Discovering my Exhibitionism Kink Thanks to a HOA Karen [FM]

I haven’t always been an exhibitionist. In fact, it’s a relatively new thing for me. Relative in that it’s only been in the last few years. But it’s become such a part of my life that I had forgotten how it started until I was reading one of those sites that reposts Reddit posts. This one was from r/FuckHOA and, while not sexy, was so similar to how I learned I liked to show my body. Skip to ———————————————–Here’s the Sex———————————————– if you want to just read about me getting boned and not the potentially boring back story.

Our home had sat empty for many years before we bought it. When the couple who lived here died, only one of their children remained local and they all had homes and families of their own. They kept the home only to keep the memories alive and to keep it from being developed like two neighboring farms. In fact, they ultimately kept 100 acres of land just to reach a price we could afford to see young life in the home again. Following closing, the entire family took us on a tour of the trails around the property and where their land met ours. They did, actually, write into the deed that we were granted access to their land. They hoped one day we would buy it as well, as did we.

Their 100 acres and our 150 butted up to a fairly recent development, complete with an HOA. For years, the HOA and developer tried to get them to sell, but they wouldn’t. Our house never officially hit the MLS so the sale slid under the radar. We were warned by our neighbors and the family we bought from about the HOA and their board. They had been trying incessently to buy the property and expand for a second phase of their neighborhood, but this was a family home that had more sentimental value than monetary.

Going back to the point of this story, though. I know very well that I’ve been blessed with an amazing body. Even so, I’ve never been one to flaunt it outside of the obvious views from tight shirts (which is most given my busty and thin build) or bikinis. The tree-lined trails and seclusion provided by our property relaxed me, though. On the very first Saturday we owned the property, I went for a run wearing only a [sports bra]( Steven was coming later with tools so we could start clearing the trails a bit and removing trash we found near the neighborhood. I was enjoying the solitude and air on my exposed skin when I rounded a corner and got the scare of my life.

There she stood as I came to a sudden halt. My heart was racing, and not just from running, as I stood face to face with this stranger. She had the scowl, the haircut, the entire look. There was a Karen in the middle of my woods.

“Young lady!” She immediately growled. “That attire is not appropriate. This is a family neighborhood!”

I looked around, confused.

“Uhhhhh…this is my private property.”

Sadly, I do not remember the entirety of the conversation but it came out that she was president of the HOA, had exclusive rights to these trails, and that she *knew* the owners and the land was in the process of being sold for extending the neighborhood. She refused to believe the property had been sold and clearly I was some young girl who lived in “*her neighborhood.”* She then informed me that she had better not see that much of my skin again or I would be fined, or actually, arrested for indecent exposure. If you’ve read my earlier stories, I simply cannot stand bullies. And this woman was a bully. After discussing the situation with Steven, my dad got me in touch with the corporate lawyer who gave us the contact for a personal lawyer who agreed to a quick call on a Saturday. His advice was to secure the property as best we could, post no trespassing signs, and tempting though it may be, don’t strip naked in front of her because she told me I was showing too much skin.

Fair. With the help of our neighbors, family, friends, and the children of the previous owners who were still around, we spent the following weekend building a fence and repairing the old one where we could. We had a survey done and found where some of the people in the neighborhood had extended their yards by clearing the woods. We piled brush and closed off the access the HOA Karen was clearly using to access the woods. In the process, we met a young couple around our age whose house backed up to the woods and they even joined in to help to spite her. To this day, we’re still friends with everyone who helped that day.

I may not want to be arrested for indecent exposure, even if I have an expectation of privacy on my own property, but from that point on my view on proper dress changed. [Mountain biking](, [swimming](, [hiking/walking](, anything and everything was done [braless]( and/or in the [tightest/sheerest]( clothes I could find. Basically, if I could show more skin than necessary and still be clothed, I wore it. Ultimately, the cops were called numerous times by both parties and no matter how many times she was told it was our property, she lived in the delusion that it was part of her kingdom and that it couldn’t have been sold. Our lawyer even sent letters to both her and the HOA, certified and sign for by her both times, and subsequently ignored.

———————————————–Here’s the Sex———————————————–

It all came to a head a year or so later. We were in the early stages of suing Karen and the HOA and trying to get a restraining order. I had found an [old pink tank top]( at home one day from back in the days when I was but a C cup and it just barely covered my nipples. Of course, I had to wear it. We began to learn exactly what time Karen walked our trails and would deliberately bike or walk at those times. We were up early on this Saturday and I watched how Steven pouted every time I pulled the tank top back over my nipples as we walked. Thanks to our friends in the HOA neighborhood, we learned that Karen’s boyfriend was the one who kept rebuilding the tree stand deep in the woods every time we tore it down. We climbed into it, ready to set our plan into action. Not knowing just how far it would go.

The tank top slid completely under my DD cup breasts as I climbed, and I no longer had reason to hide it. The tree stand was off the trail, and high enough you couldn’t see into it but we could see the entrance to the trail. On this day, I wore nothing beneath my gym shorts and my juices were already dripping down my legs as I ripped Steven’s shorts down. I knew he had a raging hard on the whole walk from watching my nipples and tits slip out of the tank top. And like any man, my tits were his kryptonite. He began to lick and suck on them as I slid the straps over my arms, letting the cloth only cover my belly. I slid my shorts down letting my wet pussy feel the breeze that blew through the trees.

Foreplay wasn’t necessary to get either of us ready as I gently stroked Steven’s cock while we kissed deeply. The precum was leaking from him and I spread it around his head with my finger. With one last glance at the time, I nodded to him and used our clothes to pad my knees as I got on all fours. If Steven had his way, he’d face me every time we fucked just to see my face and to see my tits bounce with his thrusts, but this time it was imperative for us both to have clear sight of the break in the fence.

Steven positioned himself behind me and slid into me effortlessly. I moaned out loud, not trying to cover it. I’m a loud moaner and a screamer when I’m not trying to hold back, and today was not a day to hold back. Without exaggeration, my moans echoed as he repeatedly filled my tight pussy. His motions were powerful and deliberate, spreading my lips and stretching my walls as his balls slapped against my clit. I shivered as he filled me. My clit was being teased by his balls with each thrust.

What we had figured out was that you had to be completely within our property to hear us, and as Karen began her daily walk, she was none the wiser. We watched as she smugly entered through the thrice broken fence and began to meander through the trails, growing ever closer. The anxiousness of being caught and the excitement of her hearing us was overwhelming. My body tensed while Steven grabbed my hips and pushed deeper inside me.

“Fuck. Yes. Yes. Oh God, yes. Just…mmmmmm…yes…keep going. Yes baby. Fuck!” I screamed, watching the motion on the trail below.

Karen’s head perked up as she walked. She was close enough now.

“Aaaaaahhhhh…Shit. I’m cumming….aaaaaaaaahhhhhnnnnnnnngggggggggg.”

My head hit the floor as Steven continued to pound me through the orgasm. I screamed as the pleasure was more than I could bear through the afterschocks and I tried to pick myself up. Karen was looking around, shouting something but her words were muted by my moans. I moaned and writhed as we watched her walk away, looking for the source of the sound. Not knowing we were well hidden in her boyfriend’s tree stand off the trail.

She was out of sight when I pulled away from my lover and rolled over. Letting him get the view he loved while still being able to keep an eye out. He was quickly inside of me, filling me completely as his hard and fast thrusts sent shivers through my whole body. He bent down to nibble on my nipple and I began to rub my clit as he fucked me hard and deep. My moans grew louder still as he didn’t hold back on his motions and had complete access to my body.

Steven lifted himself up from my nipple, panting, as he pushed into me with all he had. My big tits bounced with each thrust into my body. The tension we held could be felt by the other as he pushed himself to the limit. I began to scream out with pleasure as I rubbed my clit furiously.

“Come with me baby! Mmmmmm…fuck you’re so good. You’re…my…oh shit…you’re going so deep babe. Fuck. Steven! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”

I screamed out loud as Steven groaned, releasing his seed into my body as I clamped down tight on him. He continued to move in and out of me, slowing as he released his load into me through the aftershocks of my orgasm.

“Yeah, she totally was in ear shot of that.” Steven panted. “But she’s gone.”

We could hear Karen’s door slam closed as we gathered ourselves, momentarily unable to move. We opted not to dress, knowing we were in the clear and began to climb down the ladder when we heard voices.

“Do you think they’re in my tree stand?”

We rushed down the trail and back to the house. One of the things I love about Steven is how silly and child-like he can be, and upon returning he grabbed the OG Super Soakers we found and we started a war. Hence the wet spot on my tit and chest in the tank top picture. As we played, we soon heard a car pulling up the drive and the two of us darted into the house to hide. Karen, in all her infinite wisdom and delusion, began to open the barns and searched for us. I could hear her through an open window mumbling to herself, not knowing that months before we had set up security cameras.

Though we just planned to have a little fun together and mess with Karen, we had no idea she’d lead herself to getting arrested that day. There’s a lot more little details I’ll answer in messages or comments if anyone asks, but after that day I was mostly free to [ride the four wheelers](, walk/hike, bike, and [skinny dip in the pond]( as much as I’d like. Especially now that the court case is over. :)



  1. Getting yourselves off to get Karen off your trails…nice.

    It still seems like Karen got off easy after ignoring your lawyer and repeatedly vandalizing your property.

  2. Wow! That’s a horrible, and incredibly erotic story! Your pictures only help with the turn on!

    I’ll be thinking about it every time I go out naked on my property!

  3. Just wanna say I really enjoyed the story (….and your illustrations)!

    Fuck HOAs! And the Karens they rode in on.

  4. Sorry you had to go through all that trouble to be able to be naked on your own land, but makes for a great story on reddit:) Sounds like you guys are living the naked dream now!!

  5. That’s amazing! Sounds like there needs to be a sex tree house built deep in the woods!

  6. Ok the sex was fun but fucking with the HOA was awesome lol I skipped the sex and read all about the HOA Karen. Dude you guys rock 😆 I would totally have done the same thing.

  7. Read your story. Very hot. Then I saw your username, and you became even hotter. So glad I choo choo choosed to read it.

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