Finding unexpected love on Dagger Point Mountain – Chapter 1/5 – Part 2 [M26/F21] [Fucking outdoors] [Humiliation]

Link to [Chapter 1/5 Part 1](

At the end of the day, they set up camp with several tents in a protected valley. They were really sweaty after the long hike and Mark told them to go wash themselves, saying that keeping one’s hygiene is really important in the mountains since all the movement and sweat could easily lead to sores, rashes and infections, especially when you spent many days in the mountains like we would.

Sarah and the other girls had walked off some distance to a mountain creek to wash themselves.

They bantered amongst themselves, mostly about Mark and how mean they thought he was. Sarah didn’t participate much.

When they had undressed and tried to enter the creek they realized they had a problem: the water in the creek was freezing cold. With a lot of screaming and rushed motions most girls managed to wash themselves at least a little bit.

But Sarah really struggled. She had always had trouble with cold water and every time she put one foot in it the pain would shoot through her body and she would automatically pull back. It was just so hard to override and ignore the feeling of pain.

She was still struggling to get in when the last girl had gotten dressed and wanted to go back to the camp and warm up. Only Jessica remained, waiting for Sarah, but Sarah could see she was freezing from being wet and cold and the longer she stood there waiting, the more she was shivering.

“Just go Jessica, I will be fine.” Sarah finally said, feeling horrible for making her friend suffer.

“Are you sure? Mark told us to never leave anyone alone in case an emergency happens.”

“I’ll be fine, it is really easy to get back to the camp and if you don’t get yourself warmed up again you will catch a cold and that would be disastrous. Can you imagine how mad Mark would be?”

The mention of Mark made Jessica shiver, this time not from the chill.

“You are right, he would yell at me all the way back to the hut, like he did with that boy who got his foot twisted. I would rather tumble down a mountain than experience that… Are you sure you will be fine.”

“Yes, Jessica, just go!”

“Okay, see you back in the camp.”

Once Jessica was over the hill and on her way back, Sarah tried again to get into the creek. One step into the water. Pain.


Her foot shot back out of the water. She felt tears forming in her eyes from the frustration.

“Damn it, why can’t I just do it?!” She shouted at herself.

She sat down naked on her towel, her head in her hands. This was so frustrating, she was so weak. Mark wouldn’t have this kind of problem. Damn it, why did her thoughts always drift to Mark, was she in love with him? That thought got her. Wait, was she? He was pretty handsome, in a rugged kinda way, and he was so tenacious. He must have great endurance in bed. She imagined having sex with Mark and felt her ears go hot and her pussy get all warm. Nope. What was she doing, sitting here naked fantasizing about sex with her teacher?

She got up determined to get into the water this time, if nothing else to cool off her hot and horny brain. Be strong like Mark, she thought to herself.

She took one step into the water. Pain. But she had already put her other foot in the water too, so she couldn’t just pull out. She felt triumph. Yes! She took another step. The pain didn’t recede, but she was determined to not give up.

“Sarah, are you there?!” She heard Mark yell, with concern in his voice. ‘Whaaaat??!!’ Sarah thought to herself. What was he doing here? She looked up and saw a dark silhouette against the backdrop of a darkening sky. She hadn’t realized how late it had become. The sun had already descended below the horizon and it would get very dark soon.

Then she realized that she was stark naked. In front of Mark. Her heart rate exploded into overdrive and she tried to cover herself and get out of the creek. But the rocks in the creek were rough and slippery and she almost instantly lost her balance in her rush and fell backwards, her hands trying to cover her breasts and pubic area. Dry hard soil found her back and her breath was knocked right out of her.

She lay there trying to catch her breath. She heard footsteps from someone running towards her.

“Are you okay Sarah?”

She looked up and saw Mark. He was standing in front of her. She could see him from in between her legs. His eyes were at first directed at her eyes, then they slipped for a second to somewhere between her legs before they quick darted away and he looked embarrassed at the creek.

‘Yeeeeeeee!’ Her brain went. She closed her legs. She had just flashed Mark and given him a perfect view of her pussy. Sarah felt mortified. She felt her ears burning and the burning spread through her limbs and felt warm all over her body and for some reason especially in her vagina.

He had just seen her pussy. How would she ever recover from this? She wanted to die right there.

“Are you okay Sarah? That looked like a nasty fall. You didn’t even try to brace yourself with your arms, you dummy. What are you even doing out here so late? I heard you hadn’t come back yet so I got worried and went looking for you. You realize it gets pitch black out here when the sun goes down, right? You would have gotten lost and frozen to death.”

He had been worried for her? Sarah’s heart skipped. Then she thought better of it. Of course he was, she was a student. ‘Stop reading into things, Sarah’, she told herself.

“Noo, I…”

How was she supposed to tell him she was a coward who couldn’t get into the water to wash myself? She decided to just go with the technical truth.

“I-I am washing myself.”

She felt something soft land on her. It was her towel.

“You are still washing yourself? Didn’t you go at the same time as the other girls? If you are done, we should go back before it gets dark.”

Sarah pulled the towel over me like a blanket to cover myself and decided to just tell him the truth, embarrassing as it was.

“I… I couldn’t get in, the water was too cold. Maybe we should just go back to the camp. I just can’t do it.”

The idea of him seeing her struggle to get into the water was somehow worse than him seeing her naked.

“No. Did you not hear me at the camp? If you clean yourself, you will get sores and rashes. Trust me, it has happened more than once to me. It is really important. Try again. I will be just over the hill.”

With that he walked back up the hill. Sarah remained in the cover of her towel. There was no arguing with him, he wouldn’t even consider sparing her. Which was of course not surprising given her experience of him today. When he thought something was important to someone, he would ensure their best. Whether they liked it or not.

Once he was over the hill, she got up again to try and go into the water again. She took one step into the water, but her resolve was gone again. It was so cold. Her foot came out of the water again. She felt so humiliated, he would laugh at her!

But what did it matter? She had already grounded any chances with him into dust with her embarrassing behavior.

“I am sorry Mark, I cannot do it!”

Sarah got off the bank of the creek and got her towel wrapped around herself. Although it gave little comfort. She would still feel so naked in front of him.

Mark came up over and down the hill towards her. He did not look happy. Sarah’s heart sank into her stomach. Her chances with him were definitely gone. He didn’t say anything as he walked towards her. She felt scared.

He stopped not far from her and started untying his shoes. What was he doing? Once he had his shoes off, he took his socks off too and rolled up his pants legs as far as he could. Finally, he picked up something from the ground. Was he going to force her into the water? Her heart started beating faster, if that was even possible.

“Okay, let’s go, I will help you.” He held out his hand to her. She hesitated for a moment, but fearing what would happen if she didn’t she took his hand. It was rough, but he held her hand with gentle firmness. He took her to the water, then looked at her expectantly.

“Are you going to go in with the towel on? I promise I won’t look, I just want to get back to the camp as soon as possible, I have no interest in you.”

Why did he have to say it like that? She felt devastated having her worst fears confirmed. Oh well, there was nothing to lose at this point. She dropped her towel on the ground.

Next he took several steps into the water with absolutely no hesitation. Sarah was shocked. How did he do that? Then he started pulling her toward him. His pull was strong and inexorable. There was no way she could resist. One foot went in. Pain. Two feet in. Twice the pain. He kept stepping back and pulling her further out. into the creek until the water was halfway up to her knees. She started shivering and her feet were going numb. It. Was. So. Freaking. Cold. But she couldn’t escape his strong, but gentle hand.

“Crouch down and wash yourself.” She obeyed. There was no point in resisting anymore, she was going to feel cold like she’d never felt before. Or so she thought. She crouched down and put her hands in the water, froze and pulled them back up again. She slowly look up at Mark apologetically, opened her mouth and tried to say:

“I c…”

A strong hand came down on her neck, forced her down on her knees in the cold water. She wanted to scream but she couldn’t, it was like every muscle in her body froze.

“I can’t believe you are making me do this…” She heard Mark mutter in an annoyed voice.

She tried to get up, but the hand held her firmly in the water. Then scopes of cold water hit her back. She wanted to scream again, her body wouldn’t obey her. Then a hand started to caress her back with something hard in it. She felt the hard thing lather her skin. It was her soap. The hand with the soap traveled all over her body, from her back to her neck, down her arms and her thighs and finally up her chest, briefly touching her breasts and down her stomach.

Then in one sweep over her pussy.

The touch on her clit almost made her knees give out completely. At least it had only been the soap that touched her. If it had been his hand she would have been devastated. And probably also uncomfortably turned on.

“I am really sorry about that, but the crotch is one of the most common places for rashes to develop.”

He then tossed the soap with almost perfect precision next to the rest of her meager toiletry that she’d brought to the mountain. Then he stuck his hand into the water and scooped it back up again.

Onto her pussy.

The cold made her clit want to retreat into her body. At the same time, the touch of his hand on her pussy risked setting it on fire with pleasure. Her legs shivered. He did this over and over again three times, before his hand, always accompanied by cold water, wandered over the other parts of her body that he had touched previously with the soap. Her thighs, her stomach, her breasts. She felt deep embarrassment when her hard nipples brushed against his hand. Then her arms and back.

“Okay get up now.” The hand on her neck instead wrapped itself around her waist and steadied her as she got up. Then they gingerly walked out of the creek together, him still with his hands around her waist. Having him this close to her naked body and touching her so much had set her entire body on fire, despite the cold water. He finally set her down kneeling next to her towel and wrapped it around her and started using it to dry her off. More touching. More electricity.

Then she noticed his pants. They were completely wet up to his thighs. He must have gone into the water together with her. But he didn’t once complain about the cold. She looked up at his face. It wore a business-like expression. He took no pleasure in what was doing to her. He was just taking care of her. This was why she loved him. He was so mercilessly caring and kind. Brusque, but caring. Not at all like the other uncaring men in her life. Wait, did she just think ‘loved’?

He noticed that she was staring at his face and returned a mocking smile. She blushed and looked down.

He was now drying her thighs with the towel, which only made the growing warmth in her groin grow hotter. Then she noticed his hands. They were white. The cold had drained all of the blood from his hands. It must be really painful.

God, she had made him suffer so much for her weakness. She had made him walk into the cold water with her, she had made him get his legs and pants wet to reach her while washing her and she had made his hands go white with cold from having scooped up all the water to rinse her lathered body.

She felt horrible and useless. All she had done was bring him pain and in return he had cared for her. The very least she could do was to help him get his hands warm and healthy again.

She grabbed his hands and shoved them with open palms between her thighs. Maybe a little bit too high up her thighs. If he moved them only slightly he would be able to touch her hot pussy. What hadn’t thought this through. Probably he could already feel her heat emanating from there.

She felt her embarrassment rise again. But she refused to back down now. She wanted to have one victory today. Cost wanted it wanted to cost.

She looked up at his face again. He was much closer than she had expected. ‘Duh. You forced his hands basically up your crotch, where else would his face be?’ She thought to herself. He was looking at her amused and spoke when he noticed that she was looking at him.

“What are you doing?”

“I- I am warming your hands…” She said meekly. It sounded pathetic, but he only smiled kindly and replied:

“Thank you Sarah, you are very warm.”

She blushed at that. Was he enjoying it? Why shouldn’t he? She wasn’t unattractive after all. She didn’t have the biggest breasts, just ordinary C cups, but she had often been complimented for her soft and round thighs and she had just shoved his hands right in between them and close enough to almost touch her pussy. What was it to not enjoy?

Then he started to rub his hands against the skin of her thighs. Why would he do that? Presumably to better redistribute the heat on his hands, but it also had the consequences of setting her entire body on fire. Her breath grew deeper and ragged and her arousal spiked. Feeling his hands on her inner thighs, cold as they were, nonetheless brought about a physical pleasure her body had been longing for and it made her pussy getting hotter and if the stimulation had made it wet before, she could now feel it build to a point where it risked leaking out between her lips.

Any sensible thought vanished from her mind. She reached out with her hands to grab him at the back of his head and pull him the last short distance to her lips. She kissed him. He was first surprised, but then he reciprocated and kissed her back. His lips on hers sent pleasure flooding all through her body, making her hornier than she had ever been in her life. His hands started wandering to other places on her body, caressing every inch of her skin. They were still cold, but not as much as before and her skin felt like fire, so the coolness only felt good. Her pussy was so wet now that she felt a sticky droplet escape her lips and slowly make its way down her scrotum and pass over her anus.

The feeling only stimulate her further, she wanted to him to fuck her pussy badly. That was all that was going through her head. His cock. In my pussy. Now. There was a brief pause between the kisses and she managed to utter:

“I want you to take me.”

Not the most eloquent, but it should get the message across.

Yet his reaction was the opposite of what I had expected. He pulled back and out of her arms. Sarah felt so confused. He looked apologetic in his eyes and said:

“I don’t know if that is a good idea.”

Huh, because he was her teacher? After all he had done, now they were crossing a line?

“I don’t want to hurt you.” He continued.


Was all she managed to say in between confusion and arousal.

“Well you clearly don’t do well with pain…”

She really had no idea where he was going with this. She wanted to have sex, why was he talking about pain?

“… and, uh …” He looked at her wet pussy between her spread legs, before he continued.

“.. I am not sure if you can take me.”

What does he mean… Oh. Oh shit. He has a large dick. So large that he believes he is going to hurt her.

Her heart ramped up again. The thought of him pumping her tight cunt with a dick that would bring her to her breaking point aroused her to no end. Why they fuck would he think that would be a problem, but more importantly…

“Now you are concerned about my comfort? After all you just did to me, now you care if I am in pain?”

“Look, I have had girls complain before that I was too big and wanted to stop. Given that you are so sensitive, there is no way you can take it.”

He wasn’t saying it in a mocking tone. He was serious. She could help but mock him, this was comical.

“Why are you being so nice now? You had no qualms about forcing yourself on me before.”

She knew that was unfair, but she was so frustrated. He narrowed his eyes, then opened his mouth to speak:

“I may have, but you could have told me to stop at any time, but you didn’t. As a matter of fact, I am pretty sure you took great pleasure in it.”

With that, he swiped his hands from her ass and up her pussy, then showed a hand glistening in the faltering light. The touch made her pussy twitch with pleasure and another glob of pussy juice leaked out and took the place of what he had removed. It made her feel embarrassed and turned on at the same time. She felt like her body was betraying her.

“I will give you one last chance. Spare yourself, I will not go easy on you.” He said with an annoyed and serious voice.

“Bring it on.” She said in a challenging tone.

He stood up, undid his pants and started pulling them down.

“I bet it is probably not even that big, you are probably just…”

That was all she managed to say before she was silenced in shock. Once his pants were off, she could see his bulge through his underwear. His huge bulge. Then he pulled his underwear down too and she saw it in its full glory. His cock was truly huge. And thick. Sarah swallowed hard. ‘Now you have done it, Sarah…’ She thought to herself. It was one thing to imagine it, but seeing it was very different… This would indeed hurt her.

He looked at her with raised eyebrows, challenging her to finally back out. But she wasn’t going to back out now, she had been too cocky. She wanted to win, to have it her way. At least this once. She would pay the price, no matter how big.

He went down on his knees between her legs and leaned himself over her, supporting himself with his hands on the ground next to her shoulders. He looked her in the eyes and she looked defiantly back at him. He then used one of his hands to guide his cock so its head was resting directly at her vaginal opening. She could feel his massive head pressing against her wet tight opening.

“Are you sure about this?” He asked her one last time. She opened her mouth and replied:

“Would you stop fucking aski…”

He wouldn’t let her finish her sentence. He roughly pressed himself into her. She let out an involuntary deep moan.

Thankfully, her excessively drooling pussy had more than enough lube for him to slide in with too much friction, but it stretched her to her max and then some. It felt so fucking great, it filled her up completely, but it also fucking hurt.

He fucked her rather mercilessly, as if to punish her for her rash words. Not hard and fast enough to hurt her, but enough to cause her pain. But she wouldn’t let him know. She wouldn’t let him win. Instead she focused on the pleasure. She felt his cock all along the inside of her cunt, every inch of her pussy was tightly wrapped around his cock. She had never had anything like this, never felt so filled. So fulfilled. But the pain kept making itself reminded and despite her best attempts, when he thrust hard into her she couldn’t help but grimace in pain. After a few thrusts he stopped.

“I am hurting you, aren’t I?” He said to her matter-a-factly.

“No you are not.” She lied.

“I know I am, I can see it in your face. Let’s stop this.” He started to pull out.

“No we are not. Just keep fucking me. I will get used to it.” She clinged on to him with her arms, and used her legs to lock herself tightly around his waist, preventing his big limb from exiting her.

“Why are you so persistent? You are clearly in pain.” He said, frustrated.

“Why do you keep making decisions for me? If I say I want to do it, then you will damn well just keep doing it.” She retorted angrily.

At that he snorted.

“Fine, but I will go slower until you get used to it.”

Then he kissed her, firmly but gently. His demeanor had changed. When he started to thrust into her again, it was slower and more gentle. It no longer felt like he was pushing her, trying to challenge her to quit. Instead his thrusts became softer. It still hurt a little, but now she could fully appreciate his fullness in her. She had heard that being fucked by a large cock could feel like being filled up in places you didn’t even know were empty. Now she understood what they mean.

They went on like that, him fucking her gently, while she tried to extract every kiss she could from him. After a while it didn’t hurt so much anymore, the raw pleasure of having her entire innards being stimulated and rubbed against took over completely and she could feel the pressure growing in her. She wanted more.

“If you want you can go faster now, I think I am mostly used to it now.” “If you say so.” Was all he said, before he kissed her again and started to speed up. She gave out a long deep moan from the increased pleasure.

The pressure in her pussy was building faster now and the increased stimulation got her even wetter. She could feel how with every thrust his cock displaced her juices, which leaked down in copious amounts down her ass. She was loving every minute of it. She couldn’t believe it. Her she was on top of a mountain having her cunt fucked to it brim by this strange man that tangled her feeling so much. Made her feel so much. With every thrust she felt him going deeper and deeper as she stretched more and more for him and the deeper he went, the closer she felt she was coming to an orgasm.

He started to thrust even faster still. The feeling of him pulling out, leaving her empty, then pushing back in filling her up again and stretching her out made her moan at every thrust. She didn’t last long. She came hard. her pussy tried to contract, but there was no space to contract into. It just wrapped her pussy walls tighter around his cock, increasing the stimulation further and making her cum even harder still. She let out a long deep moan.

“Fuck, you are getting so tight.” Mark said as she stopped to give her time to recover.

She kept contracting around his cock for several seconds, every contraction bringing her glorious pleasure. After a while he pulled completely out of her. The empty feeling in her vagina when he was out, made it feel like a huge part of her body had been lost.

“What are you doing?” She said.

“I think it is time we stopped now. I am fucking close to the edge and I don’t want to come inside of you.” He said, decidedly.

“What? No, don’t stop, I don’t mind if you come to me!” She didn’t want him to stop. She wanted him to thrust himself back into her, to fill up that emptiness in her.

He snorted at her. “Are you listening to yourself? I am not wearing a condom and I am not going to get you pregnant.”

She felt frustrated and horny and although she knew she wasn’t thinking straight, she just wanted more of him. The thought of him cumming in her pussy, filling it up with his cum, only drew her wilder with arousal. She just didn’t care.

“I don’t care, I just want you to keep fucking me! I want you to cum in me.”

“Why are you…” He started, but then there was a glint in his eyes and he got a devious look on his face.

“Fine I will keep fucking you.”

She felt relieved, yet the look in his eyes worried her, but she couldn’t muster the care to worry about it.

He grabbed her legs and pulled them up and towards her chest. This exposed her pussy perfectly to him and she couldn’t wait to feel his head against her pussy again. But when she felt her cock against her skin, it wasn’t by her vaginal opening, but further down. He was pushing against her ass, covered in her juices.

“Wait, what are you doing?” She asked worriedly, thinking that he had just mistaken the hole.

“Well, I can’t cum in your pussy, but you want me to keep fucking you. So there is only one thing to do. I will fuck your ass in cum in there.”

Whaaat? His words make her heart skip. He wanted have anal sex with that huge cock of his? She had had anal sex before, but never with someone so big. She wasn’t sure what to do, but still being in her post-orgasm sex haze all she could think about was having him in her again. She hadn’t had enough. Ending it here would feel like such a shame. Yet he refused to fuck her pussy. Why did he always have corner her into doing stupid stuff? Why couldn’t he just let her win? If she admitted defeat now and gave in she wouldn’t get to feel his cock anymore and who knows when they would get a chance again? Maybe never.

Besides, he had fucking earned it. He had done so much for her, it was only fair that she made a little sacrifice and let him cum in a satisfactory manner. And she would still have his cum inside of her. She finally said:

“Fine, but please be gentle. You are so big.”

At first he just blinked. He had clearly not expected her to agree, it was just a way to corner her into admitting that they had to stop. But she wouldn’t let him have that victory.

“Are you sure?” He finally asked.

“Would you stop fucking asking if I am sure? Just fuck me.” She retorted frustrated. He always doubted her resolve. It was so annoying.

“You are so fucking stubborn.” He said as he increased the pressure on her ass with the head of his big cock. She relaxed her ass and thanks to the copious amount of juices slathered all over her anus, he had no problem slipping in. Fuck, he really filled her up here too. It hurt, but again she wouldn’t let him have the victory of knowing that.

“Since you are so fucking stubborn, I am going to fuck your ass and cum inside of you as you asked, don’t worry it probably won’t take long, but don’t you fucking dare to complain about it afterwards!”

“Don’t worry, I … Uuuhhh! … I won’t!” She tried to say defiantly, but his thrust into her ass got her to lose her composure and instead it came out weakly and pathetically, interrupted by a moan.

Maybe it was the arousal and being so fucking horny, and her fuck juices from her pussy having leaked onto her ass probably helped too, but the ass fucking didn’t actually hurt that bad. It hurt, but feeling him fuck her again and having his cock inside of her gave her enough sexual pleasure to be able to enjoy it.

He was fucking her ass gently but firmly, making sure it didn’t hurt too much for her, but it was clear that his large cock in her tight as, and already being on the edge, wouldn’t allow him to last long.

“I can’t believe you are making me do this…” He said.

“Just shut and kiss me.” Was all she had to say back. He kissed her deeply as his cock found its way deeply into her ass.

Two more thrusts and he came with a loud groan. He collapsed on top of her and she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his head.

She could feel his cum inside of her as she had wanted. Just in a slightly different place.

Chapter 2/5 will come soon.



  1. Um, except the very rare cases of hermaphrodites, women don’t have scrotums and pussies.

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