Something New Pt. 2 – [35M / 31F / 19F] [Cheating] [Age Gap]

“Dear Pastor Alex,

I really enjoyed visiting church this morning. I’m sorry I scared you hehe :) I didn’t remember what time the college gathering was tomorrow night. Looking forward to seeing you again ;) 


She definitely knew I was checking her out. Luckily she didn’t seem bothered by it. I’m never really good at reading intent through text but if she was put off I don’t think she would have looked up my email to ask when we would be meeting. My mind was racing. Worry about how to conceal my primal desire for her was beginning to set in. All those scenarios began running through my mind again. I felt myself getting hard as I started to let my mind wander, imagining my fingers grazing gently over her body. I started to rub myself over my pants. The water of the shower hadn’t been running long. As much as I wanted to jump in the shower with my wife I did need to listen for the girls. I positioned myself so that I could see her shadow of she ended her shower sooner than I thought. I pulled my cock out of my pants and slowly began stroking, imagining Lydia on top of me, rocking her hips back and forth, rubbing her pussy lips up and down my shaft. I thought about how badly I wanted to press into her, stretching her young tight pussy. How I wanted to hear her moaning, whimpering, crying for more of me. I thought about how I wanted to smell the sex between us, how I wanted to taste her, and feel her heart pounding and taking shallow breaths against me. The moment I thought about feeling her pussy contract tightly around me I came. My cum covered my own hand and shot all over the table in front of me. 

At that moment the shower turned off. I needed to clean up and I needed to clean up now. I got up and quickly tucked my member back into my pants. I then raced to grab paper towels to clean off my hand and wipe down the table. “That’s good” I thought to myself, standing back to inspect the table’s cleanliness. I walked toward the bedroom. My wife was standing at the end of the bed, wearing only a towel wrapped around her, her left foot raised onto the bed as she applied lotion. Her leg was exposed all the way to her hip as she bent over to reach her ankles. Her wet hair draped down hiding her cheek but I could still see her eyes. She was appreciating her figure as she ran her hands from her ankle to her calf slowly. In that moment she was the sexiest woman in the world to me. Lydia was the furthest thing from my mind. As life often did these days, the moment before I would make a move to take her, I hear a cry from the nursery. Time to be dad again. 

Monday couldn’t come fast enough though. Our college gathering would take place at 8pm. I spent the day tying up lose ends before going home to shower and get dressed for the night. I wanted to feel confident so I put on clothes that I felt not only showed off my physical features, but also my personality. A heather red t-shirt and a pair of dark jeans. In my mind the shirt would help compliment my brown eyes and dark brown beard, as well as my buzzed head. I have always liked slimmer fitting jeans, not to be confused with skinny jeans. I don’t know why but I just think they make me look a little taller than the six feet that I actually reached. I grabbed my favorite pair of sneakers, Travis Scott Mocha Jordan 1s. Everytime I wore these I got plenty of compliments so why not. I gave myself one last once over before heading out the door to the church. 

After my last meeting before our service started, I walked into the church’s large lobby and began greeting students who had started to arrive. Of course I wanted to make everyone feel at home and welcomed, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking for one person specifically. As hard as I was searching, she was no where to be found before I had to head backstage. The service started and as our worship band began playing I tried as hard as I could to focus on the message I was about to give. There que to go on stage came. I walked to the center, positioning my podium. As the worship leader ended his prayer I looked up, and a feeling came over me again that I had felt just the day before. I was speechless. She was sitting in the front row, almost directly in front of me. Usually I can’t really see anyone because of the lights, but the reflection and glow from the stage provides enough light to see the first row or so. I wasn’t sure what colors she was truly wearing because the stage light were casting a blue glow. She was wearing a sundress. Why did she have to be in a skirt? All the work I had done to focus was for not. I was in front of several hundred college students undressing her in my mind. 

“You have absolutely no idea how much I have looked forward to seeing you here tonight.” I said, finally able to compose myself. I was speaking directly to her but I was somehow able to blend that statement into the rest of my introduction. Normally I would walk back and forth across the stage, addressing each side of the crowd. Tonight though, after that opening line, I couldn’t look in her direction again. After the service I greeted students like I normally do. The steady stream of people leaving had all but ended. Only a few students remained inside mingling with one another. I scanned the room and didn’t see her. 

“There you are!” I heard an excited female voice say from behind me, turning to see Lydia with her arms outstretched. 

“You made it!” I said gleefully, wrapping her in a hug. It’s cheesy sure, but time felt like it stopped. Feeling her body pressed against mine. I could smell strawberry in her hair. My arms were wrapped under hers and before I knew it my hand had glided to the small of her back. I quickly pulled out of the hug, but left my hands to linger on her hips. 

“Of course I did silly! I told you I would be here!” She said, flashing a smile. “You looked good up there. I enjoyed your message.”

I had to pull my hand from her hip, if only for my own good. Her compliment about my looks was unexpected. “Thank you, to both.” I laughed. “I really like your dress.” I said nervously.

“Thank you! It’s my favorite. I wanted to wear it for you.” Lydia quipped. She flashed a flirty look at me and I’m certain my heart stopped. 

“Well I appreciate it. It definitely looks good on you.” I replied, trying to toe a cautiously flirty line. 

“I’m honestly new to the modern church. My upbringing was extremely conservative. I do have a few questions about faith that I would like to talk to you about sometime.” She said inquisitively. “Could I maybe talk to you about them sometime?”

This could be the window I was hoping for basically non-stop after meeting her the previous morning. “Sure!” I pulled my phone out to check the time. I would love nothing more than to take her to my office now, but it’s already past 9pm and I do need to get home to help Tiffany with some things before we go to bed. “I actually need to get home now but would love to get a chance to speak sometime. I know you’ve got my email, why don’t you send me some times that would work for you to meet and we can work something out.” I said. 

Lydia unexpectedly grabbed my phone and started typing. “Or how about I just text you.” she said as she looked down at what she was doing.

“That works.” I said with a smile. I’ll definitely need to turn notifications off before heading home. I think she is feeling the same kind of tension I am and I really don’t need a rogue text coming through at an inopportune time. “Looking forward to hearing from you.” I said as I put my phone back in my pocket. 

“Me too.” She said with a wink. Lydia then spun about face quickly, her dress raising as she did, allowing me to catch a quick glimpse of her butt. Wait… was she not wearing panties this whole time?



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