Hellos, Housekeeping, and a Refresher

**Part 1: Hello!**
*Meet the Mods*

Hey! My name is Lillith and I’m your head mod. Your other mod, u/asphaltdragon, who I will be referring to as AD for the remainder of the post, is running around here somewhere.
It’s just the two of us. Which brings me to…

**Part 2: Housekeeping**

Like I said, there’s only two of us. AD and I are doing this in our free time. We work full time and have lives outside of Reddit. So please, have a little patience with us. Before AD agreed to mod, I was by myself, because the old head mod passed the reins to me and stepped down. We are only two people, and we’re only human. Life has been running us ragged lately, so trying to get the sub running smoothly has been a struggle. We’re doing what we can, when we can. So again, please be patient. To the 98% of you that have been kind and patient, please know that we see you, and we appreciate you. To the other 2%: let’s talk for a minute. I don’t know who raised y’all, but some of you have been downright rude and condescending, and it’s unnecessary. It also won’t solve your issue any faster. We are *human beings*. We have lives, and sometimes we make mistakes. There is no reason for you to be hostile. It’s 2022 and just know that I match energy. Come correct, or don’t come at all. We do not, and will not, put up with rude users.

*Approval Queue*

As of right now, there’s an approval queue. 98% of stories automatically go there. When you submit a story, it won’t show on the sub or on your profile until it’s approved. It helps make modding easier. We get a lot of spam and inappropriate content as a NSFW sub, and this helps us wade through the posts faster. I try to do approvals at least once a day. Again, please be patient. You won’t receive notice that it’s been approved, but you will receive a modmail if it’s been removed explaining the reason for the removal. Feel free to respond to the modmail with any questions you have. And you absolutely can correct your post and resubmit it. We encourage you to!


The tagging system has been tripping a lot of you up. Hopefully this little breakdown will help. First, this sub has been around since 2010. I became a mod like 6 months ago. The tagging system has been here *way* longer than I have; it just wasn’t properly enforced. So please, do not come at be about the tags. They’ve been there, and they’re there for mainly 2.5 reasons:

1. To allow people to search for, or avoid certain content
2. To help organize the sub (which kind of ties in with reason 1)
3. To help us mod

The tags allow people to search the sub for what they want and avoid content they don’t want. My main goal for this sub is to make it as comfortable and easy to use for as many people as possible. The tags help with this.

**Part 3: A Refresher**
*Rules for Tags*

Tags **must** contain the following:

1. Age (Ex: F44, or you can do a range 34-38)
2. Gender/pairing (Ex: F44/M34, or FFFM/34-38)
3. 3. Content (If your story was on a pornography site, what category/ies would it be under? You don’t have to include all the content, just the major themes. There’s a tag wiki but it needs to be edited)
(Rape, Nonconsent, dubious consent, age gaps, and CNC all must be tagged. When in doubt, send a modmail or tag anyways just to be on the safe side)

*Subreddit Rules*

The following are subject to change as needed.

1. No minors, no animals. You will be banned. Content like that can get the subreddit banned.
2. Tag your posts properly. Failure to do so will result in your post being removed.
3. Story requests go in the sticky post (The automod hasn’t been posting, so just posts requests are sort of on pause)
4. No incest. Period.
5. Ages must be stated in the title with the tags. Failure to do so will result in your post being removed.
6. Be civil. This is self-explanatory.

If you made it to the end, thanks for reading. I just wanted to get a fresh post up to help any newbies, and to remind our regulars of the rules. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to send a modmail. Try to refrain from sending DMs or chats, please.

Have a good one!


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/x6m7t6/hellos_housekeeping_and_a_refresher


  1. Thank you for all of the hard work you both put into this! πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  2. Re: The Tags – Has there been any consideration to adding post flairs for some of the more common tags? It might make things a little easier to search and navigate.

    Thanks for all the work that you do! πŸ™Œ

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