MANDY [Group]

I grew up in a rural farming community, where you had mostly the same classmates the whole time you were in school, and you probably married one of them. Even if you went to college for an Ag degree, or Business, or both, you likely came back to the family farm, married a sweetheart and worked the land.

Throughout high school I had dated Vicky off and on, but we drifted apart and I spent most of my last semester and the summer before college seeing Alice. Alice’s dad worked for the Department of Agriculture, and she had only been at our school for 3 years, starting her sophomore year. She was accepted by everybody, but was a slight outsider. But she and Vicky were friends, and we hit it off.

The two were close, but there were some distinct differences between them. Vicky was an amazing lover, and I appreciate that more now looking back than ever. She knew what she wanted, and what felt good, and she let you know. She wasn’t timid at all, but also not judgmental. She was very sexually mature for her age.

Alice was warm and romantic, but sexually very shy. We took it very slowly and still had not had sex by the time I left for school. Activity stopped at her waist. We had long sessions of heavy petting and kissing, but never oral, or even hand jobs. She never gave a clear answer of her concerns, but I was really close to her and didn’t mind waiting as long as it took. I figured patience would eventually lead to her explaining why, and I thought whatever was holding her back was her prerogative.

We got together when I returned for holidays, but didn’t really see much of each other until the summer after my freshman year, where she and I picked back up, and hung out a lot with Vicky and Jeff, her boyfriend. We all knew each other well and the summer was made of fun times with comfortable friends.

If you grew up in such a place, you know there is always at least one place each kid knows where you can park and mess around without being noticed, and for us it was Meador’s Pond. The pond was a half mile from the nearest house, and surrounded that time of year by high grass. We had been there several times that summer, and in late July we decided to go there again before we all had to split up again for school.

We drove Jeff’s old Galaxy (named Judith for reasons he never explained) because it was huge and had bench seats both front and back, and parked near the pond. You also know, if you grew up in such a place, that bugs were thick and merciless this time of year, so there were no blankets or romps in the grass. We parked and left the engine and air on, even though the air in that old car could barely keep up on an evening drive.

Up front, Vicky and Jeff started in immediately, kissing passionately and quickly removing their tops. Alice and I kissed sweetly as we watched and heard the panting and moaning up front as Jeff fondled and kissed Vicky’s breast and neck. I laid back on the bench seat after a time and Alice laid down on top of me, kissing me deeply and subtly grinding against me. I groped her through her clothing and managed my expectations as Jeff and Vicky readily enjoyed each other without concern for us. I enjoyed hearing Vicky even as I enjoyed the more meaningful fun that Alice and I were having.

I could hear and see the shadows from the dash as Vicky gave Jeff a blowjob up front and I got hard remembering exactly what Jeff was experiencing. She was good. She knew how hard and fast to go to really get somebody off and I was never able to last long with her when she really gave me her attention. As Alice and I kissed, I removed her shirt before removing my own. We laid back down and I fondled and kissed her breasts, suckling her nipples as the air in the car warmed and filled with pheromones.

Soon Vicky sat up and wriggled out of her pants and straddled Jeff while he sat in the middle of the front seat. I could watch Vicky riding him, hear her moans and see the sweat building on her body as she encouraged him. Her breasts rose into view before disappearing again with each stroke. Jeff would catch one of her nipples in his mouth from time to time as she bobbed up and down, doing his best to experience as much of her as he could. His moans grew the longer they rode, and as the minutes past the smell of Vicky’s wet pussy wafted through the car. It drove both Alice and I crazy.

I sat up and removed my jeans as Alice straddled me, keeping hers on. She kissed me deeply while stroking me over my shorts, grunting and moaning as she occasionally leaned back against the front seat grinding her crotch against my cock. I could tell she was into it and began to think I had a chance of at least playing with her pussy, if not getting to feel it slide up and down my cock. I got harder by the minute.

She leaned back against the front seat again, and Vicky leaned forward over Jeff, smothering him with her breasts, now heavy and moist with sweat. The air in the car was warming and all of us were now coated with a film of exertion and desire. Vicky pulled Alice’s hair back on one side and kissed her ear, then reached over and grabbed Alice’s breasts, gently teasing and pinching Alice’s nipples. I didn’t think I could get any harder, but this was driving me insane, and ran my hands over Alice’s stomach, gently nudging toward her waistline. “I wish I could taste your pussy.” I choked out between grunts as she continued to rub my cock and moaned with Vicky’s attention. Moving my hand toward her top button, I hoped she would let me finally feel her at least.

She clearly wanted to, but held my hand in place, seemingly unable to bring herself to let me go farther. Up front Vicky was breathing heavily into Alice’s ear and neck, kissing her while continuing to play with her. And Jeff was now suckling and gently biting Vicky’s nipples as she continued to ride him, though less forcefully now that she was attending to Vicky, too.

I was losing my mind experiencing all of this. I could smell all of us even as I watched the porn show happening on my lap and in the front seat. I sputtered out again, “God I would love to taste you.”

She grunted with pleasure, or despair, or maybe both, and loosed her grip on my hand, but didn’t remove it entirely. “Even just feel your pussy.” I said, desperate myself.

Vicky leaned forward and took Alice’s ear lob into her mouth, gently suckling on it as she ran her hands across Alice’s stomach, then groaned into Vicky’s ear. “Use your own finger, Babe, and let him taste you off your finger. Give him something.”

Alice slightly paused, then breathed a heavy sighing breath before slipping forward to me and kissing me. Then she moved off of me and sat down next to me, lost internally in thought for a moment. She caressed her own abdomen, and then her breasts casually while she debated with herself.

“If you’re not comfortable, don’t worry. Don’t feel forced.” I reassured her and kissed her ear.

She sat for another moment, then kicked off her shoes, unbuttoned her jeans and removed both them and her panties at the same time.

The whole world changed in that moment. The whole car absolutely filled with the aroma of Alice’s pussy. It was thick and sweet and so forceful that it felt like I was eating her pussy just sitting next to her.

Vicky grunted out “Holy Fuck!” as it hit her and she started riding Jeff harder.

Jeff blurted out “Oh my fucking god, is that Alice?” before responding to Vicky’s intensity with his own.

Alice shook her clothes onto the floor of the back seat and placed her feet on them, seemingly waiting for something.

I was in some unidentifiable mental state, overcome by desire and her incredible aroma. I leaned over and covered her mouth with my own, kissing her hard before breathlessly exclaiming “Holy shit, Alice. You smell amazing! That’s the best smelling pussy I’ve ever experienced.”

She looked at me, apparently gauging whether or not I meant that statement. She kissed me gently on the lips and asked “Do you really mean that?”

“Yes.” I said, now understanding that this was something deeply important to her.

“I’ve always been ashamed of how strongly I smell. I always thought I would be rejected by a boy if I took my pants off. I can’t control it. I’m wet all of the time. I wear pads every day and even that’s not always enough.”

I took her face in my hands and kissed her gently. “Oh sweetheart.” I started before kissing her again. “You are amazing. I am overcome right now by you. You have nothing to worry about. I want you more than ever. You have an unbelievable pussy. I’m fucking hypnotized by you.”

“You won’t leave me because of this?” she asked, still wanting reassurance.

“Of course not.” I responded. “I just want to give you pleasure. I want to give you pleasure that you’ve been missing out on. You deserve it. You deserve to enjoy this as much as the rest of us.”

She pulled my shorts down and climbed back on top of me, stroking my cock again and leaning back against the front seat so Vicky could rejoin the fun.

Vicky leaned forward again and whispered into her. “He’s right.” she said breathlessly. “That’s an amazing pussy. Give me a taste before you fuck him. Please give me a taste.”

Alice reached down with her free hand and plunged her middle finger into her pussy, withdrawing it covered in her thick juices. Vicky grabbed it and sucked it clean before leaning down and kissing Jeff, Alice’s juices still in her mouth.

Then I watched as Alice slid down my cock, and I felt her pass each inch of me into her as she moaned with pleasure. “Oh my god, that feels so much better than the dildo.” she said as I began thrusting. I drove into her for several minutes before realizing that everybody had tasted her pussy but me. She laughed at that realization and gently dismounted before plunging her fingers back into her and presenting them to me, covered again in her think juices.

One taste was all I need to know that I had to lick that pussy for as long as I could. I rolled us sideways until she fell onto the seat on her back, then I raised her legs and buried myself in her pussy. It was a feast like none I had experienced. She had the best tasting pussy I ever encountered, before or after and it seemed only to get stronger and wetter as her pleasure grew.

The cacophony of all of us grunting and crying out was intoxicating, and after a few minutes she began speeding up under my mouth, grinding harder into my tongue as it played with her clitoris. As the tension built, I inserted my thumb, dragging the bottom of her pussy before raising up and pressing into her g-spot with a rhythm that matched her movements. Within seconds she came, spraying what seemed like gallons of her juice into my face. It was like I had just swallowed a hallucinogenic drug. It was so unlike any pussy I had tasted that I just lapped up everything I could.

Before I could catch my breath, she pushed me into a sitting position and started riding me hard and fast. The car’s air conditioning was overwhelmed at this point and it was hot and humid inside, thick with our sex. We were hotboxing the car with Alice’s box. Everybody was lost in ecstasy, unable to verbalize more than a couple of words at a time and our grunts and moans grew in intensity until I knew I couldn’t hold on much longer. “Oh god, Alice, I’m going to cum.” I exclaimed, and that seemed to send everybody over the edge. Vicky choked out a squeak as Jeff belted out “Oh Fuck!” Alice rode harder as she leaned forward and kissed me fiercely. Then she cradled my head in her arms and pressed me hard into her breasts as she drove me into a pounding orgasm, blasting into her hard and feeling like all of me was escaping my body into her pussy.

“Oh god.” I said after a minute. “I just came in you.”

“I’ve been taking birth control for a long time.” she said. “Don’t worry about it. I use it to regulate my periods.” Then she removed herself from my cock, pushed me to one side of the seat and started to lay down with her head on my lap. But before she could, Vicky grabbed her and kissed her hard on the mouth.

“That was fucking amazing.” Vicky said. “You got us all so worked up. I’ve never seen anything like that. Fucking Jeff practically gnawed off my nipple, he’s so turned on.”

We all relaxed for a while, praising Alice, doing our best to make up for the praise she had missed out on over the years. And it was all true, all heartfelt. She was indeed amazing.

I swear Jeff’s car smelled like Alice’s pussy for a week, and we decided he should change its name to MANDY – May Alice Never Die Young.

We made it through college and for a while after, but she ultimately moved on when her father was posted somewhere else for work. I miss her still.



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