[F]28 Giving a friend her first ever orgasm

In my teens I was part of a dance troop that travelled all over the country for competitions every weekend. Once per year in the summer there would be a major competition, where you stayed over at the venue for a long weekend. This would consist of arriving on the Thursday. Competing in the Friday, Saturday and Sunday and then returning home on the Monday.

For us girls, it was like a mini vacation. There was always a clubhouse on site that ran an event on the Saturday evening for not only the troops, but for anyone that was staying on the site. This meant there were also boys there. Young girls as we where, it excited us all! We also snuck in an abundance of alcohol so we could get the party going as soon as we arrived on the Thursday and kept the party going right the way through!

The rooms usually slept between 6 and 8 people with bunk beds, but all 12 of us would stay in the one room and have slumber parties, playing the usual drinking games you do as a teen I.e. Spin the bottle, truth or dare, flip cup etc.

This one year, I think it was 2010 which would have been my second to last annual trip before leaving the troop. On the Friday, we had all been drinking in the room straight from qualifying for the dance knockouts on the second day of the competition. We were all pretty intoxicated by this point, talking about our excitement for the Saturday event! Boys, boys, boys. This was alls we ever talked about.

I can remember we started playing games. It was just innocent, light hearted, fun questions – ‘Who is going to be the first to kiss a boy?’, ‘how many boys do you think you’ll kiss tomorrow?’.
One of the questions was along the line of who thinks they are the best kisser.. We were all pretty competitive so I can remember the majority of us claiming to be the top kisser. We ended up spinning the bottle and whoever it landed on, would have to kiss each of the remaining girls for 30 seconds and make a decision who was the best. Alls I’m saying is, I had the bragging rights for the rest of that weekend!

During this, we had learned that for one of the girls, this was her first ever kiss. Which sparked the questions to go deeper. Which of us had gone further than kissing?, had any of us had sex before?, how many people had we had sexual relations with?.
It turned out 4 of the 12 where still virgins. 2 of which, actually lost their virginity the next night!

A few more questions in and we found out that the girl that had never kissed anyone had never had an orgasm and one of the other virgins was unsure if she had when she had been fingered.
All the truths seemed to be out, so each time the bottle was spun we agreed we would choose dare. Most of us had to flash in one way or another, a few of us had to streak down the corridor, those types of dates.

By the times the bottle finally landed on me a few of the girls where half naked, covering themselves with a blanket or night gown. As the best kisser, I was given the most adventurous dare. Just as our friend had her first ever kiss earlier, I now had to give her, her first ever orgasm. At the time I had only kissed other girls for fun, I had never played with another girl on that level, not even in a game or for a dare. I had however, had my fair share of orgasms.

Filled with Dutch courage and the fact nobody had failed to complete a dare. I manoeuvred myself closer to her and she lay back lifting her t shirt up, already exposed having had removed her panties for an earlier dare. She had her eyes tight shut and I could see she had a vice grip her t shirt. Beads of sweat forming on her nose and forehead. I can remember her pussy quite vividly! It was so plump. Although she was obviously very nervous and everyone was giggling and watching, the wet was grooling out of her pussy. Still to this day one of the hottest I’ve ever seen in person!

Well.. I didn’t even have to go down on her. I was so nervous myself, I just rubbed on her clit with my thumb for a couple of seconds, before I pushed two fingers inside her. Straight away, my fingers where only half way in and she began to cum! Her legs where shaking so hard and she actually grabbed my wrist and pulled my fingers deeper into her! When she had finished, she sat up, , both of us red faced and flustered in embarrassment as all the girls where cheering and clapping. This was the first orgasm I’d ever given another girl and it was her first ever orgasm from anyone. So it’s something I’ll never forget!

The game continued after this and our other friend that has never orgasmed before was also given one, in the next dare. She obviously enjoyed it so much, she was one of the girls that lost her virginity the next night on the benches behind the clubhouse!

So many fun memories from those days, I’ll never forget this one!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xathvz/f28_giving_a_friend_her_first_ever_orgasm


  1. My buddy Red sucked a bunch of us off and we paid him 5 clynkarda for each. The fellas came hard as could be.

    Traveling to Vishnu with too much drink. WE came up on
    Barbie Joe. Fuck it Joe’s shoulders came down hard and I held his face then pulled him so his freckle ass shown and then my brow cock andi fucked this howdy dudy Crying more than Joanne. She did not want to play yet she moaned they rape but felt pleasure too.

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