Rainy Night (Part 1) [M33/F28] [Foreplay] [Infidelity]

I feel chills down my spine as the evening wind blows through my top. Clump, Clump, with every step in my ankle-booted heels. It has been a long day. Two more blocks and I’ll make it back to my apartment. The cars are honking, people laughing and nightlife music playing. To most that would be exciting, but work provided all the excitement I needed for the day. I plan on loosing my mind with an erotica book in the bathtub.

I feel wetness plop onto my nose. My finger reaches for it and I realize it’s a rain drop. Please, no, I forgot my umbrella. Not a minute later I feel the downpour. It doesn’t take long before my brown hair gets soaked. I see my regular local bar up ahead and dive straight towards the door swinging it open. I step inside soaking with people staring at me. I admit it was a bit dramatic, I start to blush, and nonchalantly make my way to the bar. I see a tall dark haired man with large hands, who visually looks exhausted, and decide to sit next to him. If I have to sit here for a bit, soaked, I might as well have a nice view and near someone as tired as I am. My nipples are poking out of my shirt. I try to hide my breasts under the counter.

“Dirty martini?” Marcel asks. Marcel is handsome, tanned with dark hair. A usual gym goer body, but has quite the banter for a nice looking man.

“What, are you trying to get me drunk?” I laugh. Marcel winks at me and pours me a sparkling water with extra lime. He walks to the back and returns with a flannel.

“This should warm you up.” I look outside and it’s still pouring. “What a gentleman,” I joke “That is a first.” This amuses him. He quickly gets taken away by the group of older women down the bar, I can’t blame him.

“You must come here a lot,” I hear a low toned voice coming from my left. I look over at the exhausted man next to me. He has friendly green eyes, but no smile on his face.

“I live just up the block. I’m actually coming from work though. I didn’t want to stumble in here tonight.” He stares at me in silence. “It’s been a long day. From the looks of it, it seems as if you’ve had a long day yourself,” I add.

“It’s a Saturday. What do you do for work?”

“Clinical. At the hospital right over there,” I point to the east wall.

“Busy girl.”

Busy girl? I’m a woman, mind him, with an important career. And he has the audacity to call me a girl? I’m not in the mood.

“I don’t think a young girl would be able to do my job,” I try to hide my snark the best I can.

“Well, you sure look like a young girl. And I’m assuming you know how to do your job well?” He snarks back. Looks can be deceiving I really picked the wrong person to sit next to.

Marcel comes back and I let out a sigh of relief. He looks two times more attractive than he did five minutes ago prior to this conversation.

“She needs a dirty martini,” the man demands with a kind tone at Marcel. It was hard to tell if he was being a dick or extremely flattering. He knows how to present himself. Marcel looks at me with his charming dark eyes. I don’t say anything and he reaches for the martini glass below not breaking eye contact. He pauses for a moment. He makes me smile and I tell him to go ahead. I admire him as he slides the drink over to me.

“To long days,” the man next to me snarls holding is beer up. I raise my eyebrows without a smile and let the sweet bitterness touch my lips.

I feel his hand run down my shoulder sweetly. I look over and meet his eyes. There was no explanation as to why I was turned on by this moment, given his attitude. He read me well, exposing his first smile, pulling me in further. He reaches over and lightly grabs a small portion of my wet hair and rubs it between his fingers. His hand now wet, moves to the side of my neck. He rubs his lips together as he undresses my body with his eyes. I squeeze my legs together and remember to breathe. He quickly takes his hand away and asks Marcel for his tab, pulling out cash. I look outside and see the rain letting up. He stands up, hovering over me, only inches apart. His cock about reaching my face.

“What was your name, anyways?” He demands not asks.

“Amelia,” I say firmly.

“Callum.” He says firmly, almost mocking me. He nods to me and walks out the door. I don’t know what comes over me, but moments later I throw off Marcel’s flannel and run out the door. Making just as big of an exit as I my entrance. I look to the right, nope. To my left, I see the back of his head walking off. I quickly walk up and grab his hand. Our eyes locked and he smirks. Suddenly, I feel metal between my fingers. I Look down to notice the ring on his left hand. I would have noticed that back at the bar. I feel disappointment run through my body. He notices this.

“Separated,” he shrugs and pulls me towards him.

Liar. But you can only judge the truth by which you are presented. He reaches down meeting my lips with his. I don’t resist and there I was lusting over a stranger in the middle of the city on a rainy evening.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/xjk2xk/rainy_night_part_1_m33f28_foreplay_infidelity

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