The End of Apartment 303 – Chapter 6: I Know You Get Fucked Good All the Time [FF][20s][Teasing]

*Author’s Note: How was the first five chapters? Let me know in the comments section. Enjoy another erotic week with the roommates, and as always DMmeYOURpussies!*

**- Chapter 6: Tracy -**

“Paddle! Paddle! Paddle hard!” Sydney yelled. I felt the wave start to carry me with it and paused for a split second enjoying the thrill. *Stand up dammit… Surf!*, my mind screamed. I popped up, placed my feet wide apart and centered on the board just how Sydney taught me on the beach. Wobbly, but upright I rode the wave as it crashed around me. I threw up my arms triumphantly and bellowed in exuberance.

My arms and shoulders burned from paddling out, trying to catch a wave, falling, and repeating. So, after finally riding a wave I wanted nothing more than to paddle to shore and call it a day. However, Sydney was still out past the breakers and waving me back. *Fuck my competitiveness*, I thought, then turned the board and paddled to Sydney once again.

With a high-five and her bright, wide smile Sydney congratulated me, “Fuck yeah babe! You did it!”

“Ugh, why am I back out here then? My arms are dead,” I groaned.

“Because now we get to chill,” Sydney said while spreading her arms wide, face pointed towards the sun, and sighing deeply. “Ahh, I just love floating out here. Nothing can bother me – no phones, no dudes hitting on me, no worries. It’s my happy place.”

These situations usually made me antsy. I am a doer, a go-getter, constantly on the move, but I was exhausted, so I mimicked Sydney, stretching my arms wide and letting the sun warm me up. The only noise came from the muffled crashing of waves and the squawking seagulls overhead. With a deep inhale I had to agree, “Yeah, this is pretty nice.”

Gazing off towards nothing in particular Sydney said, “You’re amazing. Not many people actually catch a wave their first time. I’m impressed.” I rarely looked for, nor needed commendations from anyone that wasn’t my superior, but impressing Sydney felt good, guiltily so. Like I was winning some contest she didn’t know she was participating in. I still wasn’t sure what took over me when I fucked Kelly on the lightrail. Making him think about Sydney while we did it came from some instinct I didn’t understand, and after he so easily fell into the fantasy, let alone enjoyed it so much, only made my competitiveness towards her that much stronger. Guilt, however, was underlying everything because I liked Sydney. She was kind, easy-going, beautiful, yet tough and self-confident. I’d heard the office banter about how she was Ms. Chen’s punching bag before I started, but from the beginning Ms. Chen had treated me with respect. Sydney never held that against me.

Hesitantly, I said, “Hey, I have to ask. Are the stories true… about how bad Ms. Chen treated you?”

“My happy place, remember,” she stated, still gazing off into the distance.

“Sorry,” I apologized and gazed off with her.

After an awkward minute Sydney sighed, “No, I doubt the stories are completely true.” I looked at her excited to get her side of things. She continued, “I mean, she was stern, demanding, and short-tempered. I wanted to kill her at first, but I’ll be the first to admit that I was a fish-out-of-water when I started.”

“I doubt that,” I said with nothing to back it up. Just one of those things you say to someone doubting themselves.

“Ha!” she barked. “I was, trust me. But I learned on the job and apparently learned enough to be hired after my internship. I have to thank Ms. Chen for pushing me.”

“I heard she did much more than push you,” I asked earnestly.

“You have my job now, so you know that I was much more involved in her day-to-day than others in the office. But something happened not long before you started that changed her,” she said, turning to face me. “I don’t know what it was, she’s a very private person, but I think she started seeing someone.”

“Oh really? What makes you think so?”

“Woman’s intuition,” she said matter-of-factly. “I mean, you know how you feel and act differently after getting pounded real good.”

Sydney’s bluntness caught me by surprise, making me chuckle, “Ha! Yeah, I guess so.”

“Oh, come on! I know you get fucked good all the time.” I scoffed, but Sydney continued, “Don’t try to tell me differently. I have a weird sixth sense about these things.” Then she looked at me straight-faced, “Is it Kelly?”

Thankfully, a swell rolled us right at that moment, breaking our eye contact and allowing me to hide the truth I no doubt knew Sydney would be able to read on my face. Us roommates weren’t ashamed of our relationship, but we kept it our secret. The swell passed, Sydney’s eyes found mine again, and her expression told me she needed an answer. “Fine, you caught me. Yes, I’m sexually active, but no it’s not Kelly.” *Why did I lie? Just tell her and win. Kelly’s mine, not yours.*

A glimmer twinkled in her eye and she asked, “So… what’s his deal?”

That familiar up-welling of competitiveness, guilt, and arousal reappeared. “I knew you were flirting with him at the party.”

“I was not!” she rolled her eyes.

“Sure,” I grinned. “Kelly definitely was.” *Fuck, what am I doing?*

“I just figured he was drunk. Then you two left holding hands, so I assumed…” she tailed off.

“No, we’re just close friends,” I lied. *Why am I digging this grave deeper?*

Hesitantly Sydney asked, “So, is he seeing anyone?”

*Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What do I do now?* My thoughts and emotions were scattered. For the first time in a long time I didn’t know what to do. I loved Kelly and it’s not like I was jealous of sharing him. But Sydney felt different. I didn’t want to share him with her, but the idea of them together strangely made me wet. I liked Kelly fucking me when I pretend to be her. I came just as hard as he did on the train. *I need a drink!*

Sydney picked up on my hesitation and said, “Never mind, forget I asked.”

“No, sorry. He’s single.” *Dammit Tracy.* “I think you two would be great together,” I admitted and my pussy twitched at the idea.

“But…” she implored.

“But, things are just… just a little complicated with him right now.” Sydney nodded patronizingly. “I just can’t explain it. Not right now at least.”

Sydney gave a warm smile, “No worries. Everyone’s got their shit. I just think he’s hot.” *You have no idea!*

I returned her smile, “We should all do something together. You, me, Kelly and my roommates.” *Grave officially six feet deep now…*

“Sure, I’d love to. Your roommates sound fun, from what you’ve told me.” Sydney returned her gaze off into the distance. “Hey, before we go in, you mind if I get some sun on my tits?”

Another moment of getting surprised by her and another flood of competitive arousal. “I’ll join you,” I said while starting to pull my rash guard up. *May as well lie in my grave now that I’ve dug it*, I thought, then said, “Honestly, I’ve been dying to see your tits for a while.”

Sydney laughed, “Ha! They’re nothing compared to yours.” Her eyes scanned my chest while pulling her own rash guard up. I reciprocated her gaze. Her small tits were almost identical to Jamie’s, but had rosy pink areolas in place of Jamie’s dark ones. Sydney gave a quick smile, then laid back on her board, eyes closed, basking in the sun.
