Trapped: Part one [M45/F31] [OC] [NonCon] [Abduction] [Trigger Warning] [Excessive Force] [Deep throat] [Female POV] [First time]*All over 18

It’s a late summers evening, you lost track of time while observing the city from your high rise office window that overlooks the Chicago river. A deep gurgle from a near by water cooler snaps you out of your stare and you realize it’s getting dark outside. It was another late night at the office. You glance around and realize you’re the last one on your floor. The walk to your car isn’t far, but you feel uncomfortable being in that area after dark. You close your laptop and begin to gather your things.
You’re wearing a white button up blouse and black pencil skirt with heels. You decided to wear your hair up today which looks cute accented with a pair of light blue glasses that make your eyes pop. Your athletic build is disguised by your attire, but you prefer not to attract attention to your looks while at work. You’re a bit shy and after the difficult relationship you just got out of and you’ve been enjoying your freedom.
You quickly make your way to the elevator and push the button to call it down. The elevator doors open and a gentleman is waiting inside. He catches you off guard as you didn’t think many others are working as late as you. He greets you with a gentle smile and asks if you are going down. Obviously you are, you think to yourself, but you answer with a kind yes as the elevator doors close. The ride to the lobby is quiet and the man allows you to leave first. You step out and make your way to the front doors but before pushing them open, you look over your shoulder and notice no one is there.
What’s wrong with me?, you think to yourself as you recognize how anxious you are with a heightened sense of paranoia. You shake it off and begin walking up the street to the lot where your car is parked. You approach your car and take a quick look around. You remind yourself “It’s safe and your fine”. You open the trunk using the key fob and place your laptop and papers inside. You reach up and pull trunk down, it closes with a thud and then everything goes black….
The smell of dampness, an old basement perhaps, is the first thing you notice. You slowly open your eyes, it takes a few seconds for them to adjust but all you can see is darkness. You’re tied to a permanent fixture, maybe a support pole?, the feeling of cold steel on your arms combines with the irritating feeling of rope around your wrists. You soon realize you’re blind folded and begin to take notice of your body. Arms behind your back, sitting on the cold concrete ground with your legs straight out.
You’re too terrified to make a move or any sound. The floor above you creaks and cracks from time to time, you know you aren’t alone here. Some time passes and you attention is drawn to the other side of the room. A door opens and you hear slow paced, but very heavy foot steps on the stairs. Thump.. thump.. thump. Your heart begins to race, your breathing is getting heavy and you start to squirm a bit, frantically trying to free your hands. Your mind can’t ignore the foot steps, one by one until they stop. Hundreds of thoughts race through you mind; what could this person want from me?, what is going to happen to me?… you start trembling and breathing even heavier now. Tears begin to run from your eyes and are immediately absorbed into the blindfold and feels cold and wet against your cheeks.
You’re thoughts are interrupted as you begin to feel a presence standing only a few feet from you. You hear a male voice begin to speak, it’s a deep and assertive tone. “You’re going to be ok, you hear me?” He says abruptly. You freeze and continue to just breath heavily. “Do you know why you’re here?” The man asks. You reply softly “No… p-please untie me, I need to get home”. “Huh” the man scoffs in response, then says “Well, let’s get that idea out of your head right now. Let me make this very clear to you… I own you. You will do exactly what I say, when I say it! Then maybe you will earn your way out of here”. You begin to respond with a pleading tone “No! Please no, you don’t have to…” before you can finish your sentence, you are interrupted by a warm, stinging sensation across your right cheek. *Smack* echos through the basement as the man hits you across the face. He exclaims in an agitated and aggressive tone “Say something again!! Ask me to leave one more time!!” *Smack* again the feeling of flesh striking your cheek heightens the already stinging sensation to a new level. The man continues “The sooner you accept this the sooner you can earn your freedom. I don’t want to spend weeks breaking you”. You simply nod, afraid to say anything or even make a peep. “Good girl, you’re a quick learner… I like that” says the man as you can hear him wetting his lips with his tongue. “Do you enjoy sex?” asked the man, you can almost hear his smirk. He continued “Do you like to suck on cocks?”. You reply with hesitation “I…I… “ the man loudly interrupts you “I don’t give a fuck what you like… but you will learn to care about what I like.”
The man takes a few paces around you then slowly gets closer to your chest. He begins to softly lick your neck, you flinch a little at first and wince as you feel his tongue slowly slide up your neck to your ear. The tip of his tongue tickles your earlobe and he draws it into his mouth and gently sucks on it while flicking it with his tongue. He slowly moves down your cheek and starts to kiss your lips but you don’t kiss him back.
The man grabs your face, his powerful fingers on either side of your jaw. “Open!!!” he commands. Still terrified you decide to plead with him again, “Please don’t..” The man releases his grasp and slaps you across the face even harder than last time. Your mouth now open from the force. He takes this opportunity to put his thumb inside your mouth and thrusts it in deeply, almost down your throat. You choke and gag a little, he then pulls his finger out and pushes your neck against the pole you’re tied to, your head hits the hard steel as he tips your chin up. You open your mouth as wide as you can and begin doing what he asks. He releases your neck and backs away.
The sound of clothing rustling and falling to the ground soon follows. Suddenly you can feel the warmth of a very hard, thick cock slowly gliding past your lips and into your mouth. His texture is smooth, the shaft just grazes past your molars and fills your mouth up. A small amount of precum gets spread on your tongue and it has a sweet taste. His cock hits the back of your throat into the soft pallet, he’s in as far as it will fit and still there’s more of him to go. He then slowly slides back out. He tries to enter again, you move your head side to side in an effort to stop him from entering. He grabs you with both hands on either side of your head to steady you. You speak up again “I’m not this kind of girl… I don’t do things like this”.
The man laughs quietly to himself, then continues to slide his cock back into your mouth. This time very aggressively and hard. He pushes all the way back to your throat, forcing his way deeper and deeper than anyone else has, suffocating you. This takes you by surprise, you don’t know what else to do at this point. You go numb and feel dead inside. You finally accept that you are just going to have to take him.
The man grunts and let’s out a relieved “Fuuuuuuck, your mouth feels so good. I’m going to fuck your face until I cum”. Your eyes widen and you begin to scream and cry, it’s hard to hear over the sound of his cock sliding in and out of your mouth and cutting off your airway. You struggle a little more now. You can’t breath and then realize you have never let anyone cum in your mouth before.
His thrusts get more firm, you can feel the head of his cock stretching out your throat. He begins to make these deep rhythmic grunts with each thrust, you’re gasping for air at any opportunity. You can feel the head of his cock getting harder and harder. “Take that cock you dirty little slut!” he screams as he grabs your head from the back now and start forcing your face harder and faster into him, treating your throat like an object and violating you so forcefully.
You can feel his cock start to throb, his muscles begin to tense up and his rhythm begins to change. He releases a large grunt and his grip on your head tightens further as his cock is forced right down your throat. You can feel the warmth of his cum as it’s pumped down your throat. He pulls back a little after a few shots. You had started to black out and realize just how deep he was holding you into him. The head of his cock is now back in your mouth on your tongue. With each throb you feel his warm cum being pumped into you, hitting the roof of your mouth. There’s so much, it quickly fills your mouth and begins running down your chin and onto your chest. You stay in one position, frozen and in complete shock. He smacks your cheeks with his hard shaft as the last bit of cum drips out of his cock. He steps back, watching your mouth still wide open, cum dripping out. He says these final words before retreating upstairs “You can close your mouth now, let’s see if you earn your freedom tomorrow”. You sit still in shock, then hear the final slam of the door closing behind him. . .
To be continued.



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