finding out [M]y ex showed everyone my cock

About five years into my relationship with my ex (let’s call her A), we were hanging out with her best friend (let’s call her B) who had just started dating a new guy. A few minutes into the conversation, B starts complaining about her new boyfriend’s small cock. A, trying to be supportive, tells her that size doesn’t matter, so she can still have great sex. B, annoyed, yells to A that she is just saying that because Ej (me) has a big dick.

Immediately after saying this, B covers her mouth with her and A is hiding her face in her palms. I, being bewildered, joking ask, “And how do you know?”

B looks at A who tells her to go ahead and admit it. B then begins to tell me that A has been sending her ever dick pic and video I have sent her over the years. She tells me that they have talked about my dick so many times and that she occasionally looks back at my pics (especially after her bf sends her some of his own).

By this point I am extremely turned on but try to hide my excitement. I look at A who is just nodding her head in agreement. I look over to her and ask who else she has shown, expecting B to be the only one. She tells me that she has basically been showing me off to all of her friends (10+) for years. They have all seen everything from my basic dick pics to full on cumshot videos.

At this point I am insanely turned on. I ask her what they all have said and she unfortunately refused. At this point, B is just sitting there staring at my bulge. She looks at A and asks if she can touch it. A agreed but only over my boxers.

Unfortunately this story does not end with a crazy threesome or sex with A’s friends. The farthest things ever went were a conversation with B over text where she admitted how much she loved howy dick looked and a few other friends mentioning it from time to time.
