Borrowing a bikini made my [F]riends go crazy

Hi 🥰

Long time lurker here, finally decided to make an account with a clever name to post !

I am a shy brunette in my mid twenties. I am still in college finishing up my degree. Since my first week of school, I hang out with the same group of friends of about 12 people.

I dress in baggy clothes and do not show off a lot of skin, especially in class. I am kind of the nerd of the group and try hard to get good grades.

During our second semester, we all got pretty drunk at a party and I got a good understanding that my fellow comrade have absolutely no idea what my body looks like 😅.

We ended up in the jacuzzi and since I hadn’t prepared I borrowed a swimsuit. The owner of that bikini is the ”slut” of the group. She wears a B cup, but wears push-up bras so all the boys are after her. Fittingly, her bikini top consisted of 2 tiny little triangles that barely cover my tits.

I had enough to drink to say fuck it, so I put it on and made my entrance… and what a fucking show it was. In the 10 seconds I tried to sneak in the spa, all eyes were on me. They all went crazy whistling and making extremely sexual comments. For the rest of the night, they attempted to get a quick flash out of me, but failed😅.

I got home, had multiple notifications on snap chat. One of them was a screenshot of the guys dms drooling over me with stuff like:

”Where was she hiding those”

”What I would give to motorboat those bad boys”

”I had a HARD time coming out of the water when she came in 😅”

The attention had me insanely horny, I couldn’t help but masturbate. From that point on, it was my sexual awakening and the entire dynamic towards me changed.. for the better 😉



  1. Do you plan on getting any of those dicks in you? Or experiencing the motor boating?

  2. Im surprised no one made a move… you must have really caught them by surprise with some serious curves. Need visuals to confirm 😉

  3. you said your friend wears a B cup… what about you? Naturally I’m guessing a size or two bigger if they were barely covered. I would love to see a picture of the sexual awakening

  4. seems like you’re only giving out one, but if you change your mind, I’d love a pic!

  5. Lovely story, fellow lurker! Glad to hear the dynamic changed for the better, can’t wait to hear and/or see more ❤️

  6. Smart AND Sexy?!? Just my type! 😌 I would love to hear more about this sexual awakening (and see you in a bikini too 😏)

  7. welp, i was the second lucky one and all i can say is WOW, they are absolutely spectacular… no way that triangle bikini contained her, hopefully she’ll share some more

  8. Please describe yourself in more detail by DMng me a picture of your boobs

  9. It sounds like you’ve got an absolutely amazing body. I’d love to partake in viewing it. Congrats on awakening to a new sexual world ;3

  10. Sounds like a true awakening and very sexy! Us guys are so easy, we may like a woman and friend her because she’s not overtly sexual or objectified, but the switch is flipped when we see her in clothing or a situation out of her comfort zone around us and all of a sudden our small head takes over! That being said, I’m sure OP is stunning and I for sure would live to see her in any state of undress!

  11. Damn, that’s a great story! Welcome to your sexual awakening. I love hearing about the quiet nerdy girls coming into their own.
    I would love to see you in that or any other bikini if you are still interested in sharing.

  12. I hope I’m not piling on but I would also like to see you in this bikini! From all the other comments you sound very enticing!

  13. I hope the window of opportunity is still open to see that bikini pic?????

  14. What a hot way to show off!! If only I could be so lucky to see u in a bikini 😍

  15. Everyone asking for bikini pics but I’m interested in seeing the topic of the last paragraph. ;)

    Bikini pic would be appreciated as well of course. I promise I’ll provide very thorough feedback.

  16. What about the rest of us!! We want to see and comment appropriately!! 😃🙏

  17. >her bikini top consisted of 2 tiny little triangles that barely cover my tits.

    Well now you got me curios why you never noticed how hot you were/could have been before coming out in that bikini. Just never interested in public opinion or did you never think of all the boys you could potentially leave suffering with blue balls :D ?

    Also how big are your tits that a b-cup can only barely cover your boobs?

  18. Sounds like an amazing time! Note the smaller the bikini the better I say. So how small was it? Love to see if you are sharing with anyone else. Note the ladies who know how to surprise the guys are a rare gem these days so keep it up beautiful.

  19. Fantastic story! My imagination runs wild about how you actually look in a bikini. Here’s hoping you tell more of your stories!

  20. This story is incredible, what a lucky group that was there to see you

  21. Man I can’t even see you and I’m going crazy over you in that bikini

  22. You sound like you have an amazing body. I would love to see you in a bikini

  23. Just a dumb question that I didn’t see asked but did you mention your cup size?

  24. My guess…. 32D, big but not so big that B cup wouldn’t cover anything 😂

  25. I just got out of work and read this. Am I too late to get a surprise too? Knew I shouldnt have worked overtime

  26. Very hot story here!
    And it seems from a very hot woman! Maybe I could confirm that with some evidence… 😉

  27. My birthday is Monday, getting a glimpse of such a site would be the best gift I could get. 😅😆

  28. Oh my god. I want to see so bad. I’m going to stoke to you either way, though.

  29. Sounds like a dream scenario, shy brunette with the banging body, outshines everyone else.

  30. I bet all the girls were jealous and lusting after you too. I would have been. Don’t be afraid to throw a sister a good pic too. LOL

  31. This is an incredibly hot story, and now I’m really curious what you look like 🧐

  32. Looks like you have a fan club forming already. I would love to give you a second (or 40th) opinion if you still wanna share pics with people. ;)

  33. fellas, she sent me a picture, and she wasn’t exaggerating about her body.

  34. Super late to this party but I would love to see the pic you are sharing!

  35. You had them all wanting to see more, and now everybody here, the view must have been crazy good

  36. Late to the party but I’d also like to put my name into the v request pile..

  37. Damn, that sounds so hot. And I love that you masturbated to it. Would love to see that sexy body ;)

  38. This is absolutely GREAT !! Good for you , glad the REAL YOU finally got to come out 👍😉

  39. Fantastic story and clearly got everyone excited to see the pictures (waves hopefully)

  40. Is it too late to be part of the viewing group? You sound like you have some fun stories ahead for us!

  41. May i be so lucky to see it? Also, i love it, its that moment we all beed to get our awakening, wish i had that

  42. Damn you got us all going crazy.. i just need to know if you can match my imagination of yours..

  43. Would love to see that outfit. Would you mind giving a peek of what it would look like?

  44. Sounds like a good story. Always nice to have a good awakening! Specially in a vary uplifting way. If you feel like sharing more I look forward to it!

  45. Sounds like a good story. Always nice to have a good awakening! Specially in a vary uplifting way. If you feel like sharing more I look forward to it!

  46. Sounds like a good story. Always nice to have a good awakening! Specially in a vary uplifting way. If you feel like sharing more I look forward to it!

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