(32)[F] – (22)[M] Intern at work – The Da(n)lliance

Sorry! Still very behind on the updates. These are the continuation of the events that happened more than a month ago.

This picks up from where the previous part left off. You can read Part 20 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xktpvi/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_cuck_bitch/)

**Part 21 is below**

I drove to work deep in thought reminiscing about the things that had happened today morning. My emotions were totally conflicted – On one hand the dominatrix in me derived vicious pleasure from humiliating my hubby, but on the other hand I was afraid that I would be unable to separate fantasy from reality and take things so far that my relationship with my hubby would never be the same and possibly lose all respect I have for him. I was not sure what he meant by ***’You can go a lot further’*** and whether it went as far as that extreme cuckolding stuff I had read on the internet. I doubted if I had it in me to take it that far, but I decided I was going to try but only till the weekend. I was willing to continue it as a [stag/vixen](https://metro.co.uk/2018/06/04/stag-vixen-sex-super-popular-different-cuckolding-7603612/) kind of relationship and was hoping to convince him of the same after the weekend.

I walked to my desk still wrestling with these thoughts. I quickly started trying to finish up all the pending work trying to free up my afternoon. I pushed away all non critical items to next week along with these conflicting emotions. I decided to focus on the upcoming meeting with Eric and started getting excited thinking about the possibilities – Maybe on seeing me in a saree he will actually touch me, maybe lift the saree and squeeze my butt or just maybe he will get so horny he will throw me on the desk and take me right there. About 15 minutes before the meeting was to start, I pinged him.

*Me (Ping) – “Hey, hope you are already at work. Got a surprise for you. Catch up at your place right?”*

*Eric (Ping) – “How about your place today, boss. I think my usual place will not work today..”*

My office was not the most convenient, especially today being a Wednesday (middle of the week), the floor was relatively full.

*Me (Ping) – “Why not your place? It seemed very convenient the last couple of times.”*

*Eric (Ping) – “Why don’t you come and take a look. You will understand, boss.”*

I went to his floor to check out the situation and I immediately understood why Eric said that. Instead of the usual secluded floor, it was jam packed with people. Almost every single desk was occupied. I walked into Eric’s room and luckily he was still the solo occupant, but there was absolutely no way anything was happening here today. His face lit up with a big smile when he saw me.

*Eric (Soft whistle) – “Wow, boss! You look sizzling in that saree.”*

I could see him thoroughly checking me out, making me blush and causing my pussy to get wet.

*Me – (Posing slightly for him) – “Guess you like the surprise then?”*

*Eric – “Absolutely love it. Too bad the floor is so crowded today.”*

My pussy got wetter as my mind immediately wondered what he meant by that and what he would have done if the floor was empty like last week.

*Me – “If the floor was not crowded then …?”*

*Eric (smiling slyly) – “We could have had a more intimate discussion, boss. I would have stripped the demo down to the basics.”*

My pussy turned into liquid by the obvious suggestiveness of the words.

*Me – (Stuttering) – “Where….Where did all these people come from suddenly?”*

*Eric – (Shrugging) – “It was empty till yesterday. It seems the team on this floor have some major in-person meeting today.”*

I silently cursed this team for choosing this day to have this in-person meeting as Eric proceeded with the demo. It was flawless as usual. He had even ironed out some minor issues I had pointed to him the previous day. My heart sank since with that demo he had completed the entire project and this might be our last meeting.

*Eric – “Ok it’s now your turn boss to talk about the next part of the project.”*

*Me – (Quietly) – “Actually that was the end of the project. There is no next part.”*

*Eric (Surprised and taken aback) – “Oh! For real?”*

*Me – “Yes. You finished the work way quicker than I had estimated. Outstanding work. I would have to release you back to the intern pool, so today or tomorrow might be my last day as your boss.”*

*Eric – “Wow. I did not expect that.”*

*Me – “You still have nearly a month left on your internship. I will give you excellent ratings. You can easily pick up another project. It will add valuable work experience.”*

*Eric – “Thanks, boss. I feel a little conflicted that you will no longer be my boss. I really enjoyed working with you.”*

Welcome to the club. You are not the only one with conflicted emotions today.

*Me – “It was great working with you. We still have our dinner to look forward to today.”*

*Eric – “Definitely. I was planning to head to the gym now. Do you want to join like the other day?”*

I was more than happy to join him at the gym, hoping my frustrated pussy will have better luck like the other day. I had to walk past the gym floor to reach the women’s locker room. All the guys stopped and stared at me as I walked past which was a definite confidence booster. My bad luck unfortunately continued to follow me at the gym. It was way more crowded than the other day and there was very little opportunity to interact with Eric. Though I did ask him to help with some of the routines, he was way more reserved in touching me compared to last time, almost like he was teasing me and increasing my frustration.

*Eric (Winking) – “Will I be getting some more photos by accident today, boss?”*

*Me (Smiling) – “Maybe.”*

Unfortunately it continued to rain more bad luck as the locker room was full of naked women and there was no way I could take any photos. I cursed my luck and quickly showered and wore my saree back, this time wearing it a lot lower and exposing more of my midriff, hoping to get a reaction out of Eric who I knew was waiting at the entrance of the gym.

*Eric – “I always wondered how the saree even stands in place. Anyways I wanted to check if you wanted to join for lunch.”*

*Me (Blushing) – “Maybe I can show you how to drape a saree sometime. Sure, I would love to join you for lunch.”*

*Me – “Dan would also be there.”*

I winced as it seemed fate was intent on cock blocking me today at every turn. We walked to the nearby building which had a large food court with multiple options on their lower floor. Both of us went to pick up food from different counters and were walking back to an empty table, just as Dan also came in with a tray of his own food.

*Dan (Smiling) – “Hot damn.. Wow! I am usually not at a loss for words, but you look absolutely fantastic in the* ***’Desi Kudi’*** *look.”*

*Me (Hugging Dan) – “Thank you. Someone seems to know their way around Indian languages.”*

*Dan (Laughing) – “I dated an Indian girl for a few weeks, so I picked up a few words here and there.”*

*Eric (Grinning) – “I don’t think I would call that dating. You guys were just all over each other all the time.”*

*Dan – “Haha. True that. Who knew that the shy Indian girl would turn out to be such a nympho-freak in the bedroom. (Turning to me) Are all Indian girls such freaks in the bedroom?”*

I blushed hard at his question, but when I remembered the events of the last few days, calling me a freak might be an understatement.

*Me (Coyly) – “That is for you to find out ;)”*

*Dan – “Ooh! I would love to find that out. Your place or mine?”*

I noticed Eric glaring at both of us as we were flirting with each other and I thought I could detect a tinge of jealousy in him. I decided to push his buttons a little. This conversation was getting me a little wet and my frustrated pussy was in the driver seat.

*Me – “Haha, I guess my place. I have a pool in my backyard. We can have a pool party on one of the weekends. Both of you are invited.”*

*Dan (Laughing) – “Cool. It is going to be an* ***’awesome threesome’****. Oh wait, you are married. ‘****Awesome foursome’****.”*

*Me (Blushing) – “Haha. It should be fun. We have a bunch of inflatable pool toys too.”*

*Dan (Winking) – “Yup, we will make sure the pool toy is* ***’***[airtight](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=airtight)***’****.”*

I nearly choked on my mouthful on hearing that. My fevered imagination was running wild imagining me getting all my holes filled at the same time by the three guys. I looked over to see Eric glaring a little more at both of us.

*Me – “Was it an* ***’awesome threesome’*** *on that Indian girl?”*

*Dan (Laughing) – “Nope. I was just kidding. We have never done* ***’that’****. I suppose we are still waiting for the* ***’One’****. I alone was more than enough for the Indian girl.”*

*Me – “Oooh!!! So you are some kind of a big stud?”*

*Dan – “I am as unique as they come, baby.”*

*Me – “What is so unique?”*

*Dan (Grinning) – “Haha, now that is for you to find out.”*

Eric’s phone rang and he reluctantly excused himself stating he had to take this call, leaving both Dan and me alone at the table. This was the second time that I heard there was something unique about Dan’s cock, which definitely whetted my curiosity, especially in my aroused state. I also had a feeling he was just lying so I decided to call his bluff.

*Me – “Sure. Let me find out then.”*

*Dan (Smiling) – “Haha all the more reason to have that pool party.”*

*Me – “Why wait? I was thinking more like I want to find out right now. (Smile getting wider) That is if you are man enough.”*

I watched as the smile on Dan’s face turned into a look of shock..

*Dan (Sweating and weakly) – “Errr….. Are you serious?”*

*Me (Coolly) – “Yes of course. Don’t worry I am not asking you to show me right here. You see the corridor which leads to the restrooms. I know there is a family restroom over there. So your call.”*

Dan quickly got up and held his hand out. My hands were sweaty when I put my hand in his and stood up. Eric was still busy on his phone standing quite some distance away from us, turning away, oblivious to what was happening at the table. Dan was now calling my bluff and there was no way to back out now. We quickly walked and reached the restroom door as Dan coolly opened the door ushering me inside first and locked the door behind him. My heart was pounding in my chest and my pussy was pulsing madly as we stood facing each other.

*Me – (Stammering) – “Now….Now what?”*

*Dan – (Smiling mischievously) – “If you want to find out, you have to do the work. (Pointing to his pants)”*

I hesitated as this would be another line in the sand I had not crossed in my married life. I wanted to turn and run away, but I was unable to keep my curiosity in check. With trembling fingers I reached over and unbuttoned his pants and tugged it down, followed by his underwear. His flaccid cock came into view. It was about 4 inches long and not much bigger than my hubby. I looked up at Dan with a confused look on my face wondering what was so unique about it.

*Dan (Smiling) – “As I said, you have to do the work. (Indicating he wanted me to stroke it)”*

When I started my day, I was hoping to see a cock today , but not even in my wildest dreams did I think that it would be Dan’s cock. I trembled with uncertainty, as this was a very big decision time for me. It would be the first time in my life I would be touching a cock other than my hubby’s. I reached out almost touching it and then pulled my hand back a couple of times in hesitation. I finally took a deep breath and then put my hand gently on Dan’s cock easily encircling it with my fingers. Almost instinctively I started stroking it eliciting a low moan from Dan. Then the magic started happening. His cock started growing in my hands, getting harder, longer and thicker. Every time I thought that he should be done, to my amazement it grew some more and just kept growing. When it finally stopped, I looked up at Dan in complete shock, unable to believe how that tiny thing had grown so large. It was one of the longest and thickest cocks, way way bigger than my hubby. It was so thick that my fingers could not encircle it completely anymore and there was a clear visible gap between them. The surface was covered with large visible veins and I could feel every ridge as my fingers glided over it. It curved upwards quite significantly like a banana with a very large circumcised head. It felt heavy and meaty in my hands as it gently throbbed between my fingers, almost like it had a life of its own. I finally understood what a real cock felt and looked like. I was extremely aroused and my pussy had pretty much turned to soup by this point. My pussy was spasming continuously and I could feel my juices snaking their way down my thighs.

*Me – (Heavy whisper) – “Wow. Wow. Wow. ..That was Impressive.”*

*Dan (Glowing with pride) – “You did not expect it to get that large, right? I am a* [grower](https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a22729802/flaccid-penis-grower-vs-shower/) *and a big one at that.”*

*Me – (Still whispering) – “How big?”*

*Dan – “It is right there on it.”*

I looked at him confused, when he indicated the spot at the base of his cock which was covered by my fingers. I noticed a small number 9 tattooed on his cock at that spot.

*Me (Shocked) – “9 inches. Wow! That is huge! But why do you have it tattooed ?”*

*Dan – “Guess when you are young and plastered and owner of a penis, you do some crazy things.”*

I continued to stroke his cock almost instinctively even though it was already completely hard. The curve on the cock was quite impressive.

*Dan – “The magic is in the curve and the ridges. It would hit all the sweet spots inside your pussy, because of that curve. I had one girl practically orgasming non stop on my cock.”*

My pussy gushed on hearing those words.

*Dan (Smiling) – “Now that you have done the* ***’hard work’****, maybe you want a little taste?”*

I had mixed feelings about giving Dan a blowjob. It was extremely tempting to suck on that huge monster cock and my pussy was practically willing me to, but somehow I had this weird feeling that it would be like cheating on Eric. He was the one I really wanted to truly fuck and Dan was just a welcome distraction who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Dan was gently goading me and I was so mesmerized by that giant cock in my hands that without realizing it I brought the head close to my mouth. I was about to open my mouth and wrap my lips around his huge cock when my phone rang and inside the enclosed space of the bathroom it felt deafening. It was my manager and he seemed to have this knack of calling at the most inopportune time. I picked up the phone to hear his panicked voice at the other end. Something extremely urgent had come up which needed my immediate attention. Dan groaned as we walked out of the bathroom, back to the table. Eric eyed both of us suspiciously.

*Eric – “Where were you guys?”*

*Me – “Just gone to the restroom. Anyways can we leave now? Something urgent came up at work.”*

*Eric – “Sure, boss.”*

As we walked back to our workplace, I mentally kept kicking myself for getting into that situation with Dan. Knowing him, he definitely is going to tell Eric about it which might make things awkward. Though I had been annoyed with my manager at that time, I actually was a little grateful as it was only his phone call that stopped me from giving Dan the blowjob. Arrgh only if I was not cock blocked at every turn today, I probably would not have been such a horny bitch at lunch and would not have flirted with Dan.

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xooide/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_danlliance

1 comment

  1. Things get more and more interesting. Thank you for always adding some interest to the week with a new post! Can’t wait for the next.

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