A Purposeful Collision, Part 1 [femdom] [bdsm] [real] [chastity] [at work] [new] [F36/m44]

To simply call it an average day would be a huge understatement. It was only the second day at a new job, and he’d Joe had already felt like he’d settled into a solid routine. Get up at 5:30AM, shower, catch the train just before 7AM to arrive at the NOHO office right after 8AM. The way home was similar and hour commute filled with listening to podcasts with his noise canceling headset.

About halfway through his ride home, there always a solid black flash. He only caught a glimpse, but there was something about a black leather skirt stretched perfectly over all of the right places had a way of always catching his attention.

The rest of the ride, he couldn’t focus on anything else, while also trying to tell himself to stop fantasizing about someone he never see again. As the train approached his stop, he needed to walk towards the front of the train to be able to exit – the direction in which she was walking, and he hoped to see her again.

He wasn’t so lucky, and as he climbed off the train with so many others, most of whom he’d seen on this route three days per week, he had almost forgotten about the mystery woman who’d hijacked his thoughts – but then, he looked down the platform and saw her. As she stood in the daylight, she was even more stunning than he had pictured in his mind after the half-second glimpse he’d gotten before.

She took down her black, N95 mask to reveal her beautiful face. Overall, she was small in stature, probably 5-3 and of Asian decent. She wore the black skirt that had caught his attention in the first place, a simple black cardigan sweater and a black tee underneath. In contrast, she wore bright white sneakers with a black logo on them that were the perfect compliment to her dark attire.

He walked behind her and quietly admired her beauty without ever saying a word. He wasn’t someone who ever possessed the confidence it would take to make a first move on a woman like that, not to mention the whole tangled web of having a wife at home. He approached his SUV and in his side mirror, he watched her get into her black Toyota mini van. As he sat there for a moment, catching up on some text messages, he watched her put her bag in the back, and walk around to the drivers side – with the door closing, he assumed he would never see her again.

As he put away his phone, put his car in reverse, and took a look in his back up camera, he did notice she was still there and thought maybe he could catch one more glimpse. As he proceeded slowly, he noticed the brake lights glowing on the black mini van and then the back up lights. Without any true warning, it backed up right into the rear passenger side of his car.

“Oh my god, are you okay,” he asked as he hopped out of his car with his first thought being the well being of the other driver, not even realizing in the moment it was the woman he’d been lusting after. “I’m not even sure what happened there. Are you okay?”

“You fucking moron, maybe if you weren’t texting and driving, you’d be alert enough to not back into someone,” she was yelling loud enough to draw the attention of the only other people left in the lot. “I can’t believe how stupid you are.”

He instinctively apologized as they assessed any damage to the two vehicles of which his had only a small ding and hers nothing noticeable.

“Go and get your insurance info she snapped, I guess we don’t need to involve the police,” she said as she walked towards her car and climbed in the drivers seat, using the automatic switch to open the rear door, which he assumed was to make sure there was no damage there. “Move your car into a spot, no need to block things up.”

He put the car in drive, pulling back into space 77 where he’d been barked all day, and walked over to her van with a packet containing his insurance and registration, and his phone to snap a pic of hers. As he approached, her sliding back door was still opened and her drivers side window closed. He went to tap on the glass and she signaled for him to get in the back. He got in and moved to the rear bucket seat on the passenger side making it easier to have a conversation.

“Again, I’m sorry. I am not sure what happened. I guess you didn’t see me when you started backing up, but hey, accidents happen – that’s what insurance is for, right,” as he made the half-funny joke, he noticed the door closing and her shifting the car into reverse than drive. “Hey! Where are you going?”

She pulled down to the part of the lot that was always empty and put it in park. She turned and looked him straight in the eyes.

“There are no accidents,” she said in a very serious tone. “I started seeing you on this train last week. I sat behind you one morning all the way to Penn Station. I watched what you looked at on your phone as you escaped to your noise-free world.”

She took out her phone and showed pictures of his browsing on Reddit, all femdom, all would be considered by most to be extreme.

“Then I looked closer, and I noticed your username, so I dug deeper. I read your comments and got lost in your writing,” she looked up as she continued to speak. “At that point, I decided I would be the star in your next story. I knew all I needed to do was get you to notice me first – the rest would be easy. Now give me your phone!”

She grabbed his phone, added a new contact and then sent a message to herself.

“Okay, now go,” she said as she reopened the side door. “I’ll be in touch.”

As he walked back to his car, she simply drove away leaving him walking back across the lot all alone. His head was spinning, trying to figure out what the hell just happened, and he was even more confused trying to figure out how he felt about it all. As he pulled away, his phone gave the familiar ding that comes along with a message, and when he looked it was from an unknown number, and a message with just one emoji: 🤫

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/xe1nue/a_purposeful_collision_part_1_femdom_bdsm_real