Platonic Friends 18 – First Date Pt 1 (fiction, 23M/23F/23F, Con, Friends, Roommates, Open Relation)

“Remind me again **why** I have both a butt plug AND a wireless remote vibrator in me?”

Felicity spoke while wearing a skirt that went to her mid thighs as she wore a button up corduroy sweater with a few buttons undone showing off her tummy. The only buttons done were the ones that would hold and cover her small breasts.

She looked down at her outfit, “It’s bad enough you talked me into wearing this outfit.”

A different female chuckled, “Hey you’re the one who agreed to this. At least *you’re* wearing something comfortable while I’m stuck wearing dress slacks and a fucking button up man’s shirt. I feel like I’m wearing a suit.”

I walked up to Felicity and Emma hearing the last part of their bitching as I smiled, “Ladies ladies. Remember WE **ALL** agreed that WE would do our first date together as sort of a ‘trial run’.”

I handed Emma a rubber putter, “You got to dress more refined, more reserved.”

Emma lightly growled at me, “Ok I accept that I may need to dress with more class but come on Neil I look like I just got off work from a bank and not the good kind either.”

I shrugged, “Sorry it’s all we had on such short notice. Now do you want the red ball or the yellow?”

I held out my hand offering the two balls as Emma reached and grabbed the blue ball I was palming, “This is feels more right.”

I smirked at her, “Come on that’s just petty.”

She smirked, “You’re Damn right it is.”

Felicity waited before speaking, “Relax Emma slacks and a button up shirt can be very relaxing to wear once you get used to it.”

Felicity rolled her shoulders in the sweater, “This thing feels weird.”

Emma flatly spoke to Felicity, “It’s corduroy you’ll get used to it.”

Felicity sighed, “I’m just happy it’s not REAL wool or I’d be itching like crazy.”

Felicity walked up to me grabbing the red ball from my grasp and a putter, “And this butt plug isn’t exactly flattering.”

Emma chided Felicity, “Just be glad you’re wearing underwear.”

Felicity sighed, “Guess you’re right.”

She looked around, “And it appears we have the course to ourselves so there’s that at least.”

Emma chuckled, “Why? Afraid some little child is gonna look up your dress and run to their parent’s saying ‘*Mommy! Daddy! Why does that girl have a big gem in her butt?*’.”

Felicity spoke fast almost in hysteria but she wasn’t there yet, “Noooo!!!”

She sighed, “I was gonna say I was afraid some perv might look up my dress and see I have a butt plug AND a vibrator in me and give me pervy looks the rest of the night but now that you mention that,” she shuddered, “now I can’t get **that** out of my head.”

I smiled as I listened to the two girls bitch and moan about their attire that they had agreed to as a trial run as we decided to do a double date so both could get used to taking on opposite roles.

We decided on doing mini golf because it was simple and cheap.

The place we decided on going to was ‘Mack’s Putt Putt Mini Golf’ that was on the other side of a driving range attached to an actual golf course. We chose the place mainly because all they offered was mini golf and a simple kitchen offering simple friend foods with soda. That was all they had. There were no arcades. No go karts. No other entertainment of any kind. Just putt putt.

The course was simple with minimal flair or overly complicated decorations to the 18 hole course. Which made it cheap….and with the lack of entertainment it also meant not many people would be at this location. And by cheap I mean for us three it only cost $3 per person.

I looked around and saw we had a couple of couples playing having fun but for the most part it was nearly empty.

It was empty mainly because we decided to do this on a Friday night where everyone was out doing something else.

I smiled at the two girls bitching about their attire and spoke, “You two look fine. Come on let’s start.”

Emma rolled her eyes as she turned to walk to the first hole while Felicity and myself followed the short distance before we stopped and Emma spoke, “Who will start us off?”

I shrugged, “I don’t care.”

Felicity sighed as she spoke, “I will I guess.”

Felicity stepped up to the mat and bent down to place her ball on the mat as she lifted her leg at a 90 degree angle as the corduroy sweater opened up causing me to come up with a devilish idea.

I smiled speaking, “Say you want to make it interesting?”

Emma quickly spoke, “what did you have in mind?”

I shrugged, “Winner of each hole determines what the losers lose.”

Emma looked at me with her eyes sparkling and a smile while Felicity looked at me dead panned already afraid.

I spoke, “Relax. Neither of you will have to get nude.”

Emma frowned, “Then what’s the fun of that?”

I smiled as I pointed to Emma, “You actually WANT to lose clothes so you’re more comfortable. So if you lose the hole,” I thought about it, “next time we go out you’ll have to wear MORE shitty confined suit clothes.” I smiled evilly, “So you can complete that Shitty Banker ensemble.”

I looked at Felicity, “Whereas YOU will have to lose stuff. Say like your panties and bra. Lose too many holes I’m afraid that skirt will have to ride up and you lose buttons on the sweater until it’s fully open.”

I held up the device to her vagina, “And don’t forget I have this!.”

Felicity instantly gulped as she lost some color in her face as her cheeks went completely red.

Emma instantly glared at me while Felicity chuckled. Emma spoke, “And if I win the hole?”

I shrugged, “Like I said you can make US losers do something,” I smiled, “or make yourself more comfortable and open up the button up shirt.”

Emma smiled and nodded, “Alright you’re ON!!!”

I looked at Felicity, “Well?”

Felicity held up her hand, “Can I take her punishment?”

Both Emma and I looked at Felicity and slowly shook our heads as Emma spoke, “That’s in line with pushing you out of your comfort to be more free and open.”

I smiled as I looked at Emma, “And you more reserved.”

Emma grumbled, “Yeah yeah.”

I looked at both girls, “So does that sound fun?”

Both girls look at each other before Emma spoke, “Yeah but remind me what do YOU lose if WE take the hole?”

Felicity added, “And what if WE win the entire thing?”

Emma pointed to Felicity, “Ooo good point.”

They looked at me as I thought about it before shrugging, “Honestly I don’t care. You could have me lose my pants,” I looked at Emma, “or have me rock out with my cock out,” as I pointed at her, “I’m just NOT using my dick as my putter.”

Emma smiled as she playfully bit her tongue causing her to look down at my crotch before looking up at me smiling, “Ok and what do WE win IF we take ALL the holes?”

I looked at her, “I don’t know. A free weekend or something. You two decide on what’s fair.”

Both looked at each other before Felicity nodded and Emma looked at me, “You’re on!”

I smiled as I held out my hand towards Felicity, “Alright Fel, you’re first.”

Felicity nodded as she took her stance and put down her putter as she lined up her shot.

I whistled at Emma causing her to look at me as I smiled evilly holding up the remote and pressed a button as we heard Felicity light moan as Emma looked at Felicity to see she had swung as her ball bounced off the track and off to the shrubbery on the other side as she was now leaning against the putter holding herself up as her legs were locked together.

I smiled as I walked up as Emma spoke, “Already playing dirty I see.”

I winked at her before turning off the device residing in Felicity as she looked at me but between her now frustration and everything there was a mix in her eyes.

I put down my *yellow* ball lined myself up and swung as the ball went down the middle, bounced off the bumper shooting 90 degrees towards the hole and rushed over the hole.

I looked at hole frowning wondering how I missed.

I stepped aside letting Emma step up as she placed her ball down as I walked up on her wrapping my arm around her middle and pulling her into me as I whispered into her ear, “Don’t miss!”

Emma moaned out, “Tease!”

I pulled away and stepped to the side letting Emma line up her shot as she hit harder than I did but the ball followed the same path as mine did but instead of going over the hole her ball careened with my ball giving it enough bounce to bounce back….into the hole giving her the hole.

Emma smiled as she looked at me, “That’s ONE!!!”
