Sometimes nice guys finish first… Or at least get to finish [FM]

Oh this sweet man. I still adore him.

So it’s kind of a long story why, but I’m barred in two places (as an attorney). They don’t have reciprocity so I had to travel out of state to take the second bar.

*Damn y’all! Can I write a sexy opening or what? Are you rock hard yet?*

So I was horribly broke at the time. I had had exactly four big girl paychecks then and was deeply in depth from my summer of studying. So I stayed at an AirBNB where I rented a room in a house with five dudes.

The first two days I completely ignored them. They were kind of annoying and I assumed younger than me (turns out they were all older). They did A LOT of cocaine and made a couple of comments about me when they thought I was out of earshot.

After I finished my exam, I honestly didn’t know anyone in the state so when they asked if I wanted a drink with them I accepted.

You learn a lot about people when they assume you’re not as smart as them.

So it quickly became clear to me that these upstanding young men did not know what the “bar exam” was and quite literally thought I was a fancy bar tender. I found this interesting and didn’t correct them right away, even when they demanded I make them drinks.

Tbh, they were all kind of assholes except this one dude. He was quiet, slightly overweight, sweet, and cute in an unassuming way. He kept offering me drinks and made me a burrito.

Meanwhile, his friends were dicks. They made a lot of inappropriate jokes at my expense, including one that REALLY rubbed me the one wrong.

One said, “If we did that to her we’d get arrested for kidnapping.”

“Actually it’s false imprisonment.”

“What did you just say?”

I then rattled off the elements of false imprisonment in their state, laid out the fact pattern, and analyzed the law with the conclusion that they’d hypothetically be guilty of false imprisonment.

*IRAC bitch!*

Nice guy started chuckling. “You took the BAR exam. You’re a lawyer.”

You also learn a lot about people when they realize you’re smarter than them.

The guy who was being a particular asshole (who btw was trying to fuck me) got very intimidated and kept trying to find a loophole here. He asserted that I was not yet a lawyer. I explained that I had, in fact, already passed the bar in my state and was taking it in theirs because my work paid me to be double barred.

Tbh, life is too short to get mad. Even though they were kind of dicks, I had just taken a very hard exam and was happy to have company. I joked with them, asked about their lives, and ended up finding some balance.

Except with Asshole Dude. He kept making super weird jokes that weren’t really jokes.

“Hey Viola!” He said at one point. “Is it true what they say about blondes?”


“What do they say, [Asshole dude]?”

“That blondes think they don’t have to give head?”

*Like, that’s not even a thing OR a joke. He just wanted to get me to say I give head.*

“Is it true that men who joke about women giving head have small dicks?”

*Not my best, but I was drunk.*

His friends all laughed. He did not. Instead he offered to show me his dick, and I politely told him I’d rather go take another bar exam. His friends laughed at that too.

So I actually studied abroad in the place that Nice Guy was from and the two of us started speaking Spanish. This led to a “This is America, speak English” joke by Asshole Dude. Meanwhile, Nice Guy brought me cookies he had made earlier.

It got late and I announced I was going to bed. Asshole Dude literally goes, “My room is down the hall, honey.”

“I’ll actually be going to my own room,” I sighed before I turned to Nice Guy, “unless you want me in yours.”

The room went silent because for once Asshole Dude shut up. Nice Guy nodded enthusiastically and practically ran out of the room with me.

*One of my more satisfying moments.*

When we got to his room he was so shy I wanted to hug him. I asked for a T-shirt and stripped down to my underwear in front of him and threw it on.

*I was drunk and a little too confident in my youth.*

He was trembling. I motioned for him to join me in his bed and we just cuddled me at first. When I turned my head to kiss him, his teeth were chattering. We made out in his for a while and this sweet dude said, “Hey, I don’t hook up very often. I don’t really know what to do.”

“Oh, well just so you know we’re not having sex.”

He almost laughed. “I definitely wasn’t that presumptuous.” Then he made a very sad comment about his weight.

“Oh! That’s not it! We’re not having sex because I just took a nine hour exam. And I’m exhausted. And I don’t fuck people when I’m drunk. And we just met.”

“Can we cuddle?”


He was VERY happy with this arrangement. He curled up beside me and whispered in my ear, “Can I show you around tomorrow?”

“Sure, I’ve never seen this city really.”

“The thing is I don’t have a car. Are you ok with a motorcycle?”

I sat up. “You have a motorcycle and we’re not on it Right now?”

“Well… we’re drunk.”

“Fair point. Tomorrow it is.”

We fell asleep like that and he woke me up with breakfast. I got ready and we slipped out the door, ignoring his friend making a comment about me as we did.

*Lol, loser.*

We actually had a wonderful, wonderful day. He showed me all around his city and took me to this remote little beach. I got to practice my Spanish and he got to feel my breasts pressed against his back when we were riding around.


When we were on the beach he made some weird comment about how he felt like he was in a rom com and I actually agreed.

“Yeah, but hot girls don’t magically appear in my bed everyday,” he laughed. “If we lived in the same city do you think we’d date?”

“I can’t see myself really dating anyone, but if I did it’d be someone like you.”

“I could move to your city.”

I laughed and told him he should chill. However, I did make out with him more.

And damn it, I hate the way I’m about to phrase this, but this man was SO GRATEFUL. I don’t know. I promise this wasn’t a sympathy thing or anything- I was genuinely into him. There was something about the way he got so hard through his jeans when I climbed on top of him or the moans he made when I rubbed against him.

There is something hot about someone wanting you that badly. Every time I rocked my hips back he looked like he was about to die of pleasure. It was addicting.

“I’d do more, but we’re in public,” I said.

*I had just taken the bar and public indecency was in my head.*

“Not even under the blanket?” he asked.

“Ehhhh, I think we could on only do hand stuff and I am NOTORIOUSLY bad at handjobs. Really.”

“I don’t mind.”

“Do you have a death wish? I’m telling you this is my toxic trait. I can’t work with my hands.”

“I’m telling you it won’t matter.”

I shrugged. I started stroking him through his jeans and then reached to unbutton his pants. When I slipped my hand in, I was, um… shocked. It must have showed because when my eyes got big he looked horrified.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

I smiled. “It’s just… You have a very large penis for a shy dude.”

I cannot explain the grin on this man’s face. It was like I had just handed him $10,000. He didn’t even say anything when I tightened my hand around him and started moving it up and down. He just rolled his eyes back and tried to steady his breathing.

He turned bright red. “I’m so sorry if I…”

He came.

*This was one of like three successful handjobs of my life. There’s a reason I don’t write about them. I am not being humble when I say I suck at this part of sex.*

*Mouth or bust!*

So with the weird position we were in, his cum got all over my shirt and he apologized profusely. I laughed, took it off, and threw it away. “Technically if my nipples are covered it’s not public indecency,” I explained.

And that’s how I rode on the back of a very happy man’s motorcycle in only my bra.

The most satisfying part though was walking into his house. All of his roommate’s were in the living room and gaped at me when we walked in.

“You lost your shirt, V,” Asshole Dude laughed.

“Nah, I threw it away because his cum was on it. That’s the curse of a big dick right? The aim is high.”

We didn’t do anything that night, nor did we keep in touch. He was a little too serious about moving to my city and I was a little too into my job. I just passed out in my room and left the next day.

He was cool AF though. Miles more interesting than all of his friends and undeniably adorable.

Cheers to nice guys everywhere though. May you all get laid the most.



  1. This is one of your best stories. I think most dudes have a version of this story (that doesn’t include packing their shit and moving to another state, but I digress).

    Inexperience. Nerves. Grateful for attention. Hoping we don’t do something embarrassing. Invariably embarrass ourselves. Hope she doesn’t run away horrified. Hope even more she doesn’t tell everyone she knows about the embarrassing thing. And in the end, be happy a girl got us off (if we don’t screw it up before that point).

  2. My best female friend had a thing for taking the virginity of overweight nerdy guys in her program back when we were in university. She always said they were so grateful and “worked really hard” to get her off in comparison to “hotter guys”

    They were usually pretty cool and I enjoyed hanging out with those guys instead of her conventionally attractive hookups the morning after. Much more interesting conversations.. well… Nerdier I must admit

  3. I love this story. Very well-written and entertaining. Great comebacks to the asshole!

  4. So many people end up defined by so few key experiences in their life. Asshole Dude likely pissed off a woman who took a chunk out of him, so he spent the next few years preemptively belittling women so their rejection wouldn’t sting as hard. But Nice Guy? You *became* one of those key experiences. It affirmed a ton of his life choices about kindness, and even gently rebuffed his romantic overenthusiasm, both of which are extremely valuable lessons.

    I want one of those freeze frame shots at the end of this story, where we get a voice over about where he is now. I would suspect happily married to a sweet woman, maybe a kid or two, but there’s room for surprise.

  5. I’m a shy guy. Always been. So not only do I appreciate this story for its excellent story telling qualities but for the story itself. Thanks for a captivating and very hot story! 🫶🍆,🤓

  6. So fun! And I agree, the nice guys are better for more than just a fuck! Loads of fun!

  7. Whate i enjoyed there most was how you set up the tale before going for the main events.

  8. First things first

    > “I’ll actually be going to my own room,” I sighed before I turned to Nice Guy, “unless you want me in yours.”

    This was magnificent, bravo!

    > And damn it, I hate the way I’m about to phrase this, but this man was SO GRATEFUL. I don’t know. I promise this wasn’t a sympathy thing or anything- I was genuinely into him. There was something about the way he got so hard through his jeans when I climbed on top of him or the moans he made when I rubbed against him.

    Oh no worries there, The Lonely Island did say “We wanna thank you all for letting us fuck you,” well *fuck your hand,* but you get the point.

    But you know, surely him being an genuine nice guy helped, it seems like you also have a penchant for people that give you food. Nice Guy gave you a burrito and cookies, Lucy gave you cookies too, Old Man gave you that apple pie, and of course your husband that feeds in in every sense of the word. Then again pretty sure everyone has that preference because *food is love, food is life* so yay!

    How you managed to be petty and pleasant at the same time is just amazing, you are gud! And really appreciate how you didn’t lead him on as well.

    May you get laid a lot/the most too! Cheers to you Ms. V!

  9. I 100% resonate with you with the gratefulness bit and with how hard it is to express that clearly without making it seem, in any way, detrimental or derogatory. Having my “radar” particularly attuned towards guys who are a bit away from the “stereotype of attractiveness” I have often found myself struggling to explain coherently those feelings you felt (and the fact that I’m actually into that body type, and that I’m not doing it out of pity or power fetish, or whatever).

    With that said, this story was crazy hot. You’re a masterful writer and comedian!

  10. I hope you told him at some point that if he ever finds another cool girl, just to treat her exactly like he treated you: be thoughtful, genuine, and respectful, and it will all work out.

    Good read, always love your stuff.

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