Interesting turn of events [group]

I’ve been a fan of this reddit thread for quite some time and it’s always been very stimulating to hear about the crazy, exciting sex lives of redditors all over the world. Thanks to all of you contributors that have kept me entertained over the years.

I’m a middle aged guy, married, with a wonderful sexy wife and we’ve always been faithful to each other. Don’t get me wrong, we have incredible sex and I love her, her body and everything about her. But the sexual exploits of a married couple getting it on between television re-runs hardly meets the bar around here. But, I think after all this time I may have a worthy contribution. Thanks for reading, I hope I can get some of you wonderful people horny and satisfied for a change.

So, the story starts about 17-18 years ago actually before I even met my wife. I was in my early thirties and I was in a relationship with a really sweet, sexy girl in her early twenties. We were pretty hot back then if I do say so myself. I’m a military veteran and I’ve always taken pretty good care of myself physically. I’m a bit shy of 6 feet tall and I’m always been stocky, between 215-225lbs. In my early thirties I carried some muscle and had big arms, full chest, good back and butt and strong legs. I’m always pretty tan especially during the summer and have full, dark hair.

My girlfriend back then was blonde with a light completion, big breasts that even then in her twenties were sagging a little under their weight and had a full round ass. She was very pretty, with green eyes and light freckles across her face and shoulders during the summer time. Her nipples were big and her pussy was an “innie”,a little pink slit between her legs. Back then women were always shaved smooth and she was really soft and tight. She was really cheerful and cute all the time and everyone just loved her, she was a blast to be around.

So, we started hanging out with a couple of co-workers of hers at some point, a married couple in the medical field. They were very cool people and we all got along really well, we’ll call them Steve and Rachel. They were both about my age, so we were all 10-12 years older than my girlfriend. Steve was about my size, maybe a little slimmer with less muscle and Rachel was also slim with a small little ass and a small chest to match. They were always partying and very flirtatious when drunk or stoned, which we all normally were when hanging out together.

Over time Rachel confided in my girlfriend, call her Brin, that they were swingers and had an open marriage. She also told her that Steve had a “crush” on her which kind of intimidated Brin at first. She was basically just a kid out of college and had 4-5 boyfriends in her life through high school and college, she didn’t really know what to make of the whole situation. I of course thought it was hot as hell and was totally open to exploring the possibilities. I had never had any experiences like that either, but I had a decent amount of sexual experience and let’s face it, a thirty something year old healthy guy doesn’t need much convincing when it comes to getting the green light to start screwing another attractive woman.

Brin and I talked about it a good bit while still hanging out with Steve and Rachel for a few months. She was coming around to the idea, but slowly and I knew I had to let her arrive at the decision on her own if it was going to happen and have a positive outcome for her. Steve and Rachel were very patient and respectful, putting no pressure on Brin at all. I noticed she started getting really horny whenever we parted ways with them until one night while we were fucking and I was inside of her she locked eyes with me and asked me if I wanted to fuck Rachel. Knowing I could easily say the wrong thing I paused. She continued with “because I want to feel Steve inside of me”, at which point I drove my cock deeper inside of her than it had ever gone. We had an incredible night that night, and I was thinking about Rachel too as we fucked over and over into the morning hours.

So, a few days later after Brin and I fucked like rabbits a few times a day every day due to all the sexual energy and anticipation in the air, Steve and Rachel came over to our place for the evening. I know exactly what they were wearing and the details from that night are as clear as a bell, because I still have some pictures on an old phone we all took together while outside grilling steaks when they arrived.

At some point after multiple tequila shots and having all smoked a joint I remember Steve sitting on some brick steps outside our back door leading down to the patio. He had a half empty beer bottle loosely held in his grip as we all enjoyed the buzz and warm heavy summer air.

Brin was sitting in my lap in a swinging chair ironically enough and had been rubbing my thigh which hadn’t been lost on Rachel who I had caught looking a few times at her hand on my leg and what was developing from the steady movement. Brin also wasn’t wearing panties, so what Rachel could see I couldn’t tell. I don’t know how she found the nerve, but I’ll never forget Brin giving me a mischievous glance, getting up and walking over to Steve. He was caught off guard and leaned back a little bit on the steps. Rachel looked at me and smiled, I’m sure I smiled right back. Brin put her hands on the tops of Steve’s knees, licked the rim of his bottle and dropped her mouth over the longneck of the bottle while staring at Steve. He knew at that point it was going to be a great night for him.

Brin kissed Steve deeply, unzipped his pants and pulled them off with his underwear. His cock was slightly curved up and circumcised, shorter and thinner than mine but very nice. Brin was a cheerleader in high school and college and had no trouble bending over far enough to slide her mouth over his cock down to its end. His sigh was audible and deep, he closed his eyes a little and leaned back his head. I was watching from his right side, sitting towards the back of the house so I could see the curve of Brin’s heavy breasts dipping down in front of Steve. Rachel was sitting in an Adirondack chair basically behind Brin and I could tell the way Brin’s little skirt slid up when she bent over, Rachel could see her pussy clearly. I don’t know how long I sat there watching probably with my mouth hanging open, but eventually I noticed Rachel had loosened her shorts and had her hand occupied with her pussy while staring at Brins pink slit in the air. She pinched her nipples through her tanktop as she enjoyed the view. Steve eventually took Brin’s hand, looked at me and smiled and led her up the steps to the back door of the house with only his Tshirt on. Outside of the circumstances it would have been a little comical, but his red ass from sitting on the bricks and his hard cock waving in front of him lent some urgency to the situation. Rachel got up and allowed her shorts to drop to the ground, stripping her shirt off and following them up the steps now completely naked. They all turned and looked at me from the top of the steps and Steve led the way inside leaving the door open. I think I just sat there for a moment absorbing what I had just witnessed, but then quickly gathered myself, jumped up with a massive erection pressing against my shorts and followed them inside.

Walking through the door I saw Brin sandwiched between Steve in front facing her, now completely naked having stripped off his shirt, and Rachel behind her. Steve pulled Brin’s shirt over her head freeing her breasts and Rachel reached around Brin’s front and unbuttoned her skirt allowing it to fall to the floor. Steve leaned over and put one of Brin’s nipples in his mouth and sucked deeply. Rachel dropped to her knees and parted Brin’s legs enough to begin eating her out from behind. I saw Brin’s head dip back a little and drive her hips backward into Rachels tongue. She was lost in the moment and almost seemed surprised to see me standing there when she glanced over towards the door. She smiled gently at me and turned back to Steve, I was captivated by what I was watching as I stood there awkwardly, the only one clothed at that point.

Rachel saved me. She stood up and guided Brin to the back of our sofa a few feet away and gently bent her over so her ass was facing out. She leaned over and ran her tongue around Steve’s cock head and pulled him forward slightly lowering his curve to allow his precum to lubricate Brin’s pussy further. She then slid him inside of her with Brin gasping noticeably and Steve stroking his prize from behind. She then walked over to me with her small breasts barely moving and grabbed my cock through my shorts. She made some kind of joke about me worrying about being left out, but there was no doubt who was in charge at this point.

She took my hand and walked me back outside with me admiring her firm ass as I followed. I looked back once at Brin before walking back through the door but she wasn’t concerned about me. She was gasping with every stroke Steve was delivering and loving it. I’ll always remember Rachel walking back to the Adirondack chair in the back yard, sitting back and raising one leg up over each armrest so her pussy was spread open for me, and her smooth stomach rippling slightly. I finally dropped my shorts, and took my shirt off with her looking on approvingly. My cock was very straight, not curved like her husbands, but thicker and longer. She slid her hips forward slightly to the edge of the chair, further giving me her pussy and I slid myself inside of her easily. We ravaged each other until she told me she was ready to feel my cum inside of her and we had an intense orgasm together, realizing after the fact Steve and Brin had gotten done and were sitting together in the swinging chair admiring us go at it. The night continued and was incredible, one of many that we all thoroughly enjoyed together.

Which is part one of this story. I had to tell that story to tell the actual story that prompted me sharing all of this with Reddit. So, I’ll try to write Part 2 as soon as possible, thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it so far.



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