Nice way to start a weekend break with Friend [F]

My long term FWB [25F] and I [30M] went on a weekend break, we have been fucking on and off and inbetween relationships for around 4 years now. We decided to go away for weekend city break, have a nice chilled time, few drinks and nice meals etc
We arrived at the hotel and it was a small place so only had one reception desk and one person working behind it, well thats when it got exciting. The receptionist was fucking Stunningly beautiful and had an incredible body, to this day i visible remember what she was wearing, a White shirt that was pretty tight undone at the collar, Black tight skirt just above the knee and then some black tights.
Now my FWB, She loves a hot woman as much as i do so i knew she was getting turned on and a little wet.
As we checked in and both pretty much drooled over this receptionist, we then walked to the elevator and proceeded to our room, the conversation in the elevator was pretty much us both saying “holy fuck how hot was she” and basically how much we would’ve have loved to fuck her.
We got to the room and the conversation continued and we both got so turned on that we had to just rip each others clothes off and kick the weekend off with a BANG ! .. We had a great fuck, was very intense due to the built up tension and we both admittedly was thinking of the receptionist and laughed about it, we finished and cleaned up, got changed and then proceeded to explore the city .. We never saw the receptionist again as it was someone different the following 2 days.
