[MF] The story of when I (then 18) lost my virginity to my crush (then 18) on the beach at midnight on spring break

So far I’ve written a couple stories on here about recent encounters that took place this year – this time I want to go back to when I was 18 and on my first college spring break – to the night when I lost my virginity!

During freshman year of college towards the end of fall semester I met this girl named Abbie. Abbie (who was also 18 at the time) was a thin tan skinned girl with light brown hair. Abbie and I met because we were both hanging out around this campus ministry group freshman year and we really got along together – but of course because of the setting we ended up just becoming really good friend’s – we would meet up to study together and just hang out which always turned into us joking around and laughing like crazy!

Soon after though the semester ended and everyone went home for Christmas – although her and I still kept in touch by texting occasionally but nothing super crazy – things seemed to fizzle down when we weren’t around each other. As soon as the spring semester started again we made plans to hang out and we instantly regained the chemistry and friendship we had before… only this time I began to realize I really liked Abbie! Every time we said goodbye after hanging out I couldn’t wait till the next time I got to see her. As spring break approached I decided to sign up to go to the beach with the campus ministry I was apart of – imagine my excitement when Abbie told me she signed up to go as well!

After a long bus ride down to Florida we finally arrived to the church we were staying at. It was a nice place to stay given the deal we were given and had everything we needed to have a good week at the beach – obviously it wasn’t going to be some huge party as it was a church so just a laid back week which is more my style anyways! The first day I went down to the beach where everyone was hanging out and picked a spot by some friends to lay my towel down. After about 30 or so minutes Abbie came down and saw the group I was apart of – our usual group we hung out with – and came over to lay by us placing her towel right next to mine. It was a huge struggle not to stare too overtly at her because her tits and butt looked absolutely amazing in this dark green one piece she had on – I had always been attracted to Abbie and had developed quite a crush on her but seeing her like this turned on a whole new switch – I realized she was insanely hot. I had to talk myself down in my head a little because I actually got nervous for a few minutes being next to her – but I realized we have always been friends and have great chemistry and no need to put pressure on myself. After some small talk we were back to our normal fun chats. After a while the rest of the group decided to go for a walk – I declined because I honestly just wanted to lay on the sand and do nothing as I was pretty exhausted from traveling down there – Abbie also declined as well;) As soon as everyone left our area our conversations started to veer to new territory- we began to test the waters flirting with each other. I commented on how good she looked and that I loved her swimsuit and she talked about my body similarly saying it looks like I’ve been hitting the gym a lot lately which was true. That day it never went further than chatting but I knew there was tension between us for sure and just wanted to be alone with her.

On the second to last night is when everything changed! Our group of friends had found this isolated spot on the beach about a miles walk from the church so we all decided to go hang out one night and just have fun. As we went Abbie and I walked together for the most part just chatting – our friends didn’t care – they even began to insinuate that we should just date each other already. I felt like I was on the moon. We got to this beach spot and it was super quiet and dark which was nice as we could see the stars really well. We all hung out for quite some time but eventually Abbie and I got into a really deep conversation about our pasts and previous dating experiences so we decided to split away from the group behind this little sand hill type thing that was covered in that tall type of grass you see at the beach. We continued to talk and that is when I confessed that I really liked her and wanted to take her on a date and be more than just friends – to which the best thing I’ve ever heard come out of someone’s mouth to this point, she said, “I feel the exact same way!”

As we continued to talk about our feelings for each other we realized that everyone else had left and gone back in for the night – we were completely alone and secluded. We got closer and closer together as the night went on and began to hold hands – then lay down and watch the stars – the cuddle under the moonlight – it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I thought this stuff only happens in movies but it’s happening to me right now!

As we cuddled on my towel in the sand we continued our flirting with each other – although now it took on a more sexual tone but still held back by the fact that we were supposed to be “good” because of the groups we hung out with and who we came to the beach with. All of that changed when I decided to finally kiss her – she looked so beautiful and I just couldn’t let the night go without leaning in and kissing her right on her smooth lips. As our lips touched instantly we pulled our embrace tighter and tighter – holding on to each other like the world was ending. Our kisses turned into making out which after a while turned into touching. We were both feeling each other up lost in the heat of the moment and passion built up for months. I touched her breasts and lightly squeezed her nipples under her shirt which only made her moan softly into my mouth. At this point I had been hard for quite some time and my cock was throbbing for attention so I thought I would be a little risky and I guided her hand to my bulge where to my delight she began to grab and run it over my thin beach shorts. At this point in my life I had experienced handjobs but nothing further than that – I was still a virgin.

After stroking me over my shorts for a few minutes Abbie slowly slipped her hand inside my shorts and then pulled my cock out. I almost came right then as I was very inexperienced and she was extremely hot. She continued rubbing it before sliding her mouth over it and sucking me off for a minute or so. At this point we were purely on primal energy and knew we needed each other. Abbie was not a virgin so having sex wasn’t going to be a huge first for her. I had been a virgin but only wanted to lose it to someone I really cared about and honestly had already mentally prepared myself if this scenario came up and I knew I that Abbie was the girl I wanted to be my first. I let my hand wander between her legs and under her shorts and could feel how warm and wet she had become. I held her close and asked her if she wanted to have sex and assured her that if I lost my virginity to anyone that I wanted it to be her – a girl I really liked.

Before I knew it we were stripping each other down the rest of the way and omg her body was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen – I was beyond turned on and knew I just needed to be inside of her. She laid on her back and spread her legs while I positioned myself missionary style (bc who doesn’t do it for the first time in missionary haha) and held my cock at her entrance. I had fingered girls before so I knew that the actual vagina was lower than you might initially expect but it still took a little moving around to find her tight hole… that next instant I slid my hard cock slowly all the way inside her pussy – and it was the most amazing sensation I had ever felt. Her pussy was so warm and wet yet it was tight and held my cock firmly. I knew I wouldn’t last long. I began to thrust myself in and out of her – not going to fast as I wanted to savor this moment as much as possible. To my surprise she was very into it and seemed like she was getting close after not even a minute it seemed – all the foreplay and tension had built up so much on her she was already right on the edge – my cock inside her simply pushed her over. She clenched her nails into my back and shook as I thrusted a few more pumps and pulled out shooting a huge load of cum all over her body and collapsing next to her into the cuddling embrace we had before. We cuddled and talked for about another 30 minutes after before we realized it was already like 3 am and we should probably head back.

That night I asked Abbie to be my girlfriend and we ended up dating for quite a while. I still think back on my time with her with a lot of fondness. We had quite a bit of fun together after that night;) I never thought I would’ve gotten so lucky with a girl like that – especially not at a church spring break trip!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x2gzh5/mf_the_story_of_when_i_then_18_lost_my_virginity

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