[MF] Sex with a Lesbian – Part 2 “Booty called”

If you haven’t read part one, I high suggest to start there. You’ll find it here:



Nearly a week had passed since I’d heard anything from Alice and I’d honestly just told myself “right, that was that, I won’t see her again. She got what she wanted, so, let’s move on too. Plus, it’s not like I’ll have a relationship with a lesbian after all.” I was honestly pissed off because I’d been ghosted, I didn’t feel used per say but being ghosted is one of my biggest pet hates.

Last night rolls around and I’m doing a long ass shift in the Bar I work in here in London. Time felt like it was dragging but nope, I just started far too early. I won’t lie, I felt like shit. Friday night I’d been out with Tasha (again) and I had a bad pint of beer somewhere and my body reacted. Even by Sunday morning I wasn’t feeling great. You add the fact that my sinus flared up and when Alice did pop in, I hadn’t eaten in 8 fucking hours. Lol.

The night had been slowly but surely winding down. The regulars were on their last pint and more tired than full of beer and I knew they wouldn’t last long. Twenty minutes before I planned on closing, ten people came in, young people and given how quiet the day had been, I couldn’t turn them away. They did spend money and I’m grateful for their custom but I was beyond shattered and hungry to the point my hands were shaking. I managed to serve all of them when I seen two women out of the corner of my eye. “Where the fuck did they come from” I asked myself placing money into the till – a little agitated. Turning to serve them, it was Alice and a friend of hers, Nina. I’d not met Nina before and never got an introduction. I quickly learned that Alice sleeping with men is a secret of hers, or at the very least, something she keeps on the down-low. Not that it mattered, her life, her choices and so on.

Now, I’m the staunch professional be it as a manager now in my present job or as a seasoned professional in my previous career. I served both of them with that professionalism, despite Alice ghosting me. And I wasn’t about to confront her with so many people present – that’s not my style. I knew I’d get my opportunity but I’d have to wait.

45 minutes later, I tell the people it’s time to finish up, I haven’t eaten since 3:30pm and kudos to them, they really did and went off on their merry way. Thank you for that. Within this time, I’d sat down beside Alice and we’d made light conversation but nothing crazy. Her friend Nina was tall for a chick, with dark hair, amber coloured eyes and while she was a bigger girl, the extra weight really suited her but it took visible effort to not look at her enormous rack. Of course, one of the two Irish lads from back home who were shit faced were just staring at her chest. One of them even going wide eyed and mouthed “fucking hell”. Couldn’t blame though. Nina wasn’t wearing much.

The conversation then began to shift to Nina’s tits and how they weren’t as big as one of the guys Moobs, that his were definitely bigger. Nina and Alice had had a bit to drink, Alice was fine but Nina wasn’t really. While I had to shut this down, Nina began fondling her tits practically having them on display, and getting Alice to feel them to make sure that they’re soft but firm. Alice didn’t really want to, given that this was her friend she indulged her and gave her huge breast a grab with her small hand. The contrast between the two was almost funny.

‘They’re soft, aren’t they Alice, tell him they’re bigger than his?’ moaned Nina leaning forward.

‘Yes Nina, they’re great. I wish I had tits.’

Alice and I exchanged a look and I leaned in and spoke in a whispered voice once I knew the others wouldn’t hear. ‘There’s nothing wrong with your tits, and you know it.’ I winked.

Alice didn’t reply but went slightly red in the cheeks and turned back to her friend without so much as a word. At this point I wasn’t sure if I’d accept Alice’s advanced if she made them. You don’t ghost me for a week and expect me to be overly nice, never mind railing you into next week.

Everyone was leaving and Alice hadn’t really drank much but Nina’ had been on doubles but what they didn’t realize is that were served the Irish measurement which is 35ml per shot. An oddity even here in London. Nina was getting a bit drunk so Alice said to me that she’d bring her home and come back down to me. I said fine. I needed to talk to her after all.

A few minutes go by and my phone buzzes, it’s Alice and she’s outside. I let her in and immediately asked her why she didn’t text me back. The long and the short of the conversation is that she wasn’t sure if she could trust me yet. I found this to be a little odd but from my experience in relationships and with sex (which is quite ample) I knew she’d been conflicted about the whole situation – connecting sexually with a gender you’re not emotionally attracted too. One of my best mates back home, the only guy I told about it said “she’ll be back for that kind of dick again”. I knew he was right of course. You don’t click with someone and not want it again. It’s human nature and I’d spent all week fantasizing about being back in that tight little lesbian pussy again.

I finished up the cleaning and closed the bar and ushered both Alice and I out the front. We sat down on a nearby bench and begin talking. We kiss lightly as she rolls a smoke and chat a bit more.

‘Do you want to come upstairs with me?’ I asked. I knew the answer but I wanted to gauge her reaction.

‘I’m not sure.’ Replied Alice.

I still wasn’t overly happy about being ghosted. I’m 33, not 23 – unlike Alice who’s the latter. Tasha had been wrong about her age, she was younger than I’d normally go for but life gives you what you need, not what you want in certain circumstances.

I stand up and move away from the bench and Alice follows suit. Arriving outside my apartment door we kiss again, much like we did that first night. ‘Bring me upstairs.’ Says Alice who grabbed my ass and waist and pulled me in for a kiss whiel she pressed me against the door.

Truthfully I was too tired and too hungry to fuck. I’m sorry, it happens.

Not that it mattered in the end. /rolls-eyes

I brought her upstairs and she began to strip, as did I. It didn’t take long for our hands to be all over one another’s bodies. My hunger disappeared and part of my tiredness – the lust taking over. Alice pulled me into missionary and kissed me hungrily before I pulled back and nibbled her nipples which made her breath catch. I stayed moving southward toward her pussy which had a nice bit of stubble and one of the most beautiful labia I’d ever seen and eaten. The second I began eating that pussy I went from flaccid to rock hard. I get off so much on pleasing my partner its unbelievable.

I ate her pussy till her juices filled my mouth but I had my suspicions even at this point so early on. While Alice wasn’t drunk she had been out drinking and I had a feeling that she wouldn’t cum no matter what I did. Alice rolled me over onto my back and mounted me but winced at my length and lowered herself slowly. We found our rhythm and we began fucking like two wild animals. My roommate was still awake but she’s cool. I hope. Haha.

Alice stops and looks at me with a dead set to her eyes. ‘I need you to wear a condom.’

I fucking hate condoms only because I can’t feel a bloody thing. Nothing at all, I barely feel the warmth of the pussy with one on. BUT, I knew this was important to Alice as I’ve long harboured suspicions that she’d been cum-in without consent and that is super fucked up. ‘Sure, no problem. If wearing one means you’ll be more comfortable.’

‘It will and thank you.’

After a good twenty minutes of hard fucking I was ready to cum and I filled that condom up with more cum than I thought I had in tank. I knew Alice hadn’t cum and I immediately went to work. I moved between her legs and began eating her pretty lesbian pussy. Her thick thighs locked on my head and her body squirmed but I knew she wouldn’t be cumming tonight. A week ago we were more or less sober, whereas tonight and despite Alice being in good good shape (Sobriety-wise) had had alcohol. She wasn’t inebriated, far from it but it doesn’t take too much drink to affect our bodies that way.

I ate her pussy so hard, and for so long that the muscles in my jaws were moments away from pulling. I switched up my tactics and put my two middle fingers inside her and began doing the come-hither motion. My mouth moved to her left breast as I steadily increased the tempo. Alice like’s it slow. My mouth moved to her right nipple and I could feel her pussy squelch, her juices flowing. I locked my fingers in place over her g-spot and jackhammered her pussy with all the power in arm – which is quite significant. When her orgasm never came I licked her pussy, gathering all the juices because I knew she’d like the taste and kissed her. She sucked my tongue like ice-lolly and groaned approvingly.

We sat back and relaxed and the conversation took a weird turn.

‘I never cum.’

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

‘What, I don’t.’

‘Clearly you don’t remember last week? Where you soaked my bed sheets and came all over my face?’

‘But that’s different. I came but I didn’t cum. Know what I mean?’

I knew what she was trying to say but she 100% orgasmed. ‘It’s the alcohol, the same happens to us guys. If I drink even a small amount. I’ll never cum.’ And it’s true. I don’t.

I asked her how often she masturbates and she says every single day and with toys. When I told her that I don’t do it every day anymore, that it’s every few days, she was taken a back. I explained that I over stimulated myself in the past and it interrupted my sex life. That I wasn’t cumming as often as I should’ve been. Let’s face it folks, you want your partner to cum, so why prevent that by too much stimulation. Alice said she disagreed, that it’s most certainly the alcohol. I kissed her softly on the cheek and then the forehead and said no more.

Alice decided that she didn’t want condoms anymore and we began round 2 and 3 and 4. I’ll never tire of that feeling of cock inside pussy. That warmth and tightness. The feeling of pussy juice running down your shaft and across your balls. The feeling of my sensitive cock head rubbing against the walls of her pussy. The fact that every time I insert myself right to the hilt, we both let out an audible gasp. And the hungry look in this womans eyes as she does what she likes with my dick. The look of not just any woman but a lesbian woman allowing her lust toward a man to take her over.

We really switched it up at this point going from a variety of positions but it was Alice that wanted to be fucked and in the way she liked. She had this look in her eye “I want to try this and this and this”. And I left her to it. I took control more than a few times and reminded her who the dominant one is but she was far too feisty to stay still for long and having far too much fun – so why spoil it? Her tatted voluptuous body was mouth-watering. Her thicc thighs, huge round ass that bit of belly fat was just perfect.

I held off my second orgasm, as I felt it wouldn’t be fair for me to cum twice while she wouldn’t cum at all and even she knew it at this point. Eventually after the fourth round we were covered in a thick layer of sweat and sex. She was lying on top of me. My still hard cock was moving in and out of her pussy slowly. Her entire body weight resting on mine. Our breathing was heavy and our eyes half open. I had one hand on her lower back and the other grabbing at her large round ass cheek.

‘I’ve to go home.’ Said Alice for the tenth time but both of us were so worn out from the sex and both of us having a busy day that we just lay there like this for a good 15 minutes. It was a very intimate experience but the hour was getting late with roughly 2 hours having passed since we began. We both dressed and I walked her to the door. And said our goodbyes followed by a kiss.

I’m not sure if any gay women are reading this but I’d love to hear your “two-cents” on Alice and her mind set or what she’s possibly going through. She’s quite a stable woman and works very hard. Which is why I’d no issue going there a second time. Even if the ghosting pissed me off.

So yeah, I think it’s safe to say I’m now a Booty Call for a Lesbian who admitted that she loves my dick.

Life really is full of surprises.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xcarzw/mf_sex_with_a_lesbian_part_2_booty_called


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