An Olympic conquest with my oldest friend. [MMF]

2012 was an excellent year for me for a number of reasons. I want to tell a story about that summer, one that I probably wouldn’t have shared other than for the prompt for this month’s competition.

I live in the UK and (arguably) the most notable thing to happen in the UK in 2012 was the London Olympics. Summers were a particularly good time for me back then because I was working as a teacher and had a long (6 or 7) week holiday.

Being young and single with a little bit of money in my pocket, I tended to spend very little time at home during this extended period off work and would head off seeking adventure. An old friend from my own school days, Simon, was living in London at the time and we’d had a plan for a couple of years that I would come down to stay at his place and take in as many of the events as we could get to during the day and go out and have some fun each night.

As a brief aside, Simon is one of the few people who knows the bulk of the extent of my sexual history and interests. Nothing that happened that summer was new ground for either of us – it was just picking up from what we used to get up to as teenagers.

Anyway, we’d been out to some event or other one day and were getting ready to go out. This was very late in the games. Club promoters in London that time were going crazy promoting various parties and events to capitalise on having plenty of athletes, celebrities and tourists in the city. When their events were finished, it wasn’t uncommon to spot athletes you recognised having a night on the town. There was a real feelgood buzz about the place. Simon got a text from a friend suggesting we should come to whichever club they were working at as they were expecting a number of Olympians in.

We headed over there late and the place was **bouncing**. Packed to the rafters. We ended up getting separated as we were chatting to different girls. I struck out a couple of times and wasn’t optimistic when I was approached by a woman a couple of years older than me with quite a sexy European accent. She was wearing a dress that was clinging to her body and showing off her exceptional physique. This girl was surely an athlete: not particularly tall but her arms and glutes were solid. Still, I have to confess that other than the accent and the thought she might be a competitor I didn’t otherwise find her particularly attractive. For the sake of this story and to add further anonymity, I’m going to call her Vee.

We made a bit of small talk and she deflected whenever I asked her about herself. She just wanted to dance and was grinding into me. It was clear where this was going. It was late and it was on a plate so I mentally ticked the box that said ‘go for it’. Just then, Simon spots me and heads over. When Vee sees him, she’s immediately interested and my heart sinks. After we greet each other all she wants to know is “*You know him?”.* To keep things simple I tell Vee that he’s my housemate. She thinks on this for a couple of seconds and gets a questioning look across her face while drawing a circle with her open hand, helping us to understand over the noise of the club. She phrases her statement as a question: *”We will all fuck?”*

Vee was blitzed, no question. We spent a minute or two checking we understood clearly (we did), took turns to make out with her (she kissed passionately) and feeling her up. She wanted more though, and she wanted it right then. “*Let’s go! Come on!”*

We got lucky hailing a cab and were back at Simon’s place within 25 minutes. She was moving between us in the cab, sandwiched in the back, stroking our dicks over our trousers whilst begging for kisses. I’ve always been a bit of an exhibitionist but was mindful that there was almost certainly a camera recording. I noticed Simon had no such worries and had worked his hand up her dress and into her knickers, gently probing with his fingers. The smell of sex was starting to fill the vehicle and I caught the driver looking back in the rear-view mirror several times.

We bundled ourselves into Simon’s flat. Let’s just say that Vee wasn’t interested in a quick tour. *”I want a fuck. I want to get fucked…”*

The three of us headed into Simon’s room. We passed her between us to kiss and fondle while the other got themselves undressed. Vee wasn’t wearing a lot to start with so it wasn’t long until her dress, knickers and shoes were discarded onto the floor.

The dynamics of a threesome are always interesting, albeit frequently awkward. Fortunately, Simon and I were old hands at this so it would simply be a question of if we were going to roast her or take turns. She answered this for us, reading my mind. “*I want you both at the same time”.*

Grins were exchanged and we got to work. We’d been touching her body for a good while by now and were ready to explore her further. Her tits were small but Simon latched on to them from the font while I knelt down behind her and pulled on her thighs to prompt her to widen her stance, opening up her legs. Simon sensed what I was going for (we had form here, remember…) and got on his knees in front of her. As he put his mouth onto her pussy, I spread her ass cheeks and poked the tip of my tongue against her hole. Her moans were immediate and strong. Both Simon and I gradually moved from teasing her to forcing our tongues inside her as deep as we possibly could. Four hands firmly gripped her muscular legs, feeling her tense with the pleasure of this probably unexpected dual intrusion.

I stopped and Simon took this as the cue for the next step. What happened next wasn’t subtle. Other than a brief pause to each slip a condom on, we told her to kneel on the bed and each took a position at either end of her. It’s a little hazy but I’m pretty sure I took her pussy first. From experience, I knew that girls loved Simon’s dick. While smaller than mine, it is **way** thicker, almost comically so. I definitely remember making the most of the opportunity and altering my position frequently to get as deep inside her as possible. I started on my knees but ended up squatting while inside her to push as hard as possible on the front of her insides.

Vee was enjoying it, moaning loudly while licking and sucking on Simon’s balls. We swapped after a while and, as I predicted, Vee’s noise levels went up a notch when Simon put himself inside her. His shallow thrusts brought a more primal sound from her, muffled only by my dick inside her mouth. She decided she didn’t want to suck dick with the condom on any more and pulled it off me, pushing her tongue hard against the very tip of my cock. Her technique was crude but it did the job and I came, loudly, filling her mouth with my cum and causing her splutter slightly as she was unprepared. Simon doubled down on his thrusts and came inside her shortly afterwards.

A short rest was in order but Vee had other ideas. “*I want more. I’ve come all the way out here. Let’s go!”.*

Simon and I looked at each other and laughed this off. I was pretty tired but the situation was hot. She was asking for it. Still. It would be rude not to…

We jerked ourselves off and I got hard first. I was actually quite impressed with myself. Vee was lying on her front so I told her to get up on her knees again as I rubbered up once more.

*”It has to be really hard…”*

She was a demanding woman but who was I to refuse. I didn’t have the energy to go hell for leather so changed approach and decided to pull her back into me. Her hair was scrunched up in my hand. pulling her head back so her chin was pointing at Simon as I pounded away at her. She liked this and grunted with every thrust. I let go and thought I’d put that obviously fantastically strong core to work. I reached forward and grabbed her wrists, pulling them up and slightly behind her. After initially letting her chest hit the bed she did what I hoped and raised her upper body so I could push all the way inside her. This was my favourite point of the night, as I looked down and watched my dick glide in and out of her cunt, skin glistening with sweat and her tight ass framed perfectly by the creeping morning light. I’ve got no idea if she came or not but I know I did!

I checked out at that point and went to get a drink. From the sounds I heard from the kitchen, Simon was giving her another go. I left them to it and went to lie in ‘my’ bedroom, falling asleep. I was woken shortly after by a commotion, Vee jabbering away in her own language to someone on the phone. Very animated. About 20 minutes later, someone was knocking on the door and when it opened came bursting in. She was a little older than Vee but much more attractive. Was a little *digestif* on the cards perhaps!?

Hard no.

Vee was dressed and her friend bundled her out the door and down the stairs, berating her all the way to the waiting taxi. Bemused, by all of this, Simon closed the door and we had a quick laugh before both saying how tired she was.

The following day we tried (in vain) to find out who she was. Trying to figure out the accent, thinking of if she said her name (we didn’t know at this point, still…) and speculatively searching online.


The next day, we’re watching a recap programme looking at ‘breakout British stars’ or similar and who do we see in the background of one of the field events watching on? Of course it’s Vee! A little internet sleuthing later (reading up on that stage of that event, the country’s Olympics kit and finally a name to confirm…) and **BINGO!**

Now, she might not have been the best looking girl either of us had ever pulled and, unfortunately, she didn’t finish in a medals position but it was there in black and white: confirmation that Simon and I had **definitely** shagged an Olympian.
