearing short heels. Her mom body was showing all her curves and hotness. Not like the super sexiness from a few years ago, where she used to cover much less, but she was my Susan, and I remember every inch of her body. And, in fact, the less she was showing, the more appealing to the senses.

I recall having to shift my semi a couple of times, as my memory took me back right between her lips.

They marry, and the party proceeds, drinks aplenty, a good laugh between friends, the toast, the plates. I was fucking happy. They open the dance floor with the song “I belong to you” and it was heartwarming to watch them dedicating their love to one another.

Drinks flow, and I take Tommy to the loo, he was getting a little drunk too fast, and I tell him to slow down, and as we pissed, I asked him if he still had doubts, because to me it was like he made the right decision. He told me something I’ll never forget: he will always have second doubts when I’m around, but he did the right choice.

Man, that thing hit me like a motherfucking freight train.

He heeds my advice, slows down in drinking, and fortunately, the groom doesn’t make a figure out of himself.

Later on, Susan comes around, visiting the tables, I was sitting down after a few dances, and a couple of girls were trying their lucks and honestly, I wouldn’t mind stuffing them in some hidden corner.

“So, you are making quite the success with those young women over there,” Susan said, and called them around, introducing them as Tommy’s cousins, one was like 25 and the other near 30, single, pretty. But what Susan didn’t realise was that, as soon as she sat next to me, these poor women didn’t stand a chance. I was nice to them, but not that nice they’d stay around. Eventually, we end up alone at the table as the women went to get some more drinks.

“Haven’t seen you in a while,” I told her, my heart still reminicing on how we broke up.

She only smiles at me. “What, you got nothing to say?”

And, like a mother, she knew exactly what to say. “You have a very special place in my heart, but I told you this before, and I will tell you now: all you see here, we would never have it. We could never have this. We would destroy our lives, it would be just a candle in the wind.”

She continued, about how old she was getting, how her body wasn’t the same, and how girls like Tommy’s cousins are appropriate for me. I wave her conversation away, “all these years, Susan, and I never loved someone as I loved you.”

“You need to let go.”

And I wish I could. I wish it was that simple. Tommy came around, sat between us, and kept talking, his bride sat at my side, leaned over, grabbed my arm as she started telling some bullshit story, and my eyes were burning. For some fucking reason, Susan still is my Achilles heel. Bring whatever you want, and I’ll face it. But facing a life without her was always a nightmare for me.

I got up and went for a walk in the gardens, whiskey in hand, cigarette in the other, and look over the horizon. I returned to find Susan, and asked her, “is it too late, Susan?”

She didn’t understand.

“Is it too late for us? I can tell everyone right here, right now.”

“That’s just the booze talking,” she said, whispering, and I saw the fear in her eyes.

I apologized, understanding the wreck I was becoming and put the drink away.

Don’t remember lots of things in between, but it was night when this happened.

Susan changed her dressing to a smaller one, she was barefoot in the gardens, and I sat next to her, my shirt with the first buttons open, my sleeves peeled back. Dan was there, and Tommy was there as well. I think *this could have been me. Me instead of Dan. Shit, that’s fucked up.*

Monika came along, gathering us to go dancing (again!) but she was happy, Tommy was happy, and I think I was happy too, if not for myself, for them (jeez, this is getting miserable right now, ain’t it?, too self-commiserate) and the music was a nice mix of everything you’d expect in a wedding. I saw Susan dancing with Dan, Tommy with Monika, and one of Tommy’s cousins came along, grabbed my hand, and took me. Pairs changed, groups formed, and the night moved on, thankfully. The DJ took some requests, some slower songs came along, and I was pretty wasted, and could clearly tell I wasn’t getting laid tonight, despite my semi against the cousin’s leg. She told me about her boyfriend (and I thought she was single), how he was a firefighter, and he couldn’t be there with her, and how that pissed her off. I gotta tell ya, my cock went flaccid pretty quick when I thought her boyfriend was risking his life somewhere and she was upset and flirting with another dude. Stopped being handsy straight away, danced a couple of songs with Monika, while Tommy danced with his mom, and then everyone swapped couples again, and I didn’t hesitate to take Susan in my arms. Dan was sitting in a corner, smoking and drinking with some other dudes, and she came to me.

The first music was some lame shit, but Monika put in another request, and the first music of the wedding was played one more time, this ballad from Anastacia with Eros Ramazzotti, I belong to you. Gotta say, never put much thought into that song, but shit hit me real hard. She was crying mid-song, as we danced slow and together, my hands holding her respectfully. I pretended to make a fool out of myself, making her laugh, but her hands were holding me, like grabbing, “you belong to me, forever,” and shit. I looked at Tommy, Monika was crying her heart out too, kissing him, and thank god the next song was something like Born this Way.

We let go of one another, and I thanked Susan for the privilege of dancing with her. Something in her eyes told me she had feelings for me, I could be drunk but wasn’t stupid. I won’t go so far as to say she regretted not being with me, but I don’t think she regrets fucking me anyway.

The wedding was far from our hometown, and I rented a hotel room nearby, and when Tommy and Monika went on their honeymoon, the wedding soon declined, and I ended up bringing a bottle of jack to my hotel room, suddenly not seeing Susan anymore and feeling terribly alone.

I overlook the view from the balcony, the waves crashing on the shore, while I drank directly from the bottle, and decided it didn’t suit me looking this miserable. The sun was about to rise, “Fuck this shit,” I said, and change into some shorts, and went for a run. The location was near the ocean, and nothing like a fresh salty breeze to forget your past.

But Susan rang me. I didn’t know she had my number. I picked it up while the waves touched my feet, she told me she couldn’t sleep and needed to talk to me. I told her to come around, she probably took about an hour or so, enough for my legs to become sore from running.

We meet near a rock formation, the endless pebbles of the beach under our feet. She brought a thin dress and a cardigan over her shoulders, while I was in shorts and little else, sweaty chest, hangover face. We walked for a few minutes, in silence, there were a few other people running, but it was mostly empty, and the first word she said is “sorry.”

And, while I wanted to ask “what are you sorry for?” I just leaned for a kiss. I didn’t ask for it, I didn’t beg for it, I just did it, and she took me back. Of all the things I wanted to do to her during the wedding, kissing was the one thing I needed the most, to have her back on my lips, to taste her tongue in mine, to think I was still 20 and in pure lust with her in Tommy’s bed.

It was just a kiss, but then my hand wrapped her waist, and I pulled her towards me. And her fingertips ran along my ribs, down to the waistline of my shorts, while I discovered her mom body, and all the curves I always loved.

Before I knew it, my mouth was kissing her neck, my cock was slipping from my shorts, and she begged me to stop. “Not here, there’s people.”

I wanted it there because there were people. She got that into me, the danger, the exposition, the fear of getting caught, let me show them how we fuck. “Where?” I asked, desperate, and I see the doubt in her eyes. “Shit, forgot about Dan,” I told her, getting my shirt around my waist and trying to hide my cock, slipping through the leg of my shorts.

“It’s not Dan, it’s us. This again. I came here to talk, but we won’t do any talking, will we?”

“I wanna fuck you, then talk.”

“No. We can’t. Damn it, that’s what I loved about you, and that’s a curse.”

I held her hand, the waves kept crashing closer, and the tide was rising. We walked the beach and I spotted a nearby entry, a little cave that turned out to be just enough to hide us from plain sight. “What you wanted to talk about?” I asked as we walked there, my cock throbbing.

“I wanted to apologize for the way I treated you last. I should have told you about Dan.”

“And is Dan still part of the game?”

“We’re just friends.”

And that was all she had to say. I held her hand and told her there was nothing to apologize for. “Now Susan, I wish you could see yourself with my eyes. How beautiful you are. I’m sure if I had taken my chances with you back then, I’d be still in absolute lust with you.” I didn’t try anything just yet, but I was hoping this could take us somewhere.

She told me how she never felt anything like what we had, but she had other lovers, and she called herself a slut and a whore, which made me cringe. I kissed her softly on the lips and told her she was a beautiful woman, and it didn’t matter who she fucked. What mattered was to be happy.

I took her to the little “cave” in the rocks, and she sat down, no room for both of us. I knelt in front of her, arms in her knees, and looked up. Up to that point, no woman had the right mix of motherhood and wild hurricane she carried in her eyes. She held my head, caressed my hair, gave me a soft kiss on the forehead, and then I chin up, and let her kiss me on the lips, and we started making out again.

It took forever, our mouths and tongues doing all the work. My hands slowly discovered her inner thighs, she moaned, I grunted, and as I pulled her dress back she stopped me, “I’m not trimmed down there.” It didn’t matter, I told her in gestures, one last kiss, and then I went under her dress, ripped her panties, and ate her up. I didn’t come out for air, I only stopped when she couldn’t have anymore when she was so sore from all her muscles contracting that she had to beg me for a pause. I came out under the dress with her pussy all over my face.

“I didn’t know I still could get this wet,” she whispered. My body was completely visible to the outside world, but I was loving the danger. I returned under her dress, to give her more, and I wasn’t going to let her go without a nice treatment. I felt her, time after time, contracting, clenching, flexing, moaning, calling my name, and she pulled me up, grabbed my cock, and directed me into her.

Sex in these places is always a logical nightmare. But in the heat of the moment, you don’t notice what’s going to bruise you after, how your knee goes against the rock, how your arm gets a motherfucking scratch, how her teeth bite you so damn deep it bleeds, how she broke three nails on my back as I stretched her open, and goddamn, after six years of having long-lasting sex, of taking with some women more than one hour to come, or even in many cases having to finish by myself because they couldn’t take anymore, with Susan, one minute in, and my cock was shooting.

She screams my name, and pulls me deeper, she knows I’ll continue, and for fuck sake I’m not stopping, pushed through the extreme sensibility, and kept my pace, held her tighter, she clenched her cunt, and the next five minutes almost brought me to tears, I was so fucking happy, and I watched her mouth open, my hand holding us against the bare rock, and I see how our flame has so much to burn. She was cumming because of me, and I unloaded in her, bringing back all the memories, but also showing me how we belong together.

And, as I pull out, a cop was standing next to us, and he wasn’t happy at all.

I mean, I blocked his view from Susan but my effort to hide the crime weapon was slow at best, my cock still dripping. I finally put my shirt over my cock, and apologize to the officer.

Susan came to my rescue, “it’s all my fault,” she said, but he keeps silent. There was something in his pants, a semi, I’m sure of it. There was another police officer, and he did the talking.

Basically, “what were you thinking? Get a room.”

The fear of being sent to jail vanished as the cops gave us a lesson, and how this was a public area, and whatnot. I honestly thought I’d get arrested, and that was a price I was willing to pay to be with Susan, but turned out we got away with it.

We did get a room. My room.

But we didn’t resume our fucking, and, instead, slept together, waking up late afternoon. I was spooning her and kept her in my arms until one of us had to move.

“You ok?” I asked, and she hummed, her head on my chest, listening to my heart.

We were ok. Leaving the bed was a punishment, but I had to pee. We order some food and talked over dinner. Susan explained the same things again, and I told her I understand. I asked if we could keep seeing each other, but she said it was better not. Better for everyone but us. I didn’t insist. I was happy to have her there, and if this was our last time together, I’d rather not know it.

I took her back into my arms, and we stayed the rest of the night under the blankets, talking, something we never did. We never really had the time to talk, to know each other, it has been only fucking. The sun entered the room, and she couldn’t believe it was morning already.

I kissed her hard on the lips, hard cock in hand, her beautiful body opening for me one more time. We fool around in the bed, got her nice and wet, and she got me leaking like a fountain. It was probably five in the morning, and she whispered she’d love to do it on the balcony. Fuck yeah.

We kissed all the way there, her tits on the outside, spread her legs, went down on her from behind, licking her sweet cunt like it was the first time seeing one for real, I ate her up until she begged for more, and fingers and teasing, grabbing her tits from behind, then her throat as I plunge deep into her.

This time I didn’t cum within seconds. I watched, controlling her body, penetrating the woman I loved from behind, watching her back arch as her voice went hoarse, putting on a show to the rising sun and the sea below.

I took her from behind, each stroke a new moan, my cock so sensitive – I was high on her desire, seeing her pussy creaming my dick, shit, she was the hottest thing under the sun.

We ended up falling behind on the long chair that was on the balcony and ended up breaking said chair. I flip her over, and cum deep in her cunt as her mouth was glued on mine.

And, as all good things, this came to an end. As I said, I wished I didn’t know this was our last time together. But, as well, I was glad I knew it, so I enjoyed it as much as I could. The day we check out from the hotel, we spent the afternoon together, as a couple would, went for an afternoon walk, and then for dinner. Like a fucking date. And before going back to my car, I asked her “what did you tell Dan? Isn’t he finding it strange you not being at home with him?”

She blushed. Apparently, she told Dan she wanted to be with someone for a couple of days. “So he knows about me?” She said no, but they became friends for the sake of Tommy, but it was a dead bedroom. She didn’t mind him having others, and the same was true for her. “So he knows you are having sex with someone?” and she blushes again.

“No. He knows I’m having a good time with another man, and that’s all he needs to know.”

The night was warm. The stars barely showed, as there were clouds floating above. The sound of the waves crashing made me grab her hand, and I took her to see it more closely. The moon was showing from time to time, and we hugged each other for a while.

“So, is this goodbye?” I asked, saddened.

“I thought it was goodbye all those years ago. But here we are again.”

“Can’t we keep seeing each other?”

“How will that be good for any of us?”

It took the whole world for me not to cry. “Can I still see you?”

I still remember the warmth of her body. I still remember how well my frame could take care of hers, protect her, and shield her. A big brute melting in the arms of the most precious woman on earth.

But it wasn’t written in the fucking stars.

This has been a rollercoaster of emotions revisiting Susan. Hands down, she was the one that marked me the most. After days of writing down my feelings (as suggested by some therapist, long story which doesn’t really matter), I knew this was the last time. And, because all about Susan was a sexual form, to write her in an erotic nature was what made more sense. Of all the older women I fucked, she was the Icon, the splendor, the reason. She was a woman that I love(d), but failed to grab, and I’ll be forever haunted by the *what ifs* of my past. I don’t regret anything from what I did, I regret not doing more. I regret not fucking things up with my best friend and shocking a whole community, but at least I’d have taken her. My therapist points out, very rightly, that she could have said no. That doesn’t bother me, what bothers me is not taking that step.

Thanks for coming to this soap opera of sorts. This is a closed book now.

As a sort of prologue, it took a few months to get over this again. It was like my heart wasn’t there, and that was reflected in everything I did, even my superiors had to warn me about not having my head above my shoulders.

Life moves on.

Susan accepted that we could see each other, but as friends. I took that chance, and it soothed me to be around her. Yes, we would steal some kisses from time to time, but being near helped me to cope, and to move on. It also helped to be near Tommy, and it turns out that your friends are the founding stones of your life, so you better love them back.

And this time, I was able to grow. When Susan and I stopped seeing each other, all those years back, I went on a path of self-destruction, and a multitude of endless hookups that added nothing but frustration. As I’ve been told, it’s not healthy to be this fixated on fucking in public or trying to find women that resemble Susan.

But I never stopped wanting to be with women just like her. And up to this day, it’s a high I chase. It’s not the happy ending that matters, but the journey I’d say.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xrdtk7/i_fucked_my_best_friends_mom_mf_part_7_at_his

1 comment

  1. I hope that was a bit of therapy putting this all down on paper, so to speak.

    I had to do this for an ex I couldn’t get over and led to some self destructive behavior, and it ended up being the first step in truly putting her in my past.

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