Guy [F]lew me out for sex

I posted a few days ago about how I had let this older guy Doug fuck me while on vacation with my family in Mexico. He was also there on vacation and he was really rich. He got me drunk one night and was asking me how much it would cost to sleep with me. I ended up fucking him that night and the morning after. I later found his number on a scrap of paper that he had left in the cash he gave me.

It wasn’t until a couple months later when I was headed back to college after the summer that I found his note again and decided to shoot him a text. He responded quickly and over the next week or so we messaged regularly. He kept saying how much he wanted to see me again and I can’t lie I was turned on by the thought of spending time with him again and I would constantly think about him while I was masturbating. Eventually he said he was done waiting and offered to fly me out to Colorado where he lived. It wasn’t first class or anything but I can’t lie I jumped at the opportunity to get away for a weekend especially spending it with him who I had been fantasizing about! I probably would have even done it for free but we negotiated a flat rate for the weekend and then I packed up and headed to the airport! My heart was racing the entire time I was so excited!

He was a gentleman all weekend, he took me to dinner and showed me off which made me so horny. He would tell me that I was such a good little girl which would always get me horny and he would often take the time to eat me out before fucking me and we fucked a lot! His house was pretty big and we fucked in every room lol we even fucked outside on his patio where we might’ve been seen! He had a hot tub too and it was amazing at night just relaxing with him there. It was one of the best weekends of my life and I was honestly sad when I was leaving. He flew me out twice more to see him over the course of the year and then he ended up getting into a relationship and told me he couldn’t talk to me anymore. I was sad but also happy that he had found someone. I still think about him a lot and wonder how he’s doing and recently I’ve been fantasizing a lot that he’ll see these stories and decide to reach back out cause I really miss our fun weekends. Thanks for reading, if you’re interested in hearing more about my experiences leave a comment!



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