[MF] Sweet Virginia – Ch.3

I fell asleep tucked between the wall and Virginia’s body, squeezing her large frame tightly to mine with my strong right arm. This was the early 00s, so I do remember there definitely being a trend towards women wanting to be small and slender. Personally, I’d never subscribed to needing such a body type, or desiring only such a body type. Being 6’2 and 200lbs or so, I was no small fry myself and appreciated (and still do) a woman with girth. At the end of the day, who gives a fuck, right? She had giant curves. A legitimate plus-sized hourglass, and I fucking squeezed it closer to me, appreciating the warmth on a cold October night. I could hear crickets and what sounded like coyotes howling somewhere off in the distance while she inhaled calm slow breathes, clearly sleeping well after the hard work she put in on me before we crashed. I fell back asleep, already looking forward to what the morning would bring.

I was right in the middle of a dream about school. The worst thing in the world is when your dreams are about the things that you already get enough of in your actual waking life. Yet there I was, in school, bored out of my mind and for some reason a green salamander crawling in front of my dream as if it was on a t.v. Dreams never do make sense, do they.

Suddenly, as if a ghost had emerged from the machine, I felt a pressure in my guts. I mistook it for something trying to hurt me and reached down to wrench out of me whatever was causing this discomfort. The pressure was crazy, hard to explain. Then suddenly my eyes were open. What the hell? The ceiling above me morphing and twisting as my dream life ended and my waking life began. Where the hell am I? I thought for a few seconds, like when you wake up after a drunk night in a hotel on vacation. But the pressure began to subside and quickly turned into a pleasure that caused my sounds of shock and waking to turn into a guttural groan. That’s when I realized that Virginia had woken before me and taken me in her mouth again.

She hadn’t said a word to wake me and certainly didn’t bother asking for any sort of permission. Even as I woke, she paid my now alert state no mind at all, continuing to work her mouth magic on a dick that clearly had been activated, brain or no brain. “Fucking Christ” I sighed, wiping my face and sleep from my eyes. I rubbed them a bit more and looked down at her through bleary eyes to see her do her dirty work first hand. She had wrapped both her thighs around my left leg and was leaning on her own left side right between my own legs. Her left elbow was cradling over my right leg, allowing her to lay at and angle between my legs while still propping herself up with her left elbow. Her left hand was holding me at my base, squeezing deep and tugging methodically, really taking her time with that sweet spot between my ball and the direct base of my cock. Her right hand (ambidexturous I’d come to find out) was moving much faster spiraling in a twisting motion up and down from my head to halfway down the length. Every time her hand would drop below the mushroom head, her mouth would trail it, consuming my girth, never letting an inch of my cock go untouched, unrubbed or unpleased. “What in the holy fucking fuck” is all I could manage to say, causing her to chuckle slightly but never stop sucking me.

This continued on for almost ten minutes, an absolute masterpiece of a blowjob. She changed paces and rhythms but generally kept the same strategy of continuous coverage and constant double movements with her hands. It superceded last night’s blowjob as the best blowjob I’d ever received. This was becoming a trend I was happy to work on…

It was becoming inevitable that I was going to explode. She could feel it to, my dick tightening, my body arching… She took just a second between beautiful strokes to utter “Do it”…..”Go”…..”Now, give it to me”…..”I want it”….”Give it to me”….

Ask and you shall fucking receive and that was that. Another freakish orgasm started deep in my groin and began exploding forth from the tip of my dick, being immediately consumed like an animal in heat by Virginia. I gripped the pillow and held it over my face as I screamed bloody murder, concerned her parents would hear me cumming like a banshee from their daughter’s Certified A cocksucking. She continued pumping the cum from me, squeezing every last drop until I was practically begging for her to lighten up. Again she laughed, mercifully took my cock from her mouth and held it against her chubby cheek, smiling like it was a cool breeze.

“God I love sucking your dick” she beamed.

“Can we go to the hotel now?” I said, half-serious.

“Soon. Tonight. We’ll go to my friend’s house party first, and then hit the hotel after. I want to drink first. I’m nervous for you to see me naked.”

Again, this girl was confusing the hell out of me. She’ll blow my brains out, but nervous about me seeing her naked? Well, whatever, haha!

To be continued…

(If my story has your interest. Reach out with a RP scenario in my DMs. My love for writing extends in many debaucherous directions.)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xe6gvo/mf_sweet_virginia_ch3