My Life As A Host To A Slime Monster 09 – Who’s Nicer? (fiction, F19, supernatural, monster)

Is it weird that I’m beginning to think *monsters* were nicer than men?

Why was I thinking that?

Easy….this *monster*…..this Incubus going by the name of Brandon was being nicer to me during sexual exploration than **any** boy I had **ever** been with.

Granted I hadn’t been with many human men but the couple I had been with were more focused on themselves and their gratification than mine.

Yet this *monster* was being gentle and patient with my little knowledge of any fornication.

And by being gentle I mean he was being patient and actually telling me HOW to do each aspect.

Like he was being a teacher to a student in the art of sex. And I was wearing a ‘Dunce’ Cap in desperate need of tutelage.

I had sat down on the bed again after my FIRST try of giving Brandon a blowjob and nearly suffocating on his rather large penis.

What was weird of my first time with Brandon was that I wasn’t thinking HIS taste was disgusting and nasty as expected but sweet and fruity….which is STILL weird to me.

Like HOW does a cock taste sweet? And fruity?

I mean I had heard if a guy eats nothing but cranberries and pineapples his semen or cum will taste sweet but not his penis. Granted I had not experienced this weirdness as both boys I had been with didn’t care enough to do that so I couldn’t confirm this *myth* or not.

After the ‘whole’ suffocate my ass, Brandon gave me another chance at tasting his cock and just as weirdly I was excited to do so.

So I sat on the bed and resumed kissing and opening my mouth to let Brandon’s dick travel along my tongue as I re-confirmed my first experience that his cock did indeed taste fruity. This time getting different notes of fruitiness as his penis traveled along my taste buds.

Brandon put his hand on my head as I almost began my fight or flight response as Brandon spoke, “Relax and trust I will not kill you.”

I heard Prime coo in my head, “Yes my *host* relax. Trust the Incubus.”

I sighed, with his erect member half way in my mouth, and somehow lightly nodded.

Brandon smiled at my acceptance as he continued, “I’m going to go slow gauging your reflexes. Just sit and relax.”

I blinked and nodded again.

He smiled as he kept his hand on my head and slowly pushed his hips forward pushing his long fellow deeper and deeper into my mouth.

He cooed, “That’s it coat my cock with your saliva. Lick it. Taste it.”

I did as instructed as my tongue naturally pushed against the object tasting the sweetness of the object as it passed by and coating it in my saliva.

Then the mushroom hit the point of no return and I was afraid he would continue pushing and try to pierce my noggin but blinked as the mushroom slowly and ever so weirdly started going down past my uvula and started traveling down my esophagus.

What the hell?

I blinked as I suddenly realized that I had mysteriously leaned my head forward allowing the passage to happen as now my airway was now completely blocked and I was relying on my lungs to keep my ass alive.

I heard Brandon coo, “That’s good girl. Very good.”

I thought he was going to continue pushing his length down my gullet OR hold himself in place but was surprised he slowly pulled himself out and pushed on my head to lean back as his dick slipped out of my throat and was traveling back out of my mouth.

Brandon smiled at me as his mushroom tip touched my front teeth, “There that wasn’t so bad now was it?”

I blinked and slowly shook my head finding the experience quite enjoyable….and easy surprisingly.

He smiled, “Would you like to continue?”

I thought about it for only a moment before nodding slowly.

He smiled, “Good. This time YOU try.”

I blinked and thought *Huh?*

He saw my confusion and smiled as he spoke, “Just lean forward and let your actions guide you.”

I sighed and started lean forward letting his dick slip deeper and deeper into my mouth as my tongue pushed and tried to swirl around the impossible meat that was sliding in as I tried to get every flavor note off his penis to see if there were ones I missed.

As soon as the mushroom hit my tonsils I somehow continued leaning forward as the mushroom pushed on my uvula for only a moment before slipping down and traveling down my throat as I continued leaning forward.

I don’t know WHO was more surprised as I leaned forward….him or me as I had leaned forward to where his mushroom had now hit my gag reflex location in my throat and I leaned forward more letting the phallic object travel just a little bit deeper as I tried to get more down and see what tastes I had missed.

I watched as Brandon’s eye slightly widened at the display as a slowly widening smile graced his lips he almost huskily spoke, “Here let me help get that last bit in.”

And before I could do anything… argue….or push away…..or slap his hand away from my head.

I was apparently leaning forward too much and somehow slipped off the bed and landed on my knees….hard.

And in doing so got that last bit of Brandon down my throat as my lips were now kissing Brandon’s root….and pelvis.

My eyes watered from the sudden fall….and sudden forceful thrust of dick down my throat.

Which triggered my gag to flex at the sudden jolt….around his thick schmeat lodged in my throat.

I put my hands on Brandon’s thighs and PUSHED as my head reared back to unlodge the phallic object out until it was fully out causing me to cough and wheeze as I tried to not throw up on the spot as the forceful slimy expelling of Brandon’s dick didn’t help my gag to start the throw up process.

I coughed and gasped…..and belched. Then gasped and groaned.

I felt a hand on my back as Brandon knelt down, “You ok?”

I gasped and slowly shook my head, “No!”

I belched again as Brandon slowly rubbing circles on my back causing me to realize that this **monster** was being stupid nice to me….even in my klutz moment that ANY guy would be laughing his ass off at my fuck up. Or at least laughing at me belching.

But Brandon was more concerned on ME and being ten times more gentle than ANY guy.

I blinked and felt my face flush….hard.

I looked at Brandon and coughed as I hoarsely spoke, “Sorry.”

He smiled, “For what?”

I cleared my throat before speaking again, “For failing.”

He rose his eyebrow, “Failing at what?”

I looked away, “At blowing you correctly.”

I heard him chuckle…hard.

I looked at him confused as he let out his laugh before looking at me, “You were doing fine,” he shrugged, “until you fell that is.”

I blushed at my faux pas causing him to lightly pat my back, “In fact if you didn’t fall I’m sure you would have showed me a thing or two as I could see in your eyes a willingness to please.”

That made me blush even harder as he was right. But only because he was being so gentle….and caring.

If he was like dickhead number one or asshole number two I would have simply bit down for daring to push their willy’s any deeper than I allowed.

Brandon smiled as he slipped his muscular arm under mine, “Come on. Let’s get you back on the bed….this time laying down.”

I was going to help with his direction but let out a small shrill ‘*IIIEEEE!!!!!*’ as Brandon didn’t allow me to follow his direction and instead literally picked my ass up off the ground reminding me I was dealing with a **monster** and not some simple human before setting me on the bed.

Brandon spoke after setting me down, “Sorry if I surprised you.”

I blushed as I was now impressed….and suddenly very shaky though I couldn’t tell if my shakiness was from nervousness at being scared that this being ‘literally’ picked me up like I weighed nothing OR excitement that I was suddenly turned on that I was officially being man handled.

I found my voice after my momentary shudder at Brandon’s power, “It’s alright. Just wasn’t expecting it.”

He smiled, “Well *if* you want we can continue,” his smile turned gentle, “or something else.”

I looked at him and actually starting thinking.

I mean I could continue blowing Brandon….but his stamina though I’ve only done a couple of *bobs* on him seemed like he was no where close to blowing his wad.

Hell he wasn’t even panting or groaning at the few bobs as if it didn’t affect him.

And if what Jayme the Were told me as Brandon defended himself he *could* last as long as I needed.

Meaning if I continued this *act* my jaw would be sore on SO MANY levels.

BUT if we moved to him using his impressive equipment on my poor vagina I’m afraid I’ll simply be laying on the bed WELL AFTER my stamina had run dry as he continued thrusting into me.

No matter WHICH way I looked at this I was afraid of the outcome and didn’t see a way to where something on me wouldn’t be hurting.

I spoke in my head hoping Prime would be of *some* help in my current predicament, “*Prime?*”

I waited only a moment before I heard Prime speak back in my head, “*Yes my host?*”

I gulped and spoke in my head, “*Which way would YOU suggest with this?*”

I waited what felt like a lifetime as I was so nervous before I heard Prime speak, “*Trust yourself my host*.”

*Trust myself?*

What the hell was THAT supposed to mean?

I looked at Brandon and thought maybe HIS input might be helpful as I meekly spoke, “I don’t know. What would YOU suggest?”

Brandon looked at me for a moment as I saw HE was doing his own internal calculations with me in mind before he spoke, “Well WE ‘could’ continue this time you laying down OR we could move onto a different fornication.”

I looked at him and spoke without thinking, “So you want to ‘face fuck’ me?”

He chuckled as he spoke, “At least you won’t fall if we do it this way.”

I felt my face completely redden in pure embarrassment making me look away causing him to lightly chuckle.

I didn’t want to look at him as I spoke, “And *if* we don’t continue with you ‘face fucking’ me, WHAT would we move onto?”

I saw in my periphery Brandon consider the options before he spoke, “I guess we can see HOW ‘sweet’ you taste.”

I instantly shuddered at the mere mention of someone **willing** to go down on ME.


Look at my previous statement of the couple of guys only focusing on THEIR gratification…not mine.

I looked at him and couldn’t stop myself as I spoke almost wordlessly in shock, “You’re willing to go down on **me**?”

I wanted to make sure I didn’t misunderstand Brandon.

He smiled warmly at me, “It’s only fair.”

I blinked and felt my brain misfire completely as my heart sputtered at the prospect of having someone actually willing to do that.

I felt myself nod almost vigorously, “YES!!! Let’s do that!”

Brandon chuckled as he smiled at me, “Alright.”

He moved passed me and simply laid on the bed as he got comfortable putting a pillow under his shoulders and head almost propping himself up before he spoke, “Alright come over here.”

I gulped almost audibly as I looked at this….monster, willing to actually lick my vagina.

My heart started to race and body started to vibrate at the opportunity.

I meekly spoke, “Ummm….how do I start?”

Brandon tilted his head up smiling, “Just come over here and I’ll guide you.”

I gulped again but got up and walked on my knees as I got closer to Brandon’s laying form. Each scoot on my knees my heart start pounding harder and harder to where my heart was pounding so hard that my hearing heard only that.

When I was in front of Brandon I couldn’t hear shit as he was obviously saying *something*. I looked at him quizzically trying to figure out WHAT he said which he caught making him laugh before he mimicked WHAT he wanted.

He pointed to me and pointed towards the wall AWAY from him.

I did as I turned my body and faced away from him before looking down at him to make sure I was where he wanted.

Then he padded his chest as I looked at him confused before he rolled his eyes and simply grabbed my thigh and pulled making nearly fall as he grabbed my other thigh as I fell forward and braced myself on my arms.

That’s when he moved my body and placed one thigh on one side of him and the other on the other side of him….my knees on either side of his neck.

I moved my body as he moved my body until I was looking over him as I was now straddling his face.

One smack on my ass I instantly knew what he wanted.

As I lowered myself I instantly thought *Yep nicer than **human** men.*
