[40M25F] giving into failure [sort of Noncon, hatefucking, pregnancy, lactation, finally breaking]

(Hey everyone! This is a followup to my previous story –
https://www.reddit.com/user/ddrhererdd12/comments/xn0ikj/passing_your_last_class/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share and a desperate attempt to actually finish a story I started :) let me know what you think!)

That end of semester was a low point for you, watching all your friends graduate, picking up their diploma. And you were stuck going back next year, with the same professor. You couldn’t even think of a way to get the police involved without ruining yourself. Everyone in your family would disown you for those videos, and no one would believe him.

The morning sickness made it even worse. Knowing that he claimed you, that he put something inside of you that would be there forever. You just hoped you’d be able to graduate before you needed to start worrying about the baby.

So you prepped. You read all your notes that entire summer, holing yourself in your shitty little apartment. Doing nothing besides working and studying. You even missed everyone else’s going away parties you were that focused. You did not have any other choice; this last semester was your last shot.

You were there right on time, sitting front row, staring daggers at him the entire time. And he humiliated you, didn’t he? Using you as an example of what not to do, showing your work with your name still on it. That last exam, the mark of how close you were. You were so flustered you could barely focus.

Still, some changes made you hopeful. The school put into place anonymous tests, so professors couldn’t grade them based on the student. You were safe from that. And if you could get high enough grades on all of your exams, you might even be able to have enough of a buffer for the newly added final presentation. It would be close, but you were confident.

At least until you got home from work that night. You started studying, just as usual. But there was a distraction you couldn’t get rid of. Your body was sensitive, you felt a pressure that you really needed to release.

You were horny. He still had that power over you.

You flop down into bed, all the lights off, your face covered. Trying to mask the shame you felt as you remembered the collar around your neck, how his mouth felt on yours. And how wet you were when they told you you failed. How awful it was, but how you couldn’t stop it. Finding out he not only took control of your future away from you, but control of your body as well.

Hours later, when you wake up in a puddle of your own wetness, you start to work again, barely squeaking through what you wanted to get done.

This happened again and again, night after night. The swelling, sickness, and extreme hormone production a constant reminder of what happened.

Acing your first test didn’t even make it stop. But you pushed on through it. His face in your dreams, a phantom of his cock in your slit. You even named a toy after him, didn’t you? Although you’d never admit it.

You were doing so well, weren’t you? Every test near perfect, building up such a buffer that only a 0 on the group project would fail you. Everything was under control.

Until he found you alone. He didn’t do much, just came up behind you as you were walking alone one night. He wrapped his hands around your now extremely swollen belly and moaned into your ear about how perfect you looked carrying his child, how he had called his wife your name when they fucked and how hard it made him. And how he couldn’t wait for you to fail so he could put another one inside you.

You were up all night weren’t you? Long after your toy ran out of batteries, long after your hand had gone numb. Your cunt was on fire. You needed the real thing.

You went to his office hours the first time that semester the next day, determined to remove this ache from your body. You even brought him back to your house after he told you his wife would be home.

Fuck was he rough with you. The only places that avoided bruises was your stomach. Your cunt was hit with a ruler hard enough to make you scream, even as you came. Your ass was red, cross marked with welts. Your ass the new home of your toy. He saw the engraving on it too, didn’t he pet? That you’d been thinking of him this entire time? You told him that he was better.

He played with your perfect tits hard enough to make them start to lactate, another thing he so effortlessly coaxed out of you. You were his. When he finally came inside you again you told him you loved him.

The next day was your final presentation. And as your group got up to present you were nowhere to be found. No one knew where you were, except your professor, who sat at his table with his cock down your throat.

Of course you failed again. That was your place in life. You had earned this. But at this point it didn’t matter to you. You had been so fucking desperate for it that that night broke you, didn’t it?

At least the shitty apartments on the outskirts of campus were cheap, and people were used to the sounds of students fucking. You’d fit right in, working your dead end job, taking care of your children. And being the best fucking fleshlight you could for the man you loved.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/xoyniv/40m25f_giving_into_failure_sort_of_noncon


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