[MF] I love my Job

I sell cars for a living and yesterday I had a couple with their daughter looking to buy her her first car since she graduated high school.

Cause we literally went back-and-forth on the price of their vehicle for about an hour and a half and literally between seven dollars a month they stood up to leave.

At this point I had spent three hours with these people and I wasn’t going to let them leave over seven dollars and waste my time so I pointed at the chairs and aggressively told them to “sit, down“

They are perfect little Catholic school daughter fell right into the chair looked me dead in the eyes with a very devious smirk and said “yes daddy“

Her parents were absolutely astonished that she did that but I honestly don’t think that they really understood.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xk3588/mf_i_love_my_job


  1. All right let me have it…

    I had a restaurant manager job with a lot of hot chicks, I got some interesting ones too

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