I Became A Girl! But At What Cost?! [Part 2] [M-F 20’s] [Rape] [Gender Bender]

[Features: Gender bender, male to female, rape, blowjob, sex, unwanted pleasure.]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarixViviana/comments/x49tn1/i_became_a_girl_but_at_what_cost_part_1/)

Ughhh. I felt like I had been run over by a train. Parts of me I didn’t know I *had* felt sore. Wait, parts of me I definitely *didn’t* have were sore. I tried to sit up rapidly and take everything in and that was a mistake as I just crashed back down onto my bed, groaning. I had to think things through and take it slowly.

Last night’s events reappeared in my mind and my breath caught. Transgender, demon, woman. I didn’t know which part of that, of any that, I should address first. A small part of me, the part that desperately wanted to focus on anything else, thought about how ludicrous it was in movies. People would experience something crazy and then think it was a dream. Trying to reimagine my terror and adrenaline as a dream would be impossible.

I was feeling less groggy and what I was feeling instead caused my jaw to drop. I slowly sat up, my *long* hair falling over my shoulders. I looked down and saw *boobs.* I gulped. I just stared, until with a hand, a hand that looked smaller than what I remembered, I poked one of them, and felt a jolt through my body. I *felt* that.

There’s no way.

It was all real, every single part of it.

I hadn’t thought it was a dream but some part of me just couldn’t, couldn’t accept all of that insanity as reality. Until now.

I had boobs. Breasts. Giant ones at that. Well, they certainly felt giant, jesus.

In a daze, I tried to stand up and nearly fell over. Not from my breasts but because I was shorter and lighter than I remembered. My whole body felt, so different. It was such a change that I felt dizzy and had to sit back down on my bed. My head was hurting. It was just way too much at once. Like, eating a meal and just shoveling 30 different things at the same time into your mouth. The breasts, the hair, the weight and height, even my skin. It was all, all of it, was so different that it felt overwhelming. God, had every part of me-

My penis.

It took a second to peer over my breasts but I managed to pull my pants down and look.

There was nothing. Nothing was down there. Just, smooth all the way. Well, no, that wasn’t technically true. I wasn’t a contortionist but there was definitely something *else* down there. I felt like my jaw was going to break from dropping it so much. This was, this was impossible. It was impossible and yet, here I was.


My voice! I didn’t, I didn’t sound anything like me! It was a, a,

“A woman’s voice.”

It wasn’t anything special in any way, just a female’s voice. The only part that was *absolutely insane* was that it came from my mouth. My body, my whole body, and even my voice? For some reason that was hitting me harder. Maybe not, negatively, just with, importance. Weight. Significance. I wasn’t the same, I was entirely different. Every part of me over my 23 years was gone and replaced. I was female now. No one in their right mind could ever deny that. Hell, scientists themselves could probably not be able to ever tell I was male. The old me had been entirely erased and replaced. That sent, that sent a cold shiver up my body. My new body. The new me. I was gone, in a way, right? It was what I wanted, what I want, but, did part of me die? That was the first thought that came to my mind.

Something caught my eye. It was my computer. Still open to Bellamy, the main character from my comic.

No, that was the wrong thought. Part of me hadn’t died. Part of me had *changed.* A large, massive part of me, but still. I still was the same person who liked art, who wanted to be a tattoo artist, who now *firmly* didn’t want to get any tattoos myself, and who really really wanted to apologize to Mike for basically running away. I was just different now, and that was fine. Sometimes, different could mean better.

I tried to get up again and nearly tripped. My clothes didn’t fit me at all and I hadn’t noticed. My pants and boxers were falling down and my shirt felt incredibly tight against me. I grabbed ahold of them and made my way to the bathroom. I needed to actually see what I looked like.

I walked inside, looked at myself, and gasped.

I looked beautiful.

I didn’t look anything like my old self. I had auburn hair like the color of falling leaves, green eyes, and paler skin than I remember. There were freckles on my face and I wasn’t just imagining things, my breasts were truly huge. I wasn’t an expert but I’d guess double D, on the larger side. My eyes were just stuck, staring at my own shocked face. I hadn’t expected this. I expected to just look, average. I would have been more than happy with average or even a little ugly. It wasn’t all about the looks, it was about being what I wanted to be. Female, feminine, to wear cute clothes, to be able to act how I’d like, to have people truly view me as a woman. To do a million and one things I hadn’t even consciously known I wanted before last night.

And instead, I came out looking perfect. Some people wouldn’t like how I look, and that was fine, great even. I didn’t want to be some person’s idea of perfect. I just wanted to be me.

And I *felt* like me. God, that, that part was the most insane now that I had noticed it. I never felt wrong but how comfortable I felt now was like, I didn’t have words. I knew that this was *right.* Like having lived your entire life in a spacesuit with recycled stale air only to go outside on a fresh spring day for the first time. My, my *soul* felt stronger. I felt better than I ever had. I’d never *gotten* the whole wrong body thing fully. Of course I knew, but I didn’t *understand*, how could I? I had never experienced it. Well, I was wrong. I had been experiencing it all this time and just gotten use to the sensation.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. It was crying. I was crying.

I expected more from the different hormones. The tears were all me, but I expected to find myself curled into a sobbing ball. But I just felt, fine. Happy, great, spiritually relieved, and more, so much more. But I wasn’t suffering from mood swings or extreme emotions. I don’t know if that was natural or something magic related.

Eventually I calmed down enough and waddled my way back to my bed, picking up the pants I had ended up dropping. Clothes were going to be the first problem. Luckily, I had a pair of jeans and a belt, and the shirt might be way too tight but it covered enough. For now though, for now, I just wanted to relax. I pulled off my pants and boxers and for some reason that felt a lot better. Besides the issues of size, boxers and these pants just didn’t seem to work right as female. Next I pulled off my shirt and-


God, my breasts were being absolutely crushed in that shirt. Bras were going to absolutely suck. I instinctively started massaging them and that felt good. Real good. Focus brain. Breasts these big were, I didn’t know how to feel about them. I *liked* them a lot. But they were also clearly going to be a huge hassle. I wasn’t use to parts of my body requiring so much extra care and work. Still, I couldn’t say I was unhappy with them.

I laid there, naked, just marveling at my own body. I touched my stomach and arms and legs. No hair, well, no excess amounts of it. Just, normal amounts for a woman. This was, this was probably the best day of my life so far. Which really made my next thought suck.

*“24 hours Garett. A single day to enjoy yourself. Well, 10 hours. Magic can be exhausting can’t it?”*

I looked at my phone. If the demon was right, and of course it was, that left me with 9 hours left. 9 hours before whatever price I had to pay for this came. My only hint was that it didn’t involve breaking my body or sending me to hell. No, wait, not even that. It could really be nearly anything. 9 hours to enjoy myself before who knows what could happen to me.

Well, if that was cards I’d been dealt, I wasn’t going to waste time.

I got up and, agonizingly, got dressed. Putting my breasts back under this damn shirt *hurt.* Some boxers, jeans, and a belt would do for now. I got ready to leave and took my car to a store. It was, weird being out in public. I hadn’t entered the store yet but even just being outside, sitting in my car, I felt nervous. I had entirely changed and just going outside and acting like everything was the same just felt so weird. People were going to *see me.* They were going to look at me and see a *woman.* No, even more than that, I *was* a woman now. It was just, mind blowing.

I walked inside and tried to not look like a nervous thief when people would slightly glance at me as I walked by. What the hell? People never looked at me before! Did I look weird or-

I wanted to smack myself. I didn’t look weird, I looked good and had big breasts with no bra. Of course people were going to look at me. They bounced a little with nearly every step. Even with a bra and better clothes, I’d probably have to get use to that. I’d definitely looked at a few females walking by before, attention was natural. It just wasn’t natural for me to get it.

Shopping didn’t take long and thankfully wasn’t that embarrassingly hard. I didn’t exactly know my own sizes but I had apparently been looking around at female clothes for longer than I thought. As a guy, I mean. I roughly guessed and after trying on half a dozen things in the dressing room, I finally got a good enough pair of pants and shirt. The bra was harder but I wasn’t above asking for some help from an employee there.

And just like I expected, I fucking hated bras. Tight, way too tight, nearly painful. I’d probably explode and die if I ever tried a corset or something like that. Still, it was a good trade off for the firm support.

And after I made it back into my car I nearly collapsed and just pressed my head against the steering wheel. All those eyes, all those people, all of them thinking, knowing, that I was a woman. The socialness of it all shouldn’t matter, it’s my body, what I want, but it did. It mattered what people thought and how they reacted. And it had gone amazing, if incredibly exhausting and horrifying the whole time. I felt like my heart was going to collapse asking the receptionist for help. I thought I was going to die of embarrassment walking outside with my newly bought clothes on. I kept feeling like someone was going to surprise me and somehow be like “You aren’t a woman! You’re a guy!” but, none of that happened. It was normal, everything went fine.

I took a deep breath and headed home. I was regretting not once ever getting Mike’s number. He had been the one to help me figure out my true feelings and if that hadn’t happened, that demon wouldn’t have shown up. It had never shown up before after all, it had waited for that moment. Thanking Mike and apologizing to him are things I wanted to do, especially if this price was especially horrible. It didn’t protect my mind after all, what if it made me insane? I’d have to leave a note in my room, just in case.

After that I spent the 8 or so hours left, doing nothing. I’m sure some people would have thought me crazy but it wasn’t about making being a woman my whole identity. It was about becoming myself. If I lost my hands and suddenly they were returned to me, I wouldn’t obsess over them. I’d use them a lot and enjoy the fact of every moment of every day that I had hands.

It was the same for changing my gender. I drew, I cooked and made food, I wore pretty clothes I had bought, even a skirt! I spent my day enjoying myself as I would every day, but it felt like every moment was perfect. My face started hurting from smiling and I just laughed. I skipped across my apartment naked as I prepared pasta. I played some games and got on voice chat, only to laugh at all the horny guys. I messaged a few friends, telling them I was a woman now, only for them to send lol’s or “You’re trans? Oh. Okay.” My friends were always chill like that.

The only sticking point was when I considered masturbating. I looked down and felt, well, I just didn’t feel like it right now. But it felt like I *should* experience that before this horrible price I’d have to pay. But forcing myself to masturbate because I didn’t want to miss out just… didn’t sit right with me. There’d hopefully be time in the future when I was more horny.

The day was great and amazing and probably my happiest time in the world. I could only hope all my days were like this.

I got dressed and felt my heart rate spike as the time neared. I could have thought about the price or even looked into it. Google was right there, maybe some information on contract demons would have helped me figure it out. But I didn’t want to know. I was too scared and wanted to just enjoy my day. Even now, as the time ticked down, I refused, hoping it was something I could handle, that I wouldn’t mind paying. But I silenced those thoughts, ignorance was bliss and I didn’t want to tempt fate by imagining the worst.

30 minutes



I was pacing.



I was staring at the clock, unable to tear my eyes away.


I watched the last seconds tick down on my digital clock.


“Why hello Garett! Or should I call you by a different name?”

It hadn’t been two seconds and already I felt blindsided by the demon. A name? I hadn’t even considered a new name. But immediately, it felt like a new one was right there, just waiting for that exact thought.

“Bellamy. Or Bell.”

“Ah, absolutely my dear Bellamy. Now, I do hope you’ve enjoyed yourself today. I see you’ve spruced up your outfit and I must say you do look dashing.”

I blushed. I hadn’t been expecting compliments. This damn demon. Always knowing what buttons to push.

“Ah, and that brings us to your side of the bargain. The price that must be paid.”

I gulped and any positive feelings left me. This was it.

“First, you require a bit of information. Sometimes, it’s easier to set up certain events to make future endeavors easier or even at all possible. A man or a demon must prepare if he wishes to succeed after all.”

I had no idea where he was going with this but I nodded.

“Wonderful. Now, you my dear, are the preparation this time around. Not to diminish you in any way, I merely saw an opportunity to grant two people’s heart desires with symbiotic effects.”

What? Two people?

“What are you talking about?”

“Yes, yes, I tend to ramble. Let me cut to the heart of the matter. A certain young man’s heart’s desire is going to be, you.”

My mind blanked and I blinked a few times.


“You are excused! But not yet.” The demon chuckled to himself. “Yes yes, he wants a woman that will do anything he asks of them. Any request or demand. That will be your price to pay.”

My heart practically dropped out and I felt myself going into a state of shock.

“Now now, do pick up your jaw. I will be summoning you to him within a few minutes after all.”

My heart picked itself back up, threw itself into my body, and leaped into my throat, beating faster than I knew possible.

“A slave? You want me to be a slave?”

“Slavery? No no. That’s not the desire that lurks in this man’s heart. Merely a night of joy. You being there in the morning would actually go *against* his desires. What young man, after all, doesn’t wish to summon a demon for a night of carnal pleasure?”

“I-I’m not a demon!”

“Precisely! Which is why it took a bit of extra effort this time around. 15 seconds Bellamy.”

My mind was spinning. No way. No way no way no way. I was going to-

“What if I say no?”

“Ah, breaking our deal would mean your soul is forfeited as collateral. It’s in the fine print. Not to worry though, warnings are a natural part of any agreement.”

I was about to argue, to yell, to do something, when I found myself standing in a circle of blood and demonic energies. In front of me stood a man.

As far as people go, he was just, average. Average build, height, face. Not ugly, not attractive. I could have passed him by a dozen times without realizing it. He was currently looking at me with shock and my heart was beating like a drum. There was no way this was happening, right? But no, a price had to be paid. I gulped.

He spoke up first.



We were both nervous, so that was, good? It could have been far, far worse.

“It, it really worked. That demon said it would but, I didn’t believe him.”

I looked down at the circle again. It was clearly made of blood. I didn’t think it was human though, but that was just a guess from the jar I had seen. Chicken blood maybe?

“He told you, to make this circle?”

The man nodded.

“Y-Yes. He told me to do it at this exact time. I, I didn’t believe him at first but…”

He shuddered. I did too. Getting a glance of *that* again was something I never wanted to happen.

I didn’t know what to do in this situation, but introducing myself seemed pretty good.

“I’m Bellamy. You can call me Bell.”

“Bell? Uh, I’m George.”

“Nice to meet you.”

We both lulled into silence at that, clearly not knowing how to go from here. George spoke up.

“S-so, you have to do anything I say?”

Oh god oh god, okay, try to keep calm. He’s probably perfectly-

“Do a jumping jack.”

I blinked and then felt a warm heat against my mind. It was small, but it was slowly growing. That was the warning the demon had spoken of. I gritted my teeth and did a damn jumping jack.

George was staring at me in amazement.

Before I could speak up-

“Stand on one leg.”

That same heat from before. I did, quickly, hoping to get a word in edgewise-

“Do a jumping jack.”

I already wanted to strangle George as I did a one legged jumping jack as best as I could, nearly falling to the ground.

“That’s, amazing.”

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t do that.”

He shook off his amazement for a second and looked at me.

“Do you have to do that? Like, does magic make you do it?”

“Not exactly. But they’ll be consequences if I don’t.”

It was only after saying that, and wanting to smack myself over the head, that I realized I had clearly said too much. I tried to move past it.

“So, I can cook or clean for you or-”

“Get on your knees.”

My mouth was gaping open. I looked at George and he seemed just as shocked that he had said that. The heat was already building in the back of my mind.

“W-We don’t have to do that. Come on George.”

He just stared at me, waiting on bated breath. The heat was now growing painful, I could literally feel myself running out of time. I looked at the ground. Hot, hot, I’m going to end up in hell. I got on my knees.

I looked up at George and I knew I was pleading now, begging.

“We don’t have to do this George, please. I don’t want to do this. You aren’t a rap-”

“Don’t talk.”

I tried and my brain was slammed into with a heat that bordered on torture and the screams of the damned. If I talked, I’d be breaking the contract. I’d go directly to hell. I closed my mouth and swallowed.

George was breathing heavy. Staring down at me. He was realizing the exact nature of what he could do and that was causing a chill colder than the deepest winter to course through me and pool in my stomach.

I wasn’t into men. I wasn’t bi. I hadn’t been gay when I was a man. I had no interest in men. And I was about to be raped. Right after turning into a woman, I was going to be raped. I wanted to run away, I wanted to scream, or do something, but I was powerless. This was the price I had to pay. I couldn’t talk, but I stared up at George and glared. Fine. Fine, fuck you demon. Fuck you George. It was worth it you fucks.

George pulled down his pants and I could see he had a raging erection already. I knew what he was going to make me do and I already hated it. He walked closer, his dick right in front of me. I had to mentally remind myself not to bite him. He had complete control, he could always make things worse. It was one night, one night, I could survive one night. That made me grit my teeth even harder. That stupid demon’s words.

*“What about my mind?”

His smile sharpened to a point.

“You’ll survive.”*

Even if he gave me what I want, I think I hate him. No, I hate George. At least the demon and me had a deal, and he was a demon, I could have refused. George is just an asshole with a rape fantasy that he’s making real. If I could talk I’d yell at him that I use to be a man, ruin his whole day.

He rubbed my cheek with his dick and I had to resist trying to back away from disgust. He left a line of pre-cum on my cheek.

“Open your mouth.”

He grabbed the back of my head. I expected him to ram it down my throat but his next words were better and worse.

“Give me a blowjob.”

I grimaced but kept my mouth open, stupid warnings. It’d be easy to suffer through something and bury it under therapy and some alcohol but actively having to do something was… harder.

Still, the small part of me that wasn’t busy with disgust, rage, hatred, or terror, was saying “ah, well, at least I’m not being throat fucked.” Stupid silver linings.

I put his cock in my mouth and felt his hand shove me a bit further down. I could feel his cock touching the back of my throat, my tongue rubbing against it, his pre-cum leaking inside me, the pure warmth radiating out. I was disgusted but it was the innate disgust of a lesbian sucking a cock. It didn’t have any particular smell or taste. I moved my head back and forth down the shaft, feeling my lips rub against it as my mouth coated him. His hand on the back of my head gripped stronger.

He was clearly enjoying it while I was hating it. Gross. Still, it was bad but I could do this. Just get this done. Pay my price and-

“Go all the way.”

My eyes widened to saucers. No way. I was only halfway down this stupid fucking dick and there was no way I could put this whole thing in my mouth. But the heat in the back of my head was growing. I had to do it. Fuck you George.

I pushed myself down and started gagging and choking. The heat was still rising, I pushed through till I was deepthroating his dick and constantly gagging. I tried to pull away but George’s hand was there, preventing me. I kept choking on his dick, forcefully trying to stop. My gag reflex was fighting me every step of the way. George seemed to be enjoying it as I could feel him twitching in my throat.

Finally, he pulled his hand off me, and I pulled myself off his dick, coughing.


I looked up at George. He was smiling. It was cruel now.

“Keep deepthroating.”

I hated you George. I forced myself back on, deepthroating his dick, forcing it down my throat, again and again. It was a truly miserable experience. Until finally, he came. Without giving me any warning.

He just grabbed my head, forced me down, and came. The taste was bitter, salty, slimy, and safe to say I wasn’t a fan. I felt it being forced down my throat but also somehow ending up in my mouth. He made me swallow.

I finally took his dick out of my mouth and just fucking breathed for a second. The prick was happy to just bask for a while, so that was fine by me.

Eventually though, he remembered I was there. Fuck.

“Stand up.”

I did. I cautiously tried talking, waiting for the warning, yet none came. Good.

“You can go fuck yourself you rapist.”

He blinked and then frowned.

“Don’t talk for the rest of the night.”

God fucking damn it.

I just glared at him but he seemed more than okay with that. Ugh. Was he getting off on my hatred? Fucking disgusting rapist.

“Take off all your clothes.”

I glared, heavily, and slowly did just that. I pulled off my shirt, my pants, and then dropped my panties and undid my bra, leaving me naked to this asshole and the world.

He was just staring at my body, mesmerized. It was a first, but I got to feel exactly what it was like to hate being attractive. I didn’t know what he was going to ask. His dick wasn’t getting up again for a bit, so there was that at least.

“Dance for me.”

Are you fucking kidding me? But no, he was deathly serious. I didn’t know how to god damn dance. I just started swaying a little bit, moving my arms back and forth a little. It was probably the worst dance possible. George didn’t seem to think so. He was staring at my breasts like they carried all the secrets to the universe, watching them bounce as I moved a little.

Eventually, he moved closer to me, and grabbed my breasts. Feeling his hands grab and squeeze and massage my breasts was a mix of extremely unpleasant and surprisingly good, which only made everything more unpleasant. Massaging these things could feel great, in theory, but George was just doing whatever he liked and yet still it felt good some of the time. I just stood there as he groped, as he squeezed and roamed my body. He focused on my breasts for a long, long while, while I just stood there and took it. But he didn’t stop there. His hands started to roam my body. I felt grossed out. He was touching me and I hated it. I wanted to knock them away. I theoretically could but he’d just tell me to not move. I didn’t want to be frozen stiff.

He rubbed my stomach and I resisted the incredibly strong urge to flinch away. He touched my legs and that was even worse. I wanted to kick him in the face. He moved to my back and fear crept into me. Creepiness too, as I felt him touch my back and shoulders, and massage my ass. My teeth were gritted to the point I thought they’d break.

He moved back around and his hands went lower as-

He was rubbing my vagina. I could feel him rubbing my vagina. It felt, I never had a vagina before today and it felt, different and good and I was starting to really get well acquainted with the concept of “hating that you liked it.” He kept rubbing me and I kept my face as angry as possible. He tried to rub harder and thankfully while that was more stimulating, it wasn’t better.

Eventually, he gave up on that and stepped back.

“Lay on the bed.”

I glanced at it. The warning was slowly building. I sighed. Hell was probably worse than this. I walked over and laid down.

He came over and took off his clothes. Please god no.

But I always knew it would come to this. I was a woman and he had a rape fantasy, clearly. It could only go one way.

He was already hard again. I hadn’t realized just how long he had felt up my body for. Fucking, creep. He was standing over me now, and I couldn’t help but cross my legs.

“Uncross them.”

Even with the burning warning, it took all of my willpower to open my legs up to him. I don’t know what my face was, but whatever it was, it must’ve been truly dreadful as a flicker of empathy went through George.

“Hey, uh, it’s okay. I’ll make sure you like it too.”

I wanted to throw up at those words. Go fucking die.

He got on top of me, I could feel his entire body pressed against me, I realized what was going to happen and my eyes shook. George stared right into them and then plunged into me.


George’s cock pushed deep into me. I could feel just how physically hot it was, the length as it pushed my walls apart, its shape as they covered it, I could feel it all. And the friction, rubbing against me, feeling it inside me, the whole experience was just too much.

It felt good. God, god fuck you demon, fuck you George, fuck you body, it felt so fucking good. I had never felt anything like it. It was sex in an entirely new way and I wasn’t ready for it at all. It should have hurt, it should have felt awful, it should have been so many things but it felt so god damn fucking good.

George started pulling out and thrusting.

*“Ahhhhhhhhhh ah ah ah ah ah”*

I was moaning directly into George’s ear and he was starting to go faster and harder. My whole body was convulsing, feeling like it was being electrocuted in the best way possible. My mind felt like it was exploding. It felt so good, nothing in my entire life could compare to the pure earth shattering pleasure. The only thing that could have made it better was if it was anyone but George and was a woman but my mind was struggling to hold onto any of that. I was pushing myself against him, my legs had wrapped around him at some point, and I felt like I was going crazy.

George just kept going and going. Faster and harder, ramming into me, using me like a cheap toy. I was his for tonight and I was realizing with a terror deep in the back of mind, that it wasn’t just because of a demon’s threat. This body loved sex, was made for it, and my poor mind wasn’t equipped to handle something I had never felt before. Part of me wanted to stop, to be a dead fish, to stop enjoying it, to have him be frustrated until this whole thing fucking ended, but my *God.* Even drugs wouldn’t feel this good. I couldn’t control myself, I couldn’t help myself. I was moaning and panting and digging my nails into his back and at one point I even blacked out for a second. George tore out of me, fighting through my fierce grip like a man possessed, and came on top of me. He then collapsed, spent. I didn’t even know up from down, I was essentially drugged. I felt his warm cum on top of me and could imagine nothing more than him putting it inside me and feeling it coat me. The small part of my sanity that had remained surfaced for an instant. The reason was simple. George was talking. Well, panting and talking.

“Hah hah hah. You, you really went crazy there. Hah. I don’t want any children, sorry.”

It wasn’t enough to snap me out of the absolute daze of feeling amazing but I heard the words. Soon, I was out like a light and so was George.




I woke up to the feeling of heat in my mind, starting to burn.

“Hey, wake up. Wake up.”

That was by far, the rudest awakening I had ever had. Nothing like horrible fear at hell point to wake you though. I was still on George’s bed, naked. He was standing, shaking my shoulder, trying to get me to wake up.

My mind snapped together and dread overtook my whole body. There was a lot to dread. Still with George, I was raped, I *enjoyed* being raped, *shudder,* he nearly came inside me and possibly gotten me pregnant, *Shudder,* and most of all, I was still fucking here with George. What the fuck Demon?! Wasn’t this a one night thing? Had a night not passed yet?! Please, no more!

“Oh good, you’re awake. I think there’s still some time left and I’ve never tried anal, so-”

Before I could die from shock and terror, a new but familiar voice spoke up.

“Ah, dreadfully sorry for my timing then.”

George practically leaped out of his skin while I just turned my head. It was the demon again. I knew his name was Damien but fuck that guy, even if he did grant my wish.

“What are you doing here?!”

“Ah, well, time’s up I’m afraid. One night and the sun has risen. Now don’t blame me, this is *your* desire after all. You don’t want a permanent love slave, I can’t be blamed for that.”

The complaints of George died on his lips. I had heard it before, but, what? Guy wants a magical, literally, single night of no holds bar rape and then goes back to normal life? Fuck you George. Each their own, but go to hell. Pay a prostitute next time for a few hours of roleplay. Don’t fucking actually rape a person.

I spoke to the demon.

“So, why are you here though?”

Oh thank god, I can talk again.

“Well besides to return you back from whence you came my dear Bell,” He winked at me. “I’m here to complete my deal with George.”

I looked at George and he was pale as a sheet.


“Yes yes, as per our deal, after the night was over it is time. And the night is indeed over.”

There was a great, large, overwhelming part of me that was watching with sudden interest. It was pure vindictive delight that I was feeling. Revenge! Revenge! Go fuck yourself George! What did you even agree to?

“W-w-what’s the cost?”

Ha! You weren’t told either! Classic demon.

My delight died a little when the demon smiled brighter and that horrible shadow of his true form covered his features and hell started to seep through the world. Before I and George could panic, *another* demon appeared.

This one a lot more, uh, demonic looking.

Where the whites of the eyes would be, there was black. The eyes were glowing red. I could feel heat from it from across the room. Its skin was red and it looked like a sexy woman. More of an athletic than curvy build. Tall. Her tits were smaller than mine, which I found a bit odd. Not small though. She had two horns growing on top of her head and then there was the most eye catching feature of all… her dick. She had a massive dick. Long and fully erect. She was fully naked.


I looked at George and found him looking at me for some odd reason. I guess it was just that weird of a situation. We both looked at, *sigh,* Damien.

“My associate here is your price to pay George. A week with them.”


“Ooo, a feisty one Damien. Nice. You know exactly how I like em.”

“I’m afraid the deal has been set George.”

“I’m not getting raped by some freaking demon!”

“Hey hey, don’t worry about it.” The new demon smiled and it was *vicious.* “I’ll make sure you like it too.”

I physically shuddered, strongly. I knew exactly how terrifying that was and I bet she meant it too. I was repressing what had happened to me for now but I knew I was going to need therapy after this. Just hearing that line had almost had me coming apart at the seams.

George took that line for a threat, which it probably was, and decided to run. He didn’t get far. Chains seemed to rise up from below the futa demon and grab ahold of George’s arms and legs. He still tried running away but it was useless. The futa demon just laughed.

“Don’t worry, it’s going to be the best week of your life!”

And they began sinking into the floor, where the chains were coming from. George was pulled into the same space and dragged down, desperately grasping the floor, screaming for help. And then he was gone.

Leaving just me and Damien.

I looked at where George had sunk down and was being used by a futanari demon, probably in hell, for a week after a night of rape. I looked back at myself with a female body that I’d have for the rest of my life, for the price of being raped for a night.

“Our deals seem kind of lopsided.”

“Yes, hell as a whole is designed to punish sinners. That’s why you got off so light.”

I wanted to attack him and rip his head off for calling what I went through “light.” He kept talking though.

“George’s desire required a heavier price. While your soul is practically pure. It’s hard to say what the cost would be without those checks and balances my dear but my guess would be, hmm. For a magically created body that’s impossible for humans to replicate? Probably a decade of what George is currently experiencing.”

My heart might have actually stopped. Holy shit.

“Magical solutions are expensive after all! But luckily, your price has already been paid. Now, let us return you to your home.”

I couldn’t stop thinking about what he said. What the fuck.

“Why? Why would you, help me? What are you even getting from this?”

Damien, the demon, with his constant malicious and mischievous smile, looked at me and I knew he was looking directly at my soul.

“Why, I’m a deal broker! I give people their heart’s desire. I get a lot from it but quite simply, I enjoy it.”

I blinked. What?


“Oh come now my dear Bellamy! You yourself have a burning passion do you not? Seeing others get exactly what they desire, it’s wonderful. I’m even able to give demons what they desire from time to time. Like watching someone missing a piece finally becoming complete. It’s my immortal pastime.”

I frowned.

“I thought you were all evil.”

“Oh yes, there’s no good demon. But this and that are two separate things. Now, goodbye Bellamy. Enjoy yourself!”

And like that, I found myself back at home. I collapsed onto my bed with a headache and more mental scars than I would have liked.

Still, as I saw my reflection on my black phone screen and felt my long auburn hair pour over my shoulders, I knew it was worth it. I’d pay that price again.




Explaining everything to Mike was difficult. Mostly because of my entirely new body. Still, he was supportive and more than willing to listen. My complete bodily change in only two days gave credit to what I was saying and he fully believed me. Which was good, I was afraid I’d have to strip. Me being female suddenly, that wasn’t important to Mike at all. He fully supported me. He was, however, absolutely terrified to learn that demons are real, exist, and people are making deals with them. Which was fair.

But he also shrugged and said, “What are you gonna do though?” Life went on. Changes were slow and fast and many. It seemed like both a lot and nothing happened because of me changing genders. Which was fine by me. I was happy. My apprenticeship with Mike had ended and he hired me on full time. Around a month later, a face I knew limped through the door.

“Hi, what can I-”

I stared at him. It was George. He gulped. Neither of us moved a muscle.

Eventually he spoke.


“Get out.”

He fled, limping like he’d been having problems sitting down recently, and I smiled.

Life was good.

[Read more at /r/WarixViviana.]

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/x55eto/i_became_a_girl_but_at_what_cost_part_2_mf_20s

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