Lisa goes too far [MF 30-ish] [Femdom] [impact play] [bondage] [pegging]

I came home and the front room was well lit. Above the couch was a framed sign that said, “Doctor’s office. Please Take a Seat Until Your Name Is Called.”

Oh Jesus. What now?

I sat on the couch. There were magazines fanned out on the coffee table. Old issues of “Better Homes and Gardens” and “Good Housekeeping.” Despite my apprehension I had to laugh. Say what you want about Lisa, she pays incredible attention to detail.

Shortly she came out of the guest bedroom. My mouth dropped open a bit. She was wearing an old-fashioned nurse’s outfit, complete with the starched cap. She was carrying a clipboard. 

She looked down at it and said, “Mr. O___? We can see you now. Come into the exam room.”

I stood and followed her into the guest bedroom. She’d removed all the prints and pushed the bed into the corner. Instead, in the middle of the room was what had to be her massage table, though I wasn’t sure because it was draped with a white sheet. There was something blue on it.

She’d set up a table in the corner. On it was one of those cutaway models you sometimes see in a doctor’s office. This one was a bisected male, showing a cross section of the colon and genitals. Where the hell did she get that? Oh my God.

Looking down at her clipboard she said, “Mr. O___? The doctor will be in soon. Remove your clothes and put this on.” She picked up a hospital gown from the massage table and handed it to me. “After you put on the gown on lie down on the table. She left the room.

She’d gone to so much effort that there was no way I wouldn’t play along. She knew that. I guess that’s why she did it. 

The hospital gown was the kind that cover your front and leave your ass hanging out. You can mitigate that a bit by tieing the strings in back, but the strings are in the back, where you can’t reach them. I removed my clothes and put it on, then lay down on the massage table.

She took a while to come in, leaving me to contemplate my predicament. When she entered the room she had changed her clothes. Now she was wearing pants, and a lab coat. She had a stethoscope around her neck and a clipboard in her hands.

I laughed in appreciation. She was so committed to the scene.

“So, how’s my patient doing today? You feeling ok?”

“I’m fine, doc. Nothing wrong with me.”

She said, “You look pretty healthy. But your employers want a full physical.” She looked at the clipboard. “I see you’ve broken several appointments. They say if you don’t get your exam now you’ll be terminated.”

“I need this job, doctor.’

She looked me in the eyes. “Then you’ll have to let me do a full exam.”

“Ok, doc.’

She approached me and pulled out one of those things they used to use to look in your ears. Do they even use that anymore?

“Turn your head to the side.” She put the instrument into my left ear. It was a gentle violation. “Hmm, ok. Turn the other way.” She inspected my other ear.

“Let’s check your vitals.” She put her hand on my neck and looked at her watch. “Normal pulse.” I’m pretty sure that’s not how doctors do it.

“Ok. Just stay still while I palpitate you.” She put her hands on my chest and pushed in various spots. “Hmm.” She put on the stethoscope and held it against me. “We might have to remove this gown.”

“It makes me nervous when I’m naked and you’re dressed.” I was talking to Lisa, not the doctor.

She looked at me. “You can keep the gown on. For now.” She’s been feeling that she had  gone too far, too fast with me. I thought so too. Now she was being more careful.

She began palpitating down my torso. When she got to my stomach she started pressing harder. I groaned 

“Have you been constipated?’ She was pushing hard on my stomach. 

“I don’t think I’ve ever been constipated. But you’re hurting me.’

“That’s constipation. We can deal with that. Let’s finish your physical exam.” She pulled up my gown.I wasn’t really hard. I was too scared. 

She took my penis in her hand, moving it around and inspecting it from all angles. She lifted my balls and checked my perineum. She gently ran a finger from my anus to my scrotum. I started to get hard and she smiled a bit. “That’s a normal response.”

“Everything seems to be fine. I’ll be right back.” She left the room. 

She returned with a medical thing on wheels. Like they’d put an IV on. This one had an enema bag hanging from it. It was full and bulging. Like, liters of water. Steam was coming from the top.

Ok, where the hell was she getting the medical equipment? Also, I definitely didn’t want an enema. I’ve never even had one. “Aw no, baby.”

She ignored that. “Roll on your left side.” I’ve been following her orders for the last few weeks. It’s made me happy in certain ways. It’s been difficult too. I did what she said. 

I rolled onto my left side, but had to protest. “I’m really against this.”

“Shh. Put your right leg forward.” She pushed on my right leg until my right knee was touching the table.”That’s good.”

I heard her putting on latex gloves, snapping them, then squirting lube. She ran a wet finger between my cheeks and then pushed it slightly into my anus, greasing it up.

My ass has been sore lately and I made a noise. “That’s ok. It’s not big. I’m going to put the nozzle in now.” She spread my cheeks open with one hand. I was penetrated by something cool and wet.

She kept her hand on my left buttock and I heard a click. At first I didn’t feel anything, but very soon I began to feel a warmth in my behind. Followed shortly by pressure, which began to build.

“Uh … . I think I have to go to the bathroom.” 

“I’ve just started. You have to take the whole thing.”

She pushed the nozzle further in, and worked it in and out while I began to feel more and more filled up. I moaned and began to squirm a bit. 

“Shh. Be still.”

This went on for some minutes. My stomach began to feel distended. I felt like I really had to poop.

“Wait, wait. I’m going to have an accident.”

After a few seconds I heard a click. “That might be enough. You took almost the whole thing.” She pulled the tube from me in quick motion.

I was squirming, clenching my cheeks. “I have to go!”

“You need to hold it for a bit. Do you need something to keep it in?” 

Something to keep it in? I realised she meant a butt plug. “No. I’ll try.”

She broke character. “Good boy.”

I lay there for some time, The pressure was intense and I was near panic over the thought of spraying ass water all over the room.

“Ok. You can go to the bathroom now.” I made a noise of relief and got off the table. I hobbled to the guest bathroom, clenching my cheeks and trying not to make a mess. I sat down and immediately expelled water. It was like a firehose. 

This went on for some time. I kept thinking I was emptied out, but there seemed to always be more.

After maybe 10 minutes she looked through the door. I’d not been able to close it in my rush so she’d heard everything. I was so embarrassed my face was burning. Even after all our time together, I pooped in private.

“Are you ready to continue your exam?”

“I’m not sure. I think there might still be water in me.”

“We’ll wait a few minutes then.”

There was one more expulsion but then I seemed to be done. I wiped myself off and came out.

She’d put pillows in the middle of the table. “Come lie down. We’ll do your colonoscopy and we’re done.” 

I went to the table. Could she really have a colonoscope? She seemed to have everything else. I lay down on the table with the pillows under my hips, my ass pointing straight up. The way I knew she liked me being presented.

She spread the gown open and put her hands on my ass, spreading my cheeks. “You’re very clean. That’s good.”

I sort of groaned.

“I’m going to open you up and then use the scope.” I heard a metallic click and then felt something cold entering me. 

“Jesus, what is that?”

“It’s a speculum. It’s to hold you open.” I’m pretty well informed, but I had to look that up later. It’s a gynecological tool used to open the vagina for examination. And I guess, open anuses.

I heard some clicks and I was spread open. “Wait, that hurts.”

“Just a little more.” Some more clicks. My ass felt like an open garage door. She was starting to breathe hard.

I heard her squirting lube out and what I supposed was her rubbing it in something. Then, she squeezed a whole lot into my open behind. It was cold and I sort of squeaked. 

“Ok. Time for the scope.” I didn’t feel her inserting it since she had me opened with the speculum, but I felt it touch my insides. She had one hand on my ass and was wielding the instrument with her other. She worked whatever it was in and out and kept penetrating me. Eventually it felt like it had reached my stomach. I was panting. So was she. 


It bottomed out. She took her hand from my ass, and removed her pants. She started playing with herself. I could hear and smell her. She kept working the scope in and out, which I could feel deep inside. Really deep …

Eventually she came, and lay across my back from the side. “Oh God, I can’t believe we did that.” She wrapped her arms around me.

“I can’t either.” I liked the feeling of her hugging me, but with her thing so far in me, I was uncomfortable too. “Can you take it out now?”

She laughed. “I’ll take it out. Though it looks so good in there.” She sat up and began a slow withdrawal that seemed to go on forever. I could feel it snaking out of me the whole time.

Eventually it came out and she set it on the massage table next to me. Then she closed the speculum, which was a huge relief. “Oh, thank God.”

She pulled it out. I felt like I was still open back there, which she confirmed. Spreading my ass cheeks, she said, “You’re gaping. It’s so hot.” She leaned over me and sort of drooled into my open ass. 

I groaned. “I can’t believe you did that.”

She pushed at me and had me roll over. She climbed on top of me, straddlin my hips. Somehow I was hard, and reaching down she put me into her.

She was so wet I slid in without resistance. Putting her hands on both sides of my face she began to ride me. 

Eventually we both came. She collapsed on top of me. I was breathing hard. When I could talk I asked “Where the hell did you get all that stuff?”  

She reached to the side and lifted a rubber toy. It was black and skinny, with a round ball on top. She had to hold it over her head to show me the whole thing. It was like a yard long. “I got this on Amazon.”

“Oh God. You put all of that in me?” It didn’t seem possible.

“You took it like a champ.”

I didn’t want to think about that. “What about all the medical equipment?”

“Remember my friend Marcie?” I sort of did. I think I met her at a party. 

“The doctor?”

“Yes. She set me up.”

“Wait, does she know what you wanted it for?”

“Baby, she knows everything. Where do you think I got the rectal thermometer?”

“Oh God.”

I CAME HOME from work. Lisa was sitting on the couch with a bottle of wine. She patted the cushion next to her. “Sit down, baby.”

Ok, shit. Lisa’s been seriously expanding our bedroom boundaries. It has resulted in the most incredible sex of my life. And the most painful. Every time I realised that she had a new idea, I felt conflicting emotions of arousal and fear. She clearly had a new idea.

I walked to the couch. “Jesus.What are we doing now?” 

“Sit here.” She patted the cushion again. “Have some wine.”

I picked up my glass and downed it all at once. “I need more.” She smiled and refilled the glass. 

“Here baby.”

I downed that one too. “What do I do now?”

“Go to the bathroom. Use the toilet if you need to. Shower.”

I did what she said. I put on boxer briefs before coming out, and looking at me she smiled. “Just how I want you. Sit here.” I did.

“Oh, Lisa. What are we doing now?”

She cupped my cheek.”I want to try being less gentle.”

In the last few weeks she had spanked me to tears, roleplayed a rough rape, and opened me with a speculum so she could put a colon snake 3 feet up my ass.

“Of course you do. What do you want me to do?”

She pointed to the ceiling where I saw a fairly large hook attached in the center of the room. I wasn’t sure it was attached to anything strong, and asked her, “Who put that there?”

“Marcie. She’s so butch. She has a stud finder and power tools.” She looked at me. “I already found my stud.” 

I looked around in alarm. “Wait, is she here?” Marcie scares me.

“Not tonight, stud.”

“You’re just sucking up so I let you have your way with me.”

“Well, yeah. But you’d let me anyway.” 

I sighed. “That’s true.” 

“You’re acting like you’re going to hate it.” 

“I’m going to hate it.” I was scared. “I’ll probably like it though.”

She laughed with delight. “Turn your head.” She put a blindfold on me and stood me up, walking me to the center of the room. “Stand here and wait.”

I stood there. She left the room and returned shortly. I heard her pull the coffee table nearer and place something on it. Maybe a bag. Then she pulled up a chair and sat down before me. “Put your hands out.” 

I put my hands forward and she cuffed them with large soft cuffs. Later I saw them. They were made of 3 inch wide leather straps lined with cotton on the inside. She raised my hands over my head and hooked them into something. I heard a ratcheting sound and my arms were pulled up until I was nearly on my toes.

She walked behind me and put a large strap around my back. it crossed my armpits and my chest. The ratcheting sound, again, and I was lifted up.

“Wait. What’s that?” I couldn’t see anything with the blindfold.

“In case your legs give out. I don’t want all your weight hanging from your wrists.”

“Wait. Why would my legs give out? What are you going to do?”

“This.” She shoved fingers into my mouth, opening me up, grabbing the back of my head by the hair and kissing me hard, her tongue penetrating my throat. An intimate violation. 


Leaving my mouth, she kept my head pulled back and started sucking hard on my neck. “Wait, that’s going to show in public.” I was nearly panicking. She was being so rough.

“So I’ll put makeup on it.” She nibbled my torso. Sucking and biting. I tried to pull away but I couldn’t really move.

She started spinning me around, biting me front and back. Each spin raised me, so that I wound up standing on my toes. I tried to protect myself, my skin and body, but I was helpless, with no defense against her punishment. She rammed fingers into my ass and deep throated me with her tongue. She was scratching down my body. Biting and sucking me, leaving hickies.

This went on for some time. She picked up a flogger from somewhere, and began whipping me.  She’d start with my front and then spin me around and flog my back from my shoulders to my thighs. The individual strokes weren’t too painful, but the pain kept building. I was trying to flinch away, but eventually I gave up. I hung there, limp, submissive, and helpless.

She noticed my complete surrender. “Sweet baby.” She gently ran her hands down my torso. She began flogging me again, and I had no resistance.

Spinning me again she spread my cheeks open. “I love your ass.” She was wearing a large dildo. My ass was already lubed from her fingers. She grabbed my hips and pulled me into her, making my back arch. She entered me roughly. I was too weak to squirm away.

Reaching around she grabbed my penis, which was not hard. Too much pain and fear. She pulled my hips into her and began thrusting in and out, really hard. At the same time she was working her hand on my penis. She got me hard. She’s really good at timing. We came together.

I was hanging from the straps. She was still in my behind. I had no strength left. I couldn’t even stand. I was just hanging from her straps.

“I’m gonna let you down, baby.”

I couldn’t even speak. Summoning great effort, I said, “I don’t think I can walk.”

“That’s ok. I’ll put you on the couch.” She pulled out of me and lowered me. Once I was a bit down she pushed me to the side. I had no strength to lie down so I had to rely on hers. 

She lowered me more and pushed me onto the sofa. I was totally limp. She had to guide me to sit down. She pulled my head into her naked chest and supported me there.

“I’m not sure I can do that again, baby.” I was feeling very weak and powerless against her

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Why don’t we see how you feel later?”

When I could walk she took me into the bedroom. I needed her support to walk. I had to sleep on my side because I was sore, front and back. She hugged me to sleep.

God. I love her so much.

I WOKE UP and tried to scoot out from Lisa’s spoon without waking her. It took longer than you’d think. My muscles were exhausted from last night’s struggle. Soreness had barely even set in, but I was moving like a cripple.

I limped to the bathroom and turned on the light. My appearance was shocking. From my neck to my calves, I was marked everywhere. Scratches, hickies, bite marks. Lines left by her flogger. Slightly scabbed areas where I had bled a little. 

From behind I heard Lisa gasp. “Oh baby, what did I do to you?” She started to rush forward to hug me, but I cringed away. She pulled back.

I turned around and she looked at me with sad wet eyes. “I’m so sorry. I think it got away from me.” 

Those eyes overrode pain and I put out my arms for a hug. “Just be careful.”

She was careful and gentle but it still hurt too much. I pulled back and said, “No, that hurts.”

“Well, where doesn’t it hurt?” Marian from Raiders of the Lost Arc.

“Here.” I offered an elbow, my forehead, my lips. Turns out that all the places Indiana didn’t hurt matched up well with mine. She’d only hurt me from the neck down, and my arms had been suspended over my head.

She gently kissed the spots I indicated, knowing the game we were playing, but it couldn’t end with sex. Between my neck and feet was a whole tapestry of pain. 

She knew it too. My penis was abraded, my ass was raw, and I couldn’t even lie down to provide proper oral. 

“Let me run you a bath, baby.” She started the water and got the Epson salts out from a cabinet, pouring in half the container.

“Wait, will that burn?”

“It might. But it’s your muscles that are most hurt. Even as bad as your skin looks. The way you were struggling can tear muscles, and even if there aren’t tears, there’s exhaustion and lactic acid.”

That’s expertise that I wouldn’t think she’d have. Looking at my skin, covered with all sorts of damage, should have freaked her out, shouldn’t it? And she had known to use an extra strap around my torso so I wasn’t hanging from my arms.

Dr. Marcie. The question was, did Lisa request advice for her plan, or did Marcie suggest it? If it came from Marcie, then that meant she had dommed me by proxy. Through my wife. Without her asking me. My thoughts recoiled from the idea. I couldn’t deal with it right now.

Looking at the tub, with it’s high step over I felt like an old man and realised I couldn’t get in safely by myself. Maybe I could, but I wasn’t certain. “Uh, Lisa … I don’t think I can.”

She helped me in. Sometimes I forget she was an athlete. Still strong. Unlike me right now.

As she helped lower me down I was mostly trying not to make noises like a little girl, which I was not so great at.

She took a soft sponge and a squirted something pleasant and feminine smelling on it. I was barely watching. The hot water and Epson salts felt soothing, and as the water rose I floated, which took pressure off my buttocks, to which she’d paid extra attention last night.

She began rubbing me with the softness of being licked by a butterfly. She moved me around to reach all the parts of my body, with a gentle touch that didn’t cause too much pain. She turned me over and did my back. I was so limp that she had to support my head so I could breath. She was especially careful with my ass. Then she ran a finger across my anus. 

I drew away jerkily. “Wait!” Very sore back there.

She cupped my left butt cheek with her hand and rubbed my right gently. “You can’t expect me to control myself with that view …,

I turned over. Struggled to turn over. My muscles had no strength. To her credit she assisted me without being asked or drawing attention to my need for help.

“Let’s talk about controlling yourself.”

She didn’t want to look at me. “When I saw you helpless I wanted to devour you. Eat you alive.” She was really uncomfortable. “That’s why I started using the flogger. I was worried about hurting you with my hands and mouth.”

That connected with me. Last night Lisa had made me feel like I was being mauled by a bear. That might decide to eat me. When I had lost strength and collapsed in the straps hanging from the ceiling, was I playing dead?

“Jeez Lisa. What are we going to do?”

“I’ve read your posts. I know you don’t want to use a safe word.” She thought. “Last night I could tell you’d use your safe word. Except you’re too proud. But I knew you really wanted too. I know you baby.”

I sighed. “We can’t do that again.”

“What if I.just stop when I can tell you want me too? Or you can use a safe word anytime.”

I laughed. “Baby, even I know that’s not how safe words work. Once this hits Reddit, that will be explained to me in detail.” I thought. “You can answer the comments.”

“Maybe I will.”
