When my ex-boyfriend and I found out we were both queer [FM]

My ex never identified as bi. Or pan. Or anything for that matter. In the same way he was widely apolitical, he just never felt the need to label himself on the spectrum.

He fucked a lot of dudes though.

We slept together pretty early and then it became constant. Our sex was pretty fucking epic.

Neither of us were in a place where we could date which took a lot pressure off of the situation. We had the profound privilege of total honesty which led to a lot of deep conversations about sex.

We covered a lot in those first few days, but there was one area where we hadn’t made it to. This was in a different time when queer sex was simply not as accepted and still kind of taboo so I was pretty careful with how I approached the subject.

Onetime he was talking about this guy friend who he was close with. I have no idea how I knew, but as he was telling this story I just had a very strong suspicion that guy had sucked K’s dick. They had spent months together at some base and he talked a lot about how they “bonded.”

A few hours later he was telling some story about going down on a girl and I blurted out, “Oh shit! That happened to me once.”

“You smacked a dude because he went too hard on your clit?”

“No… I’ve been slapped.”

“By a dude?”

“By… a girl. Because I’m bisexual.”

“Oh, you’ve had sex the with women?”

“Yeah because I’m bi.”

*For someone who is possibly the most open-minded person I’ve ever met, this threw him off a little.*

“So what? Like you’ve fucked the same woman more than once?”

“Yes? I’ve fucked the same woman many times. We were in a relationship.”

“Was it really a relationship? You just clearly like dick. You do like dick right?”

“Yes. It was a relationship and I like dick. Because I’m bi…”

“Like she was your girlfriend? In the same way you’ve had ex-boyfriends? Are you sure you like dick?”

*What is this DUDE not getting?*

“K, I have dated, fucked, and been in love with multiple women. I don’t really have a gender preference.”

“I’m just saying I’m not sure that even makes you gay.”


“Ok well I’m not sure that makes you anything. I don’t understand why there has to be a label. You’re fucking me now. Does that make you straight?”

“Jesus dude. Why are you bothered by this label?”

“Because I’ve…”

“Because you’ve fucked men.”

He gave a single nod and got weird. “I’ve actually never told anyone that… Well apart from the dudes I was with.”

*I feel sorry for queer men. The stigma y’all go through is so shitty.*

He had hinted to some of his past girlfriends and they were not kind about the idea of dating a queer dude… So, he just decided he wasn’t queer.

In the words of K, “I just like sex. I don’t overanalyze it.” While the two of us greatly disagreed on this subject because I think being open about sexuality is important, I understood his hesitation to adopt the baggage that comes with a label.

Anyway, he asked me if it bothered me and I literally burst out laughing.

“You think I’m bothered by the fact that you’ve fucked men? It’s kind of hot.”

His eyes lit up. “Really?”

“Yeah, like… Did you get rough?”

“You could say that…”

So, K once got into a fight with his best friend which went from a heated disagreement to punches being thrown. They had fucked once before, but it was definitely never acknowledged and he didn’t think there’d be a repeat. However, the more they fought, the more things got weirdly intense.

When K’s mouth started bleeding, his friend kissed him. Then K threw him against a wall, punched him, and proceeded to push that guy to his knees and fuck his mouth.

*I had known K for three days when I heard this story.*

“Did I just freak you out?” He asked when I didn’t say anything. I was staring with my mouth open.

“I just got a little wet.”


“Yeah, I have this weird desire for you to punch me and fuck my mouth.”

“Well, I’m not going to punch you…”

He didn’t punch me, but we got weird.

He threw me against the wall and held me by my neck for a few seconds as we made eye contact with each other. With his other hand he started fondling my chest. At first he did it slow, but then he got harder. So hard, in fact, I started crying.

“I want you to bruise,” he said. “I want to see my hands on you tomorrow and I want you to hurt and remember me every time you look at your fucking purple chest.”

“Then do it fucking harder.”

*Oh young V. I learned very quickly into our relationship not to challenge him, but early on the brat side of me came out.*

He choked me harder (*press the sides, not windpipe*) and grabbed my breasts until I could feel them get sensitive (*full handfuls, bring fingertips together. Don’t press down on her chest, but focus on pulsing your fingers outward for maximum bruising*).

“Safeword me,” he challenged when tears started running down my face.

I didn’t safeword him, instead I spit on him. This was not a very smart move.

K was remarkably controlled when he was in dom-mode. He was also a very, very good and attentive dom. The problem was there were certain moves that sent him spiraling which included slapping, spitting, or calling him pathetic. That shit triggered him for reasons I will not be unpacking at this time.

All that is to say, he flipped out. Like, he had to take a step back, close his eyes to gain control, and when he opened them he fucking smiled.

Meanwhile, I gulped and tried to map out an escape route.

*Just a reminder, if I had said a safeword, he would have stopped immediately. Even when he was in the depths of dom space, he would ALWAYS stop.*

He slammed into me. He pressed me against the wall and held my hands above my head. He licked my damn face and challenged me to spit on him again.

I shook my head.

“Are you sure you fucking slut? Are you sure you don’t want to spit on me?”

I shook my head as he bent down until my breast was in his mouth. I screamed and struggled but I didn’t safeword him. He bit the other one until tears were rolling down my cheeks again. I tried to move, but my hands were still pinned.

“Fine!” I finally yelled.

“Fine what?” He laughed.

“What the fuck do you want?”

“I want you to prove you like dick.”

*A problematic thing to say to the bi girl? Perhaps. But whatever, we said fucked up shit to each other during sex. Half of which I honestly cannot bring myself to post here.*

*Side note: K and I both had the same disorder which makes sex a little weird. We’d both forget things we said during sex and became weirdly animalistic. I don’t feel like myself when I’m fucking, but when I was fucking him it’s like I wasn’t even human. Everything else disappeared. That’s the beauty of subspace, but he experienced something similar on his end too… So shit got weird.*

I closed my eyes and nodded as I let him push me to my knees. I unzipped his jeans and looked up at him. He was still fucking smiling. “It’s what you wanted.”


“Say it.”

“Fuck me like you fucked him-“

I didn’t finish because he slammed his dick into me. I had never been mouthfucked quite that hard, but it was fucking awesome. He had a very large penis which really put my skills to the test, but I managed to get him all in. He grabbed my head and pushed it down so hard I nearly threw up.

He went in and out so fast my head was spinning and I was losing oxygen. He’d let me come up for air every few seconds and then slam it back down.

And yes… I fingered his asshole. Like, not all the way, but just outside. He moved my hand there and I got the message pretty quickly.

“Fuck Viola,” he cried, breaking character as he came in my mouth. I didn’t even want to stop. I swallowed and then licked him for a long time as he moaned above me.

“What’d you do after he swallowed?”

He sank to the ground and pulled me in as we hugged. “This.”

We stayed like that for a while. Eventually he turned to me and said, “Now I want to know what your ex girlfriend did to you.”

“She once edged me with a vibrator until I cried. Then she spanked me through orgasm.”

He got a very big smile on his face.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x6u915/when_my_exboyfriend_and_i_found_out_we_were_both


  1. Great read. It’s a shame he felt he had to hide his sexuality.. I hope there are more K stories to come

  2. >“I want you to prove you like dick.”

    …. that’s a doozy. I still don’t think I would be comfortable that kinda talk even as a total sub LOL.

  3. Is it just me, but it feels kinda weird seeing you refer to him as just “K” instead of “KO?” Just me? Very well then….

    > He choked me harder (press the sides, not windpipe) and grabbed my breasts until I could feel them get sensitive (full handfuls, bring fingertips together. Don’t press down on her chest, but focus on pulsing your fingers outward for maximum bruising).

    Hmmmm bread is a big part of my life and this is almost exactly how I shape some of the bread I make. Uhmmmm yay?!?!?!?

    Label or no label, hopefully you and K(O) are now able to freely live and identify as you want! Cheers to the both of you Ms. V!

  4. Fascinating read, it is interesting how past experiences can shape people and people at times underestimate the impact of their words! Great story as always!

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