[FF] Concert Fun

Summer 1999 – I was home after my freshman year at college. I had been having regular sex with LeeAnne, my RA, for 8 months. While I had been with another woman before that, LeeAnne was a different experience. She was a lesbian, not bisexual and she opened my eyes to everything sex had to offer. We fucked constantly. Eating, fingering and eventually using toys. She taught me everything about fucking a woman. When I went home for summer, I was heartbroken to leave my friend but I was excited to find someone back home to try out my new found skills on.

Small town bisexual opportunities are limited. Especially a town with churches on every damn corner and quite literally everyone knows you and your entire family. By mid July, I had not had sex with a woman since early May, or sucked any cocks. Pent up was hardly the word.

However, eventually opportunity comes knocking…this came in the form of a Dave Matthews concert and a random girl in line for free condoms. (At the DMB concerts in the late 90’s, they always had Trojan reps walking around handing out free condoms).

I was wearing a long black peasant skirt, a tiny spaghetti strap tank top with no bra and had my hair braided in two long braids. Definitely channeling my inner flower child. And in true DMB concert fashion, I was higher than a damn kite. Being high makes me very sensual and erotic. The girl in line was much like myself…the typical girl next door. She had on a sundress that was short. She was just slightly taller than myself and had hair that came to her shoulders. She was cute and I was instantly attracted.

We started to chat when I came up behind her, talking about the concert. She complimented my skirt and I her dress. She was sweet and very friendly. At one point after we got our free rubbers, she joked that she’d be lucky to find a guy to put it on that night. And in a moment of sheer pot induced courage, I replied, “why find a guy when I can give you a better time?” (I mean looking back WTF was I thinking???) The look on her face made me instantly wish I had kept my mouth shut but I think truly it was just shock that someone she had met about 5 minutes before would say something like that. She considered what I said for a minute…the awkward moments passing as I wondered if I should apologize but in my pot induced haze couldn’t get the words together. Then to my absolute surprise and delight, she shrugged and said, “what the hell…never done that before!” HOT DAMN!

So we walked back to the lawn shortly before Dave took the stage. Her friends were off walking around so we went to join my best friend, Tiffany and her boyfriend. As they started to play, the crowd got to their feet and went crazy. We started dancing along with everyone around us. The sky was finally dark and several thousand fans crowded the lawn keeping bodies packed pretty tightly together. As we swayed to the music, I made my move and put my hand on her lower back, gently using my fingers to caress her through the dress. She glanced at be briefly before pressing back against me. That was all the encouragement I needed lol

For the next hour, I continued to touch her. Slowly at first in casual benign places. Her back. Her shoulders. Her arms. Then I felt a very tentative touch on my hand…I glanced up and she winked at me. I leaned over and asked her exactly what she wanted to do.
She didn’t answer. I’m not sure she knew what to say or even think. So I leaned in and kissed her. Softly at first but then I slide my tongue along her lower lip and she groaned. All bets were off then. I kissed her deeply, feeling her tongue move against mine. Slowly I pulled away but continued to stroke her and keep contact. I worked my way slightly in front of her but also to the side a bit and began to stroke her thigh under her dress. She pushed into me…urging my exploration north. I reached the edge of her panties and rather than plunging right in, I stroked her through the cotton. Using my thumb, I gently massaged her lips, up and down. Moving them side to side. She was slightly wet and open so the cotton began to get damper against my thumb. I could feel her body shiver every so often and knew she was loving it. I kept up rubbing her and her moaning was getting louder. I knew if I kept going, she would cum before I could taste her and I was dying to eat her pussy.

The next song in the set started and it was Satellite. She leaned forward and said, “this is my favorite!” I knew then what I wanted to do. Slowly, I knelt down in front of her under the guise of tying my laces on my chucks. Rather than standing back up, I slipped my head under her sundress, slid her panties to the side and plunged my tongue into her saturated pussy. Her hand rested on the outside of her dress, holding my head in place. I knew my time was limited with the song and praying no one noticed I was going down on this chick in the middle of a fucking concert. So I did what I knew would push her over. I took her swollen clit in my lips and began to suck. Gently for the first few sucks but quickly escalated my pressure. Within a minute, she came. Her knees shaking and her hand trembling on the outside of her dress. I slowly licked up and down her labia a few times. Savoring her juices on my lips.

In truth, I don’t know if anyone noticed aside from Tiffany and her boyfriend who were right next to us. And I didn’t care because I had already fucked her so she knew what I was doing lol.

When I stood back up before the song ended, I scooted back next to her and held her hand. We continued to touch and dance for the remainder of the concert. She never touched me sexually, which was fine, she had said she had never done a woman before so I had no expectations. I was just happy to have eaten a pussy and gotten her off. When the concert ended, I kissed her again and said thanks for the fun. We parted ways…not exchanging numbers or anything. It wasn’t until the drive home when Tiff’s boyfriend asked a question about her and didn’t know her name that I realized I didn’t either lol. Oh well…it was a fun concert and 20+ years later I still think about.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xaokty/ff_concert_fun


  1. Well this was kind of amazing, what a memory! And totally get what you mean. sometimes when I get the liquid courage and say something I normally wouldn’t I facepalm myself lol. glad it worked out

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