(24f) I made the mistake of agreeing to go skinny dipping with friends [MF]

This was the last weekend I was going to get to do summer type activities with my friends. We decided to have a backyard pool party/BBQ at my girl friend’s house and I was really looking forward to it. I wasn’t planning on going in the water so I didn’t bother with a bikini, which was a mistake.

Now you gotta understand that my friends, my real friends, don’t know about my sex life. They don’t know what my relationship is like and they don’t know what I get up to. So this was put of no where for everyone involved lol.

The alcohol was flowing and people were getting drunk. Myself included. Some people started to get in the pool, and I realized that I was the only person who didn’t bring a bathing suit. My girl friend offered to loan me a suit but she is bigger than me. Not like fat, she was thicc with big tits lol. So It wasn’t going to fit.

Anyway most of my friends were swimming, and I was drunk and felt like I was missing out. One of the guys suggested I just swim in my underwear since it was basically the same. The thing is, I was wearing a really cute matching set of underwear and I didn’t want to ruin them. Which I explained. The next suggestion was just swim naked.

Well I was drunk. Everyone else was drunk. And the mere suggestion of going naked triggered my exhibition kink. But these were my friends. My real friends. I didn’t want to fuck that up. So as tempting as it was, and as turned on as I found myself, I said no. My other girl friend said that I totally should, and that she would too if it made me more comfortable and before I could say anything she took her top off.

People laughed and cheered, and one of the guys took his trunks off. I was not ever planning on seeing one of my guy friend’s cocks, but there it was lol. So I gave in. I took my dress off, and stripped off my cute underwear, and I was very aware that I was being watched as much as I was being cheered on.

I got in the water and tried to pretend that it was all normal, but the sexual tension was really high. Two naked girls in a pool has that effect I guess. Two of my other guy friends took their trunks off as well. I’ve known these guys for years, and there they were, naked. And I never expected one of them to be packing a fucking hammer lmao. Dude was hung lol.

At this point I was very very horny, and I lost all modesty. I wasn’t trying to cover up at all, and I wasn’t shying away from my guy friends checking me out. We were all splashing around and playing, and trying to dunk eachother. When I felt a hand on my ass, or my tits, I just let that happen. I enjoyed it. No one got bold enough to try anything else, but I probably would’ve let it happen. And I may or may not have wrapped my fingers around that huge, thick, semi hard cock at one point… ok, I totally did.

So now my friends have all seen me naked, I know which of my guy friends have nice cocks, and I let some of them touch me, and I gave one of them a few strokes. No matter what anyone says, my relationship with these people is forever changed. Especially since one of the guys has been texting me all day. He made a few comments about the party but he is playing it cool.

Now it’s pretty obvious he sees me in a whole new light, and he’s trying to see where I’m at. He’s been flirty, and he’s trying to get me to hang out. He even sent a shirtless selfie with an obvious bulge visible. I should have never gotten naked, and I definitely should not have grabbed his cock. Alcohol and exhibitionism is like the fatal combination for me lol.

So now here I am. Everything is changed now. I don’t really know what to do about my friend. Like he knows I have a boyfriend. I could just tell him that I was drunk and caught up in the moment, but I also think that will make things awkward. But not addressing it will also make things awkward. My boyfriend thinks it’s hilarious so he’s no help lmao.

Oh well. I’ll figure it out.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xbv5hq/24f_i_made_the_mistake_of_agreeing_to_go_skinny


  1. This was very hot. It got even better when I went to your profile and saw that you’ve posted pics of yourself 🔥😮‍💨

  2. As someone who has experience as a hung guy, just be honest with your friends. Like you said, they are your real friends, so just be honest and move on.

  3. I have a female friend that I’ve tried for over 15 years to get out of the friend zone; not very hard the last decade or so. She’s my best girlfriend now. We can talk about almost everything. Anyway a year and a half ago she finally let me see a picture of her tits. Would I love to see them again, yes. Do I want to see more also yes. Will I, probably not. Has it changed the relationship, no.

    Talk to him honestly. If he’s a true friend you’ll be fine and have a better relationship. If he’s not he won’t respect your boundaries and you can let him go.

  4. Just because you got naked while drunk with friends doesn’t mean you need to tell them anything else about your life. For the dude that’s texting you, simply say it was fun, you enjoyed the liberated feeling, things got a bit touchy with all the drinking and remind him you have a boyfriend. He should calm his jets. Nothing that happened needs to change any friend dynamics.

    As for the hung dude, yeah… probably gonna make that happen. But he’s the exception, not the rule.

  5. Well, at least you’ve got a chill boyfriend whose only opinion on this is that it’s funny, when most people would freak tf out. So, silver linings?

  6. >I could just tell him that I was drunk and caught up in the moment

    Exactly. It’s not really any more complicated than that.

  7. Unsolicited advice: don’t swim drunk. A friend died doing that. Much worse than sexual awkwardness.

  8. Or you could possibly have the best sex of your life and then tell us about it subscribeme!

  9. First thing, if your bf found this hilarious, marry him. He’s a keeper. Second thing, just be upfront with your friend that you see him as a family member, so things will never go beyond that

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