Cheating with my New Neighbor’s Daughter | 29: We’re Moving [M31/F19][consensual][male pov][older man][younger woman][age difference][neighbors daughter][cheating][drama][series][slow build][SFW][NO sex][emotional]a bit of[teasing]

**29: We’re Moving**

Charlotte and I exchanged worried glances. She still looked mad but it was the look of guilt that was reigning on her face now. She wasn’t the best lover but I’d have to admit she has always been a great mom.

“Come over here, bud,” I called Charlie over and tapped the chair beside me where Charlotte sat across.

He walked sheepishly towards us wiping his tears and asked, “Dad, are you and Mom fighting?”

When it comes to things like this, I’ve never wanted to treat him like he won’t understand what’s going on. I knew at his age he already has some idea of what’s really happening, so I decided to tell him, “Yes, bud. Mom and I are having a bit of a disagreement on some things.”

I paused for a bit giving him the time to process it. He just looked at me then at Charlotte then back at me with curiosity and worry across his face.

“Sometimes these things happen but it’s okay because we are trying our best to settle it out, buddy. And I want you to know we’re not arguing because of you or your sister. So it’s gonna be fine, bud,” I explained very carefully.

It’s probably the first time he caught us in the heat of a fight. Charlotte and I always had some things to disagree with just like everyone else, but not in a scale this big. I also made sure the kids never saw us fight even once when we were in the brink of separation from when Charlotte first cheated on me.

“And we’re still gonna be together, baby. Dad and I are arguing but that doesn’t mean we don’t love each other anymore,” Charlotte added reaching her hand out on the table for Charlie to hold.

I looked at her knowing well neither of it was true, at least for me. She didn’t look at me but held my hand with her spare hand.

I turned to see Charlie with his eyes tearing up again so I gently pulled him towards me, hugged him, and told him, “We’re sorry for making you sad, buddy. We love you so much, I hope you know that.”

– – –

I would’ve wanted to use the guest room tonight again, but after what Charlie witnessed, the last thing I’d wanted was for him to think it’s the start of the end of things.

It is. But still, he’s a kid and he’s my son. I wanted him to take the least damage possible in this fallout.

So here I was in the master’s bedroom trying to make the loveseat a makeshift bed for myself with my pillows and a blanket while Charlotte sat on our bed watching me.

“So you’re really cheating on me, Trent?” Charlotte spoke all of a sudden breaking the silence in the room.

I looked at her and thought, as of the moment it’s possible she doesn’t have any evidence to prove it aside from the fact that Monica told her. I was trying to weigh if anyone else have told her but from what I can sense, Liz, including her pet Hazel, would probably not say anything until I actually divorced Charlotte. The biggest problem would be Miles, but he’s not here so I figured maybe he doesn’t have the opportunity to tell her yet.

I also thought that if someone else have already told her, Charlotte would’ve mentioned it already since she’s usually driven by her emotions and tend to spill every point she has on her hands to win an argument.

I had to be careful but I knew this was the way to face this at least for now until I haven’t talked to our lawyer so I said, “No and I don’t know Monica’s reason for telling you that.”

She stared at me and I’ve never felt so nervous in my life until now. It felt like I’m gonna throw up any second.

“We’re moving,” she muttered with her voice shaking and with no confidence.

“Charlie’s going back to school in a few weeks. We have no time to move. We can’t give him too much stress from moving again,” I spoke sternly but calmly.

She stared at me then repeated with dead eyes, “We’re moving.”

I sighed not wanting to pull this one on her yet but the situation just demanded it from me. I stopped fixing the loveseat and stood in front of her saying, “Have you told Joe he’s Chloe’s dad?”

Her face suddenly sank. She looked like she’s the one who’s gonna throw up now. I hated that she’s trying to look like the one on the right now like I didn’t just found out she was cheating on me again and it honestly felt good to make her feel she doesn’t really have a hold of me. I knew I had the upper hand, I can’t have her calling the shots.

“Why. . .why are you asking that?” She muttered nervously.

Aside from the two of us and Liz, no one else knew about it. Even her parents. She practically begged me to keep it as a secret because apparently she didn’t want people to see her differently. She doesn’t want to disappoint her parents, her friends, her colleagues, and everyone else who matter.

I loved her so I did what she wanted. She made a mistake but I’m not gonna be an asshole and destroy her life for it. But things were way different now and I think it’s time to make her realize she won’t get everything to her side.

“Let me know when you’re ready. I’ll contact him myself so the three of us could talk about Chloe’s future over some coffee,” I spoke with confidence.

“No, we’re not! That’s never gonna happen!” She screamed but lowered her voice down by the end.

“Good night, Charlotte,” I uttered before making myself comfortable on my own bed.

– – – – –

***|Thursday, the next day***

I purposefully went to the clinic an hour earlier than usual. One reason’s to leave the house while Charlotte’s still sleeping and the other’s to confront Monica the first minute she got here.

I heard the main door open and I quickly got out of my office.

“Good morning, Monica,” I greeted her as she stood by her desk.

She seemed to struggle to get some words out of her mouth so I continued talking, “Do you want to tell me why you did that?”

“Mr. Foster, I’m really sorry. I swear I never meant to tell her but she kept insisting I’m the one sleeping with you and that’s what the money you gave me was for. She was threatening me and it got out of hand, I had to tell her you’re sleeping with a patient and not with me. But I swear I didn’t say with who. Please forgive me, Mr. Foster. I can’t lose this job. Please. I didn’t know what to do,” she explained hastily crying her eyes out.

To say the least, it was heart wrenching to see her like this. She’s literally just minding her own business trying to survive her life. It’s not her fault she saw me and Paige going at it and it’s not her fault my wife’s thought process saw her as a target then acted uncivilly towards her.

I felt really bad. I was disappointed that she told my wife but none of what’s happening can be blamed to her. I immediately apologized to her, made sure she’d know I understood why she did it, and that she’s not gonna lose her job for it. I tried to assure her too that I won’t let Charlotte be so unreasonable to her again and she, in turn, guaranteed me that she will never tell anyone it’s Paige.

A few hours later just minutes after a patient left, my phone went off to Paige calling.

I haven’t told her about what’s going on and neither did I tell her that something was going on. So I was a bit puzzled with her calling without texting first—a measure we decided we’d do to be more careful.

I immediately answered, “Paige, baby? What’s up?”

“Good morning, baby. I’m sorry but I need to tell you this. Charlotte just dropped the kids at our house. Like literally just now. She asked mom to babysit them for a few hours because she needs to pick her mom up from the airport. I don’t know if it’s supposed to be a surprise. You didn’t mention any of this to me so I thought you might not know anything of it? So I’m telling you now, you might need to know it,” she spoke continuously.

“Fuck,” I grunted subconsciously. Charlotte probably asked her mom to come over and visit to stop me from doing anything against her and probably to keep me from sleeping in the guest room. I don’t know and I’m not sure, but this doesn’t sound good.

I then heard some knocking on my office door along with Monica telling me the next patient’s ready.

After acknowledging Monica, I got back to the phone with Paige and answered, “You’re right, I have no idea about it. Thank you for letting me know, baby. There’s also a lot of important things I need to tell you, but I have another patient coming in now. Can I call you tonight?”

– – –

It’s almost 7 in the evening and Monica just left the clinic after I told her I’d be closing it up on my own. Good thing it was a busy day today so I didn’t have to make up a story for staying late than usual.

I then noticed just now that Paige texted me earlier to let me know that Charlotte, her mom, and the kids were back at our home. I didn’t contact Charlotte even after knowing about my mother-in-law coming over. I figured it might put the Turners in jeopardy for telling me about it.

While still in my office, I then texted Paige to ask her if I can make the call now.

About a minute later, she called.

We greeted each other for a bit and asked about each other’s day like the usual, then I started telling her about what happened. I told her everything about what Charlotte did to Monica and the fight we had last night including the part where Charlie saw us.

“Is there anything I could do to help you in this, baby? I don’t want to just sit here and let you do all the work but at the same time if I’d be causing more problems than solutions if I moved, I’d rather sit here,” she worriedly asked.

“Don’t worry, baby. As of now, I think I can handle this. I just need to talk to my lawyer first before I proceed with anything. So I’d rather have you sitting there looking all cute and not worrying so much,” I muttered trying to make her smile with it.

“Okay, that won’t be hard for me to do. But wait, does this mean we can’t see each other anytime soon?” She then asked probably realizing this was the point where we should be most careful.

I smiled hearing the change in the tone of her voice before I answered, “Yeah, it’s probably best not to see each other in the next days to come. But we don’t know, baby. We’re both stubborn and I’m not gonna say for sure we’re not going to try to meet up.”

“Could it be now that we try to meet up? I want to be with you now,” she teased.

“No, Paige. I’m sorry that’s not gonna happen,” I replied trying to sound stern.

“But I wanna kiss you right now. And touch you, and give you a massage, and get you relaxed,” she continued teasing and I can only imagine the look she’d give me while saying this.

“What else are you gonna do, baby?” I asked definitely getting on to what she’s trying to do.

“Once you’re relaxed, maybe it’s time to get you worked up,” she muttered and for some reason I knew she had bitten her lip after saying it.

“Damn, baby,” I groaned knowing well I would be leaving this clinic with a drained cock.

– – –


*Hey so…I know it’s been a month since I last updated. I probably need to stop going MIA without a warning lol I’m still learning*

*For anyone who waited for me to update and still here to read this, thank you and I appreciate you!*

`please don’t come for me for publishing a SFW chapter after being gone for an entire month. love y’all.`



  1. Oh I will come for you alright only way you can stop me is to soon publish the next chapter

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