[F] His girlfriend will never know

I was living with *A* my then boyfriend, he’d invited *J* one of the guys from his “modified motor bros” group around to check out his new bodykit.
The few times I had met him he made little effort to hide the fact he was attracted to me, *A* was so self absorbed I doubt the lingering gazes and sly winks from *J* would ever have registered.

The following week *A* informed me *J* would be popping around that evening for a few drinks. I was somewhat relieved when it was added that he would be bringing his girlfriend along. Although I may have fantasied about what could happen if we were ever left alone together, I was a good girl at heart.

When they arrived it was smiles and hugs all round, apparently both our partners were oblivious to the kiss he planted on my cheek as he made his way last through the door.

A few vodkas in, *A* announced we were low on lemonade and as he was pulling his trainers on *J*’s girlfriend announced she was out of cigarettes so would join him in the short dander to the shop.

The moment the door snicked shut *J* all but pounced across from the armchair to the couch I was lazily reclined on and awkwardly asked “what should we do now”?
I’ve always relished those delicious moments of uncertainty, when you can see the confidence of a supercilious fuckboy waver in self doubt as they desperately search your face for some sign of reciprocated lust.
I shrugged as I inched ever so slightly closer to his side of the couch and slowly removed my cardigan revealing my tight, toned torso beneath my Batman crop top. His lips were on my neck in an instant and before I realised what was happening I felt his fingers in my pants, desperately seeking out my warm moisture. My hand instinctively reached for his crotch and I almost giggled out loud when I felt how solid he was.

He removed his fingers from my knickers and lifted me by the hips until I was astride his lap.
He was definitely more into me than I was him but I was suddenly aching for his cock inside me as I bit and sucked my way along his jawline to his ear.
Our lustful dry-humping was interrupted by a giggle from outside the front window, through the cracks in the blind we could see our respective partners had returned and were in conversation with our Housemate Ed who’d just returned from modified nationals.

When both our partners became further engaged as Ed popped the bonnet on his Impreza, *J* slid up behind me and his fingers resumed his search for my damp entrance beneath my underwear.
I raised a leg up onto the broad windowsill as he began hastily fucking me with two fingers as we watched our other halves through the blinds and double glazed windows.
I could feel his impossibly hard dick threatening against my buttock and I was ready for him to enter me as my climax began, I awkwardly snaked my hand around to invade his boxers and was immediately greeted by sticky warmth which I rubbed over my index and middle finger…..we were suddenly forced to retreat as his girlfriend made her way up the steps to the front door. Not before I sucked his salty Precum off my fingers

Once *A* had made his way back inside and placed the spoils of the Londis raid on the kitchen counter I pushed him into the small downstairs bathroom, removed my jeans and as I started working on his he was hard for me in a second.
I leant on the edge of the sink with my feet resting on the toilet seat as I thrust him into me. My cunt was nigh vibrating with the thrill of what she’d just been treated to in the sitting room by my boyfriends “bro”. I came in a minute as *A* filled me with his cum. He kissed me hard and my clit throbbed as I realised the taste of *J*’s salty fluid was still on my tongue.

We rejoined our guests in the front room and I was treated to another thrill shortly after when the lads decided to head out to the garage to boast about their silly toys…
*J*’s girlfriend informed me that they had began some heavy petting when they’d heard me and *A* enjoying our little bathroom quickie – she added that *J* had such a high sex drive, so much so in fact that he had finger fucked her in the car on the way over here. She grinned as she told me she could still smell herself on his fingers as they frolicked to the sounds of my partner rutting me not moments before.
I don’t know what give me the bigger thrill – the fact that only I knew it was MY scent on her boyfriends fingers or that my cunt juices were pushed into her as he brought her to a climax on my sofa

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x37rhm/f_his_girlfriend_will_never_know