[F] I (F46) had a secret affair for 8 months. It revitalized my sex life with my husband [PART XI: What’s Happening?]

*** This is Part 11 of the saga I started writing a while ago about my affair with Keith, which I started here: https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u33z2w/f_i_f45_had_a_secret_affair_for_8_months_it/ . I recently got back in touch with Keith after 5 years… Here’s what’s been happening in the last few weeks when I haven’t been posting at all.

I’ve been taking a break in my posts, using some time away from reddit to reflect on what I have and what I want, and how to make the best of the overlap between those two things. Several of you commented on my last post, when I was considering hooking up with Keith again. Most of you urged me not to. Thank you for helping me think it through and decide not to act. I think it was the right call. I think I have to accept that having naughty fantasies doesn’t mean having to act on them. My life with Scott is amazing, and though I think it’s natural to yearn for novelty, I appreciated your perspectives on what really matters.

All to say, I thought that was the end of my storytelling. But maybe my storytelling will just have to change into an exploration of my thoughts and maybe fiction, rather than real, lived nonfiction. Also, two small developments have occurred, and it has made my resolutions to be good a bit more complicated (even though I’m still 100% not to stray).

First, after my last post, when Keith seemed pretty uninterested in resuming anything, his messages started changing character, and he was soon sending me emails that expressed nostalgia for our affair. These started off kind of romantic, but when I was non-committal in my responses, keeping things friendly but no more, Keith started to write more explicitly about some of our more exciting times. He’s not a good writer, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find it pretty arousing to see those words and relive those images. It was frankly exciting to see how he remembered it and it felt nice to read about how attracted to me me he’d been, how much I satisfied him sexually. I reluctantly stopped responding, i didn’t want to encourage him, and then he started propositioning me for a “reunion.”

Don’t worry, I told him no. I wanted to admit to him that I was so tempted, but I held back. But my body was telling me how I really felt. Reading his message, I felt myself melting. I mean, I literally soaked through my underwear and had to withdraw to the bathtub to clean up and make myself cum. Now that I’ve taken some time to think it through, I’m glad I didn’t seriously entertain taking Keith up on the offer, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about what we’d do together if I had.

The other development was that I accidentally came across Scott’s (my husband) reddit account when he was logged in. I had to print something and his computer is wired to the printer, so I asked him if I could use it for a bit. He said yes and went out to the park with the kids. That’s when I noticed that he had an “incognito” window open on reddit, and I couldn’t resist. It was interesting, to say the least. I know it was bad of me to look, but I couldn’t stop myself.

Luckily there was nothing compromising, or not really. Scott’s cache of “saved” posts was quite full, I didn’t check it all out, but it was relatively tame. I discovered a few of Scott’s unspoken “interests,” if you know what I mean. Some of his favorites confirmed what I already knew about his preferences. There were lots of pics and gifs of women with bush, especially taken from behind. I know that the sight of me from behind always made Scott super horny. There were lots of gifs of women getting eaten from behind too, something else I know he loves doing, though it only happens once in a blue moon–no pun intended. But some of the other things I learned from Scott’s reddit were news to me.

He had a lot of images of women with semen on their clothes or their ass. I knew a lot of guys have a thing for the sight of cum and cum play, to be honest it always seemed a bit weird to me for straight guys to find it so hot (my ex Graham was super into cum stuff). But nothing about Scott had prepared me for how much he seems to be into it. The subreddits Scott subscribes to were also revealing, and surprising.

The trick is what to do with this information. I definitely don’t want to embarrass him and I’d rather not let him know I saw what I saw. But I feel that there’s an opportunity here and I want to think about how to take it. I already started. Later on the night that I saw his account, I asked him to give me a massage, which I know is always his chance to ogle my butt and get himself real turned on. I encouraged him by making myself more accessible, without saying a word, and soon enough I was propped ass-up and face-down on the bed while he held me by the thighs and licked me. Fuck, that was fun.

I’m less sure about acting on Scott’s cum-play interests, but maybe some tame version would give him a kick. But I’m not quite sure how to go about it, he’ll definitely be suspicious if I just suddenly start doing something way out of the ordinary.

Also I was curious about anything Scott might have posted on reddit, but either he deletes everything or he never posts anything. Except once. There was something on a r4r site about wanting to chat about professor fantasies (Scott’s a college prof). It didn’t look like he’d gotten any responses, but the fact that he posted it was … weird to know about. It gave me a complicated feeling. On the one hand, it kind of sucked seeing he’s trying to communicate with other people. I know this might sound hypocritical, considering I like to chat on reddit myself. But it’s what it is. On the other hand, I was curious about what would happen if I responded to him from a fake account. It was kind of exciting to think about, though I decided against it. I might learn something I didn’t want to learn. I even considered asking some of my loyal female reddit friends/dirty penpals to write to him instead of me, just to excite him. But I’m not sure about that, if it’s a good idea.

All to say, finding Scott’s open reddit account gave me lots to ponder. It was most probably a one-time thing, I’ll probably never get the chance to see it again. I will admit to friending his account to see if he posts more. So far (two weeks later) nothing.

So, this is what’s up with me these days. It’s nice having this to think about instead of Keith. How to use this info about Scott in a way we’ll both like, but without letting him know I know.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xnu42u/f_i_f46_had_a_secret_affair_for_8_months_it