Chapter 1 – Part 1 – First class at an all-nude college [MF18] [Enforced Nudity] [Public Nudity]

Link to [Chapter 0](

As I continued towards my lecture room, mostly keeping my head down, I noticed that the naked students were also not permitted to wear shoes nor did they have piercings, scarfs or any other types of accessories. They really were completely naked. However, being naked and shoeless was not a great discomfort, the floor was heated and the temperature was well above room temperature, likely making it quite comfortable even with no clothing. As a matter of fact, I probably felt more discomforted from the temperature than they did, given that I had chosen to wear the full uniform with both the pants and the blazer, both quite warm.

I finally made it to my lecture room and entered. It was fairly small, maybe for 30 students, and was currently half full and all of the students were naked. Well, it was 10 minutes before the lecture should start, hopefully I wasn’t the only uniformed student in the class, that would be awkward.

ten minutes later and, yeah, I was the only uniformed student in the class… About half the class was guys, most fairly lanky as one would expect from people who study science, but a few were pretty well built. Sitting in the back end of the lecture room, I could see that several girls were stealing glances at one of the more good looking guys. Apparently, the girls also had issues not ogling members of the opposite too much.

While discreetly looking around, I also noticed the anxious girl from this morning, in the light blue skirt and black zip hoodie, was in our class, although now she was obviously naked like the rest. She was fairly short with beautifully rounded shapes, her thighs thick in all the right ways and from what I could see from my angle and with only brief glances she had pretty average sized breasts that looked very soft and jiggly. Her shapes were exquisitely feminine and shapely.

I looked away feeling both aroused and ashamed, from looking at her she was feeling extremely uncomfortable with her nudity and I felt bad for even thinking about her that way. Women are people too, I thought to myself, they are not just here for my admiration.

Finally, the lecture started and I was able to concentrate on the topic rather than on all of the explicit nudity in the room.


The lecture was quite lengthy and by the time it finished it was already time for lunch. I was packing up all of my notes and utensils, taking my time to allow most of the naked students to leave so I could avoid any awkward encounters or looks. That’s when I heard a pair of naked approaching my best from my right.

“Hi there! My name is Olivia! So you are the only uniformed student in our class huh? Well what are the chances!”

I looked up to see who she was and as I raised my eyes, they gazed upon the most gorgeous body I had ever seen in my life. Her legs were long and muscular, but not overly large with perfectly sized thighs that transitioned into the most perfectly shaped hips and waist I had ever seen. Her pubic area was completely shaved, with her inner labia slightly sticking out from the inner labia and her stomach perfectly flat and and when she moved you could see the muscles playing underneath her skin. As my gaze continued up they came across her chest and her two perky tits, both shaped like a pile of sugar. They weren’t large, maybe B cups, but their perfect pointed shape was outright erotic. It wasn’t helped by the fact that she was clearly pushing them out for maximum effect.

Not letting my eyes linger even for a second at chest level, for fear of what had happened to the other guy this morning, I continued past her well shaped shoulders that revealed the fact that this body was not accustomed to sports, to look her in the eyes. Her mouth was open in a big toothy devious smile, the type that tells you instantly that this girl is up to no good, and her eyes were sparkling with drive and excitement, the excitement of being on the hunt, and maybe a hint of arousal. This girl knew what she was doing and she knew what effect her body had on men and she was enjoying it. My whole body screamed “Yes!” and “Danger!” at the same time.

Her face was otherwise perfectly symmetrical and I knew that if she didn’t grin like a fisherman who just got a fish to bite, she would look angelic, especially with that long silky blond hair that flowed down her naked shoulders. It was the blond hair that revealed to me that this was the cute confident girl in the pink dress from this morning outside of the school. Let’s just say that my imagination did not do her justice at that moment. She was far more than I had imagined. She was far more dangerous than I had imagined.

It didn’t take more than a second for my penis to respond to the “Yes!” screaming through my body and starting to build up an erection, completely ignoring the “Danger!” part of the message.

“H-Hi!” I said before I had to swallow before I could continue.

“Yeah, it is a bit awkward isn’t it?”

What am I trying to do? Make things awkward? If I talk like this I will make it awkward even if it wasn’t before.

But she just responded with a laughter as fresh and pristine as a spring morning and replied, still possessing her huntress grin:

“Well I can imagine it must be for you, maybe you want to get naked like the rest of us?”

The thought of being naked with this aphrodisian beauty sent my body again into opposite directions, my dick screaming: “YES!”, and my intellect: “DANGER!”.

“No! I mean, I earned this uniform right, so I would insult the school if I didn’t wear it!”

What kind of lame ass excuse is that? Brain please stop shouting “Booobs!” and think of something reasonable to say before she gets me to say something even more stupid!

I response to me, she put on a fake understanding face, barely hiding the devious smile lingering on her lips, and leaned forward to put her hands on my desk, leaving her breast at eye-height and close enough that I could intimately see the shape of her nipples, and said:

“Oh, so you are only wearing it because you don’t want to insult the school, otherwise you would get naked like the rest of us? How noble of you!”

Immediate upon finishing the sentence she burst into her pristine laughter again, making me all flustered again and unable to form a proper reply.

“No, I mean… I don’t…”

But before I could finish, she interrupted me again. “I am just teasing, of course everyone wants to be naked. By the way, what is your name?”

Right, she had introduced herself right at the beginning of the conversation and I had rudely overlooked introducing myself.

“M-My name is Jonas. N-Nice to meet you.” Ugh another lame platitude from me.

“Nice to meet you too, Jonas. I gotta go, my friends are waiting for me, we are going to the lunch room. Maybe I’ll see you there! Bye!”

She said as she got back up, jogged over to pick up her stuff by her seat and head out of the room, waving.

“Oh, okay, bye!”

Was all I managed before she had left the room.

After a few minutes of recovery, I finally got up to leave and started walking down the row of seats. As I walked, I noticed that the anxious girl, who was really struggling with being naked, was still sitting by her desk, building up courage to leave and go back out into the public again.

Just as I passed her she seemed to have made her decision to leave, but because she was so deep in her own thoughts, she neither heard or saw me coming. When she got up to leave, she did it with such force that when she crashed into me, she completely lost her balance and started falling. I tried to catch her by grabbing her arm, but I had also lost my balance in the crash, so instead of keeping her from falling we both fell together into a heap of clothed and naked limbs, with her on top of me and my arms around her waist.

We lay like that for about one second, with her naked breast pressed against me and my hand on her soft skin, before she quickly got up, tried to mutter out an apology without looking at me and instead grabbed her bag to make a quick exit. I did managed to get a glance at her face as she got up and it was beet red from embarrassment. She rushed out of the room using her bag to cover her ample breasts.

Well that was not how I had planned to start my first day at college. I laid there for another second before I also got up and left the lecture room.

Link to [Chapter 1 Part 2](
