(32)[F] – (22)[M] Intern at work – The Cuck Bitch

Sorry! Still very behind on the updates. These are the continuation of the events that happened more than a month ago.

This picks up from where the previous part left off. You can read Part 19 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xhguqg/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_red_rider/)

**Part 20 is below**

I woke up about half an hour before my usual wake up time on Wednesday morning and for once without a splitting headache and in a great mood. Maybe those orgasms helped with the mood. My hubby was still fast asleep next to me. I picked up my phone and searched for ***”Humiliation cuckold ideas”***. Apparently there is no dearth of literature on the internet on this topic and I found several hits with a lot of ideas. Some of the ideas bordered on the extreme and it felt like they were figments of somebody’s overactive imagination, rather than something that can be done in real life. Some of the ideas would require active participation of the bull in the fantasy, which I did have (yet). I also wanted to ensure I started slow and that I stayed firmly on the side of reality as some of the ideas would really blur the lines between reality and fantasy.

By the time my alarm went off, I already had a few ideas to work with. I reached over and kissed my hubby on his lips, stirring him awake. He opened his lips to let my invading tongue into his mouth. I broke the kiss when he opened his eyes.

*Me – “Rise and shine, bitch. Your wife has a big day ahead.”*

Honestly I wanted to say babe, but my mind automatically made me say bitch, maybe due to all the reading I had just been doing about cuckolding. He quickly got up and stood next to the bed with his head bowed almost like he was awaiting further instructions. I looked at him stupefied as it was comical and so hot at the same time, that my hubby was now going to obey my every command. I could definitely get used to this kind of power.

I pulled down his underwear which was the only thing he was wearing and took out his hardening dick.

*Me – “Your dick seems to be even tinier in the daylight, bitch.”*

He just kept his head down, not saying a word. I pretended to almost suck him, but then closed my mouth at the last second.

*Me – “My mouth is also off limits for you.”*

I could hear him silently groaning as I got off the bed and went inside the bathroom, unnecessarily swinging my naked butt in front of my hubby. I brushed my teeth and before I headed into the shower, I picked up the skirt and the blouse and another tight red bodycon dress from my wardrobe and threw it on my hubby who was still standing butt naked where I had left him.

*Me – “Go and get these things neatly ironed. Your wife needs to look good for her lover tonight.”*

I half expected him to work up a rage and throw those dresses back at me (he hates to iron) and possibly give me a tight slap.

*Hubby (Mumbling) – “Ok.”*

Woah! To my complete surprise, he just quietly picked up the dresses and went towards the closet where we stored the iron. I was really enjoying this and decided to push my luck further.

*Me – “You will address me as mistress. Is that understood, bitch?”*

*Hubby – “Yes… Mistress.”*

I went to shower, took my time to scrub myself clean and came back to see my hubby had neatly laid out the pressed clothes on the bed.

*Me – “I was thinking in the shower, that bitch does not seem to be a good enough name for you. ‘Cuck Bitch’ sounds better. Now tell me what is your name?”*

*Hubby – “My name is ‘Cuck Bitch’ , Mistress.”*

I decided to take a pause to avoid this new found power from going to my head. It also gave me some time to think of new ways to humiliate him.

*Me – “Babe, timeout for now. I am going to fix some breakfast for both of us. You can wear your clothes now, but if you hear your new name then it means you need to strip naked and follow my orders.”*

I went out of the bedroom, still wrapped in my towel and fixed some easy breakfast for both of us. Both of us ate in silence checking our phones.

*Me – “Everything ok so far right?”*

*Hubby (Smiling) – “Yes everything is perfectly ok.”*

I finished my breakfast and I waited for him to finish his. I went back to the bedroom to get ready, leaving my hubby to continue browsing on his phone. I called out from the bedroom upstairs.

*Me – “Cuck Bitch, come here at once. You need to get your wife ready for her lover.”*

I could hear the clatter of the chairs and rapid pattering of the feet as my hubby scurried over to me. He discarded his underwear at the entrance of the room and stood near me.

*Me (Harshly) – “Where the fuck is my underwear? Are you going to send your wife without any underwear making it easy for Eric?”*

*Cuck Bitch(Stuttering) – “Yes…No.. I am sorry, Mistress.”*

*Me (Harshly) – “Your wife wants to give her lover the chance to slip her underwear down her legs. That cannot happen with no underwear, can it. (Pausing to see a slightly terrified look on hubby’s face). Find that fucking underwear, Cuck Bitch.”*

The lacy g-string I had picked out had probably gone between the gap in the bed frame or under the bed when I had pushed everything off the bed last night. My hubby desperately started searching for it. He finally found it under the bed.

*Me – “Now put it on me. I do not want your fingers touching me, Cuck Bitch.”*

He was on his knees and my hubby’s fingers were shivering as he held that flimsy g-string. It was literally an impossible task as there was hardly any fabric to hold on the outside as he struggled to pull it up my legs without touching me. I immensely enjoyed watching him struggle.

*Me – “Remember this Cuck Bitch, henceforth you will only be allowed to put clothes on me. Only a real man like Eric can take them off me. Is that understood?”*

*Cuck Bitch (Whimpering) – “Yes. Mistress.”*

*Me – “On second thoughts this g-string is perfect to wear under the skirt. Easy for Eric to slip it down and touch me. I want something different to wear in the morning. Take it off me.”*

My hubby tentatively reached towards me to remove it. I pushed my foot on his head and pushed him away.

*Me (Harshly) – “Did not just tell you that you are not allowed to remove any clothes off me.”*

*Cuck Bitch (Stuttering) – “Sorry… Mistress..”*

*Me – “Now go to the wardrobe and get me a thong that Eric would like to see your wife in.”*

My hubby quickly got up and went inside and got another slightly risque thong.

*Me – “Cuck Bitch, Eric will not like that. You wear that now and go get another one.”*

I thought maybe he would refuse, but he quietly wore my thong and it looked so comical on him with it not even covering anything. He went inside and got another lacy thong which I approved of and quickly changed into that.

*Me – (Handing him a bottle of moisturizing cream) – “Apply this all over my body starting with my legs and butt, make my skin look soft and supple, so Eric will not be able keep his hands off me.”*

My hubby proceeded to douse me in the moisturizing cream and I loved his hands massaging it into my skin, especially on my butt and boobs. I then instructed him to help me into the blouse and the saree, which I anyways needed help with even on normal days. I really loved the feeling of the soft material of the saree on me. I did not want him anywhere near my beautiful hair, so I curled the hair myself and also applied some makeup.

*Me – (Checking myself out in the mirror) – “Do I look good enough to be fucked, Cuck Bitch?”*

*Cuck Bitch – “Yes Mistress.”*

*Me – (Looking at his hard dick) – “Don’t even dream of it. Your wife’s body now belongs to her lover. I just noticed the nail color on my toes are smudged. Fix it now. “*

Getting my toes painted by my hubby was a huge turn on for me, why not kill two birds with one stone. I sat down on the chair as he literally slept on the floor and carefully painted my toes, fixing any white spots.

*Me – “Kiss my feet.”*

My feet are one of my erogenous zones and I absolutely love it when he kisses them. He started to kiss one of my feet as I rested the other foot on the back of his head, running my toes through his hair. He then repeated the same with the other foot. I unconsciously moaned, unable to control myself.

*Me (Roughly pushing his head away with my feet) – “It is getting late now. Stop now and go and get my heels, Cuck Bitch.”*

*Cuck Bitch (Rising up and getting on his knees. Defiant tone) – “No. I will not get your heels.”*

*Me (Normal Voice) – “Sorry, I did not realize that was something that was a bit too far. I will get them myself.”*

*Hubby – “No. No. It is not too far. What I want is for you to make me do it. Punish me for disobeying you.”*

*Me – (Confused) – “Oh! How? You mean to physically punish you? Are you sure?”*

*Hubby – “Yes. After all, you did slap me on Saturday.” (Long story. It will be clearer once I get around to writing about it)*

*Me – “Well that was entirely different circumstances. You were acting like an ass.”*

*Hubby – “I think you enjoyed that power. Go ahead, punish me in any way you see fit. Otherwise, maybe I will take over the role of dominant.”*

That threat was enough for me to deliver a stinging slap across my hubby’s face.

*Me (Harshly, grabbing him by the hair) – “Listen, Cuck Bitch, You will get my shoes and for disobeying me you will get those shoes in your mouth like a bitch you are.”*

*Cuck Bitch – Yes Mistress.”*

My hubby retreated from the room and came back with my heels in his mouth and dropped it on the floor.

*Me – “Too bad Eric knows what you look like. Otherwise I would have made you the chauffeur driving us around to our date and while I made out in the back seat with Eric. In any case you better be ready, you may be summoned later in the day to drive us around.”*

*Cuck Bitch – “But if you take the car, how will I come…? Mistress.”*

*Me – (Gently slapping him on the face) – “Have you not heard of this thing called U-b-e-r? (Spelling it out like he was an idiot). Just to be clear, if I call you to come over, you will be coming not as my husband, but as the Cuck Bitch and treated as such.”*

*Cuck Bitch – “Understood, Mistress.”*

I let him pack all my extra clothes and make up in the bag and I walked out to the garage.

*Me – (Touching him on his cheek which was still red from my slap) – “Babe, timeout again. Everything is ok right? Did I go too far?*

*Hubby – “Nope, Everything is perfect. I am enjoying this. You can go a lot further.”*

*Me – “How do I look?”*

*Hubby – “You look amazing. As you said* ***’good enough to fuck’****. I know you are excited, but don’t do anything too stupid that could get you into trouble at work.”*

To be continued.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xktpvi/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_cuck_bitch

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