The tension with my 24[F] massage therapist ~30[M] finally erupted after my breakup PT 2

Hey again – thanks for your patience, I got crazy busy with work and didn’t have any time to write until now. If you want to catch up and see what led to this, you can read my first part [here](

As a TLDR for part 1, I started going to a local massage studio to get some assistance loosening up my legs and lower back due to lots of cycling this summer. After getting massaged by two of the women who worked there, they recommended me to Ben since he’s more focused on sports recovery. Ben was great, and I could sense some flirting going on during our second sessions, but everything was perfectly respectable.

Going in for the third session, I knew I wanted to be a little more chatty and get to know him better. To help me relax and really get in tune with my body before the session, I consumed a really small amount of a THC edible – just about 3 milligrams.

When I first saw him and shook his hand that day, I could feel that tingle in my stomach and knew I was getting a little crush on him. We did our usual pre-massage chat, just going over where I was sore, which also included my neck that day thanks to a couple more intense yoga classes I had recently done. He told me to undress down to my comfort level and stepped out of the room.

Since we had ended my massage with me fully nude last time, I started to strip down completely, folding my pants, bra and crop top in a neat little pile on the chair. While pulling down my olive green lace panties, I noticed that I was already a little wet. Looking back it was a little naïve, but I thought I was being very cute and playful by laying my panties very obviously across the top of my neatly folded clothes.

The third massage started much like the first two – light touch, breathwork, light pressure exploring my upper back, then ramping up into longer deeper strokes. He fairly quickly worked over my shoulders and down my lower back, then positioned the sheets so my entire right leg was exposed, all the way from my foot up to the top of my right glute/butt cheek. He sort of pulled the sheet tight between my legs to tension it, and when he did it glided right against my pussy.

The sensation of the fabric running across my bare lips made me let out the faintest moan, and all at once I could notice that the edible was taking effect. My body started to feel warm, almost weightless, and as his oily hands started gliding up my calve I felt like I was melting into him. It was the perfect blend of pleasure, stress relief, and a little pit of deeper pain as he moved higher and higher to my glute and hip.

My hopes of being more chatty went straight out the window, as I basically just melted into a puddle of warmth and relaxation – cheesy I know, but if you have the chance I would totally recommend getting a massage while a little high.

He broke the silence at one point, saying how my hips and glutes felt much looser today then last time, then switched to my left leg and repeated the process. Most of the massage was spent on my legs and hips, and after who knows how long he had me flip over. By this point I could tell I was soaking wet and so turned on, but also so in tune with my body. He came to the top of my head and had me scoot back slightly so my shoulders were right at the edge of the table, my head and neck falling back off of it.

He sat down in a little rolling stool, and somehow positioned me so that he was essentially cradling/supporting my head and holding the back of my neck with his hands. It honestly felt really intimate, and as he started to slowly stretch out my neck I couldn’t help but moan a little and open my eyes to see him staring down at me, his green eyes shimmering down at me and a slight smile across his face. He said in the sweetest tone “just relax Eva, try and let all the tension melt into my hands”. I half moaned out a little “mmhmm” in response, then closed my eyes.

He continued to work into my neck from below, using the weight of my head to control how deep he was massaging. Without a doubt it was the most “bliss” I had ever felt, and as I fell deeper and deeper into his hands I started fantasizing a little – mostly thinking about how much I wanted someone to go down on me at the same time.

Anyways, he ended with a short little scalp massage after placing a warm towel over my face, then left the room to let me get dressed.

When I got home from that third massage, I said hello to my boyfriend who hardly looked up from his laptop (now ex), and immediately locked myself in the bathroom and got myself off twice in the shower.

A couple days later, I finally mustered up the courage to break up with my boyfriend. As much as I knew it was coming and had prepared and hyped myself up for it, it still hit me pretty hard and took some adjusting. I was pretty stressed and anxious for the next week or so, and even though it had only been just over two weeks I scheduled another appointment with Ben for that following Friday afternoon.

I was working from home that Friday and could hardly focus the entire morning. I was feeling nervous to see Ben, even though nothing had really happened between us to make me nervous. I guess it had just been a long time since a guy had made me feel so relaxed and pleasurable, and I was definitely developing a crush. Mixed in with that nervousness was plenty of horniness though, and about an hour before I had to leave I rinsed off in the shower and got myself off once with the showerhead, hoping it would be enough to calm me down for the massage.

I didn’t take an edible this time since I was in a weird headspace, but as soon as I walked in and started chatting with Ben I started to feel more comfortable. He then asked if cycling had been ramping up since I was back so soon, and I sort of just started rambling about how I wasn’t really sore, but had just been so stressed from my breakup that my entire body was tight and anxious, and as I kept rambling I started to get nervous again, worrying that I was wasting his time.

He cut me off and placed his hand on my thigh, looked at me dead in the eyes, and with the warmest smile just said “Don’t worry Eva, I’ll take care of you. We can take it really easy and just do a fully body relaxation massage today. Go ahead and get set on the table however you feel comfortable and I’ll be back in just a minute.”

Pretty much as soon as the door had closed my clothes were off and I was laying down onto the table, my body almost on autopilot. He came back in and asked if I was comfortable starting with a foot massage, saying something about how he thinks it would help ground me. Of course I agreed, and he placed a heated/weighted pack across my neck, bent down, and softly said to just focus on my breathing. As he walked down towards my feet, he drifted his hands across my body covered only by the thin top sheet. His fingers traced over my shoulder blades, down my spine, across my butt, down my legs, finally resting on my ankles.

He slowly stretched my ankles out, then slipped my feet out from under the sheet and began to give me the best foot rub I’d ever received. Like everything he did, it started out gentle, and i could feel the tension in my body just start to melt out into his hands. He periodically reminded me to breathe, and would dig a little deeper each time. He started to work one spot repetitively in the sole of my foot that would send a jolt of electricity up the back of my leg, ending just at my inner thigh. Another spot would make chest tingle, yet another would make me feel lightheaded. I felt so in tune and present by the time he started working back up my legs.

He said “we’ll do a slightly different routine today” while massaging my calves gently, his hands just under the sheet. “I’ll actually have you flip over right away – let’s start at your neck and work the tops of your shoulders.” He lifted the sheet a bit so I could turn over, and sat down in the little roller stool, supporting my neck the same way he had last time.

He started the same neck routine, and I fell back deeper into his hands. He gently placed my head down onto his knees, and started pressing down from the sides of my neck into the tops of my shoulders with his thumbs. It felt so good, and I told him just that. His pointer fingers would drag just on the top of my neck – which made that all too familiar throb come back between my thighs. Each pass of my neck and throat, I could feel my body warming up.

After a few minutes, his hands started working towards my collarbones and the top of my chest with each down stroke from my neck. I told him almost instinctively that I didn’t even realize how tight my chest was, and he replied saying if I was comfortable he could work lower. I didn’t know quite what lower meant, but I agreed quickly nonetheless.

Still stroking down from my neck repetitively, his hands would now wrap up over the tops of my shoulders, lightly trace the outline of my collarbone, then flatten out as he pressed down, stretching out the top of my pectoral muscles and stopping just at the top of my breasts, maybe a couple inches from my now hard nipples.

It felt so good. Like fuck I’m getting wet just thinking about it good. Everytime I was hoping that his oily hands would slip and glide across my nipples, but he was so in control and would stop just short every time.

Then he started curving his hands down at an angle, working out towards the tops of my arms and biceps. He gradually started shifting his strokes down, starting at the tops of my shoulders, then going down my arm to my elbow. He stretched out one arm at a time and had me scoot up so my head was back on the table, then positioned each arm one at a time at 90 degree angles, my hands touching just off the top of the table.

With my chest stretched out, he started working from the inside of my bicep to the sides of my breast, going down to the tops of my ribs. His thumbs would circle just on the sides of my boobs, again stopping just about an inch or two short of my nipples. All the movement had pulled the sheet down a little so that the hemline was rubbing practically against my nipples, and I’m sure he could see them poking through.

I was so turned on that I noticed I was biting my lip pretty hard and slowly gyrating my hips beneath the sheet, my pussy just begging for any stimulation but finding none. As he continued, I noticed how tense the room was – some soft music playing, but both our breathing fully audible. Maybe it was just me, but I swear the room was starting to smell like sex too. Safe to say I was turned on.

He broke the silence first after a while, asking me how I was doing so far. All I could say was “So good. Thank you. This feels so good.” He asked how the pressure was, to which I just moaned out “ugh perfect.” I opened my eyes to see him intently staring at me, a slight smirk on his face. We held eye contact for a couple seconds, then I asked with one word “Glutes?”.

His smirk turned to a full on smile as he nodded and said “flip over”.

Ahhhh sorry this is so long again and not all that overtly sexual! I’m gonna leave it here for now but will write part 3 soon!



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