I [F] was a third for my best friend and her boyfriend [mff]

So about 2 years ago, my best friend Sarah and I was on a night out having a great time at this cute bar, we got to talking about sex, nothing new there. She was talking about her relationship with Jake, how good the sex is, I had been on a dry spell so joked “ok, yea rub it in why don’t you” she laughed, “it’s been a while has it” she replied. “Yes to long”

More sex talk and she asked me if I had been in a threesome, I had with my ex bf and his friend, she started asking all sorts of questions, “why do you ask?” I said, “well josh and I have been talking about it” “with a guy or girl” I asked. “He doesn’t mind, but I think I would prefer a girl, it’s not often I get to explore that side of me” “oh I know what you mean, I don’t either” I replied. Sarah jokes, “let’s do it” with a giggle, “erm, was that serious” “not really, but I guess it’s not a bad idea, who else would better than my sexy best friend”

We look at each other, “you would have to see if Jake would want me to join you” “oh come on Lucy, he would obviously love it if it was you” “would he?” I replied “come on Lucy, we both know all our friends want you, even the bf’s” I can’t help but laugh to cover my blushes. “No they don’t”

“Would it be weird with us?” I asked, “don’t be silly Luce, it’s not like we haven’t kissed a million times, or seen each other naked even more than that” “I guess so, when? How?” I asked. “Well it’s his birthday soon, we could surprise him?” “Omg that would be so funny” we got to planning…

A few weeks later and some planning between me and Sarah the night had come. Sarah and Jake had gone for out for a few drinks, she gave me a key to her apartment, she had given him some gifts before and told him he had to wait for the last one until they got home later that night. I kept it contact with Sarah throughout the night, “she joked that he was trying to guess what it was. He guessed a football shirt, some new game he wanted, then moved to a blowjob and anal, she wouldn’t tell him, but told him he’s a lucky guy”

Later that evening she told me to head to the apparent and get ready, as soon as I got there I head upstairs to the bedroom, I soon get a message, we are here, stay quiet, i hear the door open, Sarah tells Jake she’s going to get the present and to change into something more comfortable. She walks into the room and sees me, gives me and smile and rushes to her draws, pulls out some red lingerie, all part of the plan, she quickly changes into them, she looked so beautiful, I remove my robe, we look at each other and giggle, we are now stood in matching lingerie, something we had picked out together, a sexy suspender belt and stockings set, with a matching bra that just sat under the boobs and cupped them, I’m not sure what you would call them, but our boobs where fully on show with just some red lace covered wire holding them up. I looked over at Sarah, she looked so gorgeous, I felt a little intimidated by how amazing she looked, she moved to the edge of the bed and sat down, she waved me over to sit next to her, we locked eyes as I sat next to her, she reached for my face and pulled me closer, she kissed me softly, “are you ready? She said, I let out a nervous deep breath, “yes” she reaches for her phone and typed a message “come here, your present is ready” she looks at me, “are you sure you want to do this” “yes” i replied. She hands me the phone, “send it”. I slowly hit send, we quietly laugh, she puts her hand on my thigh and the other on my shoulder, we hear footsteps, the door opens, josh walks through, “what the…” he bumbles, his wide shocked eyes not knowing where to look, but unable to stop looking back and fourth at me and Sarah, they wondered over our bodies… “happy birthday baby” Sarah says.

I’ll have to make a part two I think..

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x2u28j/i_f_was_a_third_for_my_best_friend_and_her


  1. So charming and entertainingly written! While still super personal. Ty for the share

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