Playing with Fire [Part I] [M39/F38] [Infidelity]

Tyler’s group of friends had always been close, and he was very fortunate for that. After a brief enlistment in the military, he was well into his 20’s and in college before meeting Alex, the guy who would become his best friend. It was through him that he met the other 5 guys and their then girlfriends, now wives. All of them equal parts nerds and drinkers, they would have many nights out late yelling about EA ruining every franchise they touch, the dumb things they’ve attempted during Pathfinder sessions, or other ways they screwed each other over in whatever board game they had just finished. They were, in short, exactly the type of people he wanted to surround himself with.

Alex and his girlfriend Courtney were together for the longest and thus the first to get married. They had met in college, suffering through all of life’s trials and tribulations together and coming out as much in love as when they first met. Her eyes were an exquisite shade of blue, a color that reminded Tyler of the water he swam in during a trip to the south Pacific. Shorter in stature, she played soccer since grade school and had the legs to prove it. During the summer, her preferred style of clothing were short shorts and tank tops, which made it clear to Tyler which side of the ‘boobs or butts’ fence Alex fell on. Her short blonde hair was almost always back into a tight, efficient pony tail, almost out of habit at this point.

However, behind this beautiful woman was the friendly, warm soul of someone who takes a vested interested in her friend’s well being. To be sure, Alex told Courtney everything that he and Tyler ever spoke about, but Courtney took it a step further. Even if it were just her and Tyler together for a brief moment, she would ask about his life, about heart breaks and stories, giving advice when she could and simply listening with an empathetic and sincere ear.

She was a few years older than everyone else and had always seen herself as the group mom, which made transitioning to be an actual mother second nature to her. Though she had a new role in life, she didn’t give up her previous positions of a caring friend, a loving wife, and a hard working manager. Life and motherhood had slowed her down somewhat, as they do to all who are fortunate enough to experience them. She often joked at wishing to be as fit as she was when she was in college, she was just as proud of herself now as she was then.

All of which was why she eagerly jumped on board Tyler’s idea of a group get away to a high end hotel upstate. A tourist trap on the weekends and summer, it emptied out rather perfectly during the school year. After dropping all the kids off at their respective grandparent’s houses for the week, the group made their way up for a few days of rest, relaxation, and of course alcohol.

The first night would set the bar for the rest of their stay, and after closing down the hotel bar they ventured out into the night to find their next stop. Spoiled for choice, Courtney led the group into what turned out to be a diamond in the rough bar, serving perfectly balanced cocktails and cold beer. The night was a blur of laughter, shots, and hilariously bad karaoke.

By the end of the night, only Tyler, Alex, and Courtney remained, though Tyler was braced against a bar table like Jack at the end of Titanic. Alex wasn’t much better, and as always, Courtney graciously took her place trying to herd these two drunk idiots back to the hotel.

“Come on, guys, you can do it,” she coaxed them up from their stupor. “It’s only two blocks back to the hotel.” Tyler and Alex, still laughing over their rendition of a Taylor Swift song peeled themselves upright and began to stumble their way of the door. By all accounts they could have made the trip home, but a defect in the sidewalk caused Tyler to stumble and fall flat on his back.

“Shit! Are you okay?” Courtney called out.

“Is there more gravity out here?” he laughed.

Courtney rolled her eyes and moved to help him back to his feet. “Don’t worry, Alex, I’ve got him.

Alex, leaning against a nearby tree, laughed and shrugged “Hey, you’re the designated walker-er.”

Wrapping one of Tyler’s arms around her shoulder, she gingerly got him to his feet and began the trip home, following behind Alex’s drunken swaying. Once back at the hotel, they boarded the elevator and took it up to Tyler’s floor. Tyler’s choice to lean against the door proved to be a mistake as he tumbled out and onto his side behind an avalanche of Alex’s laughter.

Stepping from the elevator, Courtney helped him back to his feet. “I’ll get him back to his room, I’ll see you in a few minutes,” she called over her shoulder.

“Sounds good,” Alex called back from a seated position in the elevator. “If I’m not back in the room, I’ll probably be right here.”

Smirking, she helped Tyler to his feet and guided him down the hallway to his room. After a few failed attempts of the keycard, they finally got the door open and stumbled inside. Slowly kicking off his shoes, he sat at the edge of the bed and closed his eyes, swaying gently.

“Gonna puke?”

He shook his head. “Probably not?”

She smiled, “That’s not convincing. Into the bathroom with you.” And on her command, he fell forward and crawled on his hands and knees to the toilet. Courtney laughed and closed the door behind him. A few moments later, Tyler came stumbling back out. His belt unbuckled and pants unbuttoned, hanging onto the side of his hips. “Better?” she asked.

He nodded. “Much. AND!” his voice pitched up sharply as though he were making an important point in a courtroom. “I didn’t, in fact…puke.”

“I’m so proud of you,” she said before helping him back to the corner of the bed.

As Tyler inched his pants off, Courtney attempted to look away. After all, she was married to Tyler’s best friend. Even in his drunkest state, she trusted Tyler and knew he would never act inappropriately towards her. But there was something about watching someone remove their pants that will always seem slightly sexual. After convincing herself nothing was going to happened, she turned back to help Tyler into bed.

And that’s when she saw it.

Tyler’s cock. It wasn’t out and on full display, but it was very easily seen straining against the fabric of his boxer briefs. Her eyes shot open and she blinked a few times. She had never thought about any other man in a sexual way, least of all Tyler. He wasn’t intentionally enticing her, only laying on his back and breathing heavily. Courtney smiled, covered her mouth, and shot her look to the other side of the room. She knew he had problems with meeting girls but was never sure why they wouldn’t stick around. She could now say for certain they weren’t unhappy in bed.

She continued to try to avert her gaze while she pulled the blankets aside to help Tyler get comfortable. While shifting his weight around, her hand grazed past his thigh. Her eyes shot open again as she felt the girth of it on her wrist. It was near the same size as a few of her personal toys, which she not only regrets leaving at home but now wonders if she can use them without thinking about Tyler.

“Thanks, Court,” he said in a very soft voice. He only used that version of her name when he was happy. It was like a window into his true feelings, and put her at ease to hear.

“Don’t die in your sleep,” she said jokingly. He gave her the thumbs up and rolled to his side. Slowly walking out of the room, she let the door swing shut behind her before pausing and taking a breath.

Never in a million years did she think she would have seen Alex in any way other than her close friend. He didn’t do anything with malicious intent, he was just…a drunk person who got ready for bed. That’s it. That’s what she told herself. No harm, no foul.

Gathering herself together, she made her way to the same elevator as before and thankfully didn’t see her husband in a crumbled mess on the floor. He made it out of that, at least. As the doors shut and the motors began to whir, she let her thoughts wander. What would that feel like inside of…

The elevator dinged and snapped her back to reality. She hurried back to her room and, thankfully, found her wonderful, loyal, loving husband dead asleep on the adjacent bed. She smiled, taking the time to put a pillow under his head and pull a spare blanket over him. Climbing into the bed next to him, she took a deep breath and released a long sigh. It had been an eventful night, and thankfully everyone was still in one piece.

She thought about Tyler, about what she saw, and decided to leave those thoughts alone for now. But as her fingers inched closer to her panties, she changed her mind.

Maybe…just this once…she would entertain those thoughts. If nothing else than to help her sleep.
