[MF] Slipping through “The Window”

We all know / hopelessly crush on someone who is perpetually in a relationship and therefore unavailable. But there are moments – brief, fleeting moments – between breakups and reconciliations, between old relationships and the next new one where there is a window through which you can make your moves.

*If this sounds familiar, it’s because there’s a HIMYM episode about this very phenomenon. Except unlike Ted Mosby, I managed to actually slip through the window.*

Let me tell you about Christa. We were high school friends who stayed moderately in touch throughout Uni. Christa was cute as a button – Greek, with long, dark curly hair and beautiful olive skin. Her dimples had dimples. Her eyes shone behind her glasses. She was smart, able, capable. She teaches kids music. I was hopelessly infatuated.

*But there was always a problem. She was always dating someone else.*

There were opportunities, of course: times when she had just broken up with her partner. And I tried to jump on those opportunities as well as I could. I must have “confessed” to her at least three times, usually when I was drunk. It was not a good look for me. She turned me down every time, and every time I was sure that that was the end of our friendship. But every time, Christa got back in touch with me and our friendship continued.

And then, one summer’s night, my ex broke up with me. And while I was at a friend’s party trying to ignore the fact that I was newly single, Christa texted me asking how my night was going.

“Well, I just had my fucking heart broken,” I said.

“I’m so sorry, B,” Christa replied. “If it’s any consolation, I know how you feel.”

“What do you mean?”

“Jacob just broke up with me, too.”

My head spun, and not just from the alcohol. “Oh shit, I am so sorry. Do you want to talk about it?”


It had come out of nowhere. Apparently, her long-term boyfriend dumped her for a girl he met online playing Guild Wars. Seriously. I am not making this up. The Other Girl lived in Germany. We did not live in Germany. In short, Jacob was an idiot.

*I usually change a few details in every story for privacy reasons, but I’m 100% not changing that.*

I suggested she pick me up and we grab a coffee and talk through our respective breakups. She swung by the party and my drunk ass tumbled into the passenger seat of her car.

I was right, of course. All of Christa’s relationships had ended at natural points that she could see coming. This was the first time she hadn’t been in control of a breakup. She had been completely blindsided. She was adrift.

*She was literally shaking.*

I suggested that she pull over before she crashed the car. We were just by the side of the street in the suburbs, in front of some random person’s house. And we just talked. We talked through our shit for hours into the wee hours of the night/morning.

Of course, this is /r/gonewildstories so we didn’t *just* talk.

We’d both reached this point where we’d calmed down enough and stopped talking about our exes and started joking around with each other. You could feel the vibe shift – suddenly instead of ranting we were laughing.

Christa looked at her watch. “Well, that’s our coffee date scuppered,” she said. “Unless you feel like I still owe you a coffee?”

“I absolutely feel like you still owe me a coffee,” I replied. Christa smiled and turned the car back on.

We drove back to her parents’ place, and when we got there snuck down to the basement. Not that we really had to sneak, since it was like 3am at this point, but it still felt like the right thing to do. I’d been in this basement a few times before to do school projects, but I don’t think Christa’s parents would be *too* happy seeing me there right then.

Christa left me alone and came back with two giant mugs of tea to find me shivering on the couch. I had dressed for a summertime party and was wearing a tshirt and shorts, which left me woefully unprepared for the frigid state Christa’s parents kept the house in. She wore a long hoodie and yoga pants.

“Are you cold?” Christa asked a little concerned. I nodded, and she came down to sit beside me. I became very aware of how close we were sitting, of our thighs touching. There was always something between us whenever we hung out – a cafe table, a car console – and now there wasn’t.

I was getting warmer, and it wasn’t just the tea.

And I couldn’t stop sneaking glances at Christa’s hands. This is such a weird thing to notice, but I always loved her hands. Her fingers were long and willowy, delicate instruments; they were tools, and you could tell. They weren’t soft or delicate; they were hands she used to play guitar and saxophone.

I guess I spent a bit too long staring one time because when I looked back up at her Christa had a curious glint in her eye, her head tilted in a way that said that she was considering something.

And then she leaned forward and kissed me.

I kissed her back, of course – I am only human. We were gentle, questing, curious with each other. Feeling each other out. Exploring a new avenue of friendship.

One of her hands was on my chest. The other was behind my head. My hands guided her on top of me, moving her so that she was straddling me. I could feel myself growing more excited and Christa responded positively, grinding a little bit.

I pulled away for a moment. “Is this ok?” I asked. Christa nodded and everything took off from there. Her hands struggled to lift my shirt, and my hands slid under her sweater, both of us feeling skin we hadn’t even seen before.

Her sweater and shirt were promptly discarded. My shirt followed. My hands were tangled in her thick mess of hair. Her hands grabbed my back, pulling me closer, pulling me into her.

A minute later and I was on top of her, my weight pushing her into the couch. I moved down her body, my mouth finding her breasts, her belly, her marks and little scars. Christa’s quiet gasps kept me going.

“Wait,” she said, her pants pulled down around her thighs. She guided me back up and then reached down between my legs. And suddenly, those willowy fingers were wrapped around me, feeling me, stroking me. It was an awkward position but I didn’t care.

If I had any sort of self-control up until that point, it abandoned me then.

All I wanted was Christa. All I needed was to be inside of her, to thrust into her, to explode deep within her. I could feel Christa’s hips buck up into mine and I felt that she wanted that too…

“Wait,” she whispered, and I stopped and looked at her, glasses half askance, mouth half-open. And I knew exactly what she was worried about.

“Just this once,” I said. “Just once. Just tonight.”

And I meant it.

“I want you,” she replied. “I want you inside of me.”

I watched her as I entered her, keeping eye contact as well as I could. Her face lit up, and she gasped as I slid inside of her wet pussy. Our eyes locked, her hazel eyes staring into me.

I moved inside her, and she bucked back against me. We were moving together, slowly at first but faster and faster, my low grunts twining together with her quiet moans. We didn’t say a word. We didn’t need to.

Her hands were wrapped around me, digging into my back, digging into my ass, urging me to keep going, to push harder.

I could feel the telltale pressure build inside of me. And she could feel it too, in my grunts and in the way I sped up my thrusts. And when I was at the point of no return, those hands pulled me into her, holding me in place as I went deep inside of her pussy.

My grunts turned to groans turned to moans as my seed filled her. And we lay like that for a while, twisted together peacefully, until the sun rose prompting a sneaky escape from the basement.

A month or two later, our lives had changed a lot. I was living on another continent, while Christa had moved out West. We still talk, all these years later, and hang out on the rare occasions we’re in the same city. I’m glad we had that night, and I’m also glad it was only just a night. Her partner is so perfect for her, it makes me happy to see them together. And I’m pretty happy with how life went for me, too.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x8cc9q/mf_slipping_through_the_window


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