[F] Flirting with my cousin pt2 [M]

Ok so I didn’t know I was gonna get THAT much attention lol as thankful as I am, I don’t think I’ll be able to chat anymore as my chat requests have now hit the 1000’s 🥰🥰 so from here on out, I’ll prolly only be replying to the actual thread/post

So for a small update, no nothing spectacular has happened yet but just wanted to update y’all on what I did try.

I got a LOT of ideas and help from fellow followers and some where pretty bold and fast moving but a few were subtle hints and I like subtle lol

So of course we sat down together but him sitting next to me isn’t new i mean we ARE best friends and it would be actually weird if he DIDNT sit next to me…

But anyway, it was a nice restaurant with table cloths so I took some advice and just rested my hand on his thigh and he never acted uncomfortable or weird and he even rubbed the top of my hand on his thigh every once in a while 🥰 so that gave me enough confidence to try some more ideas…. I usually sleep with a over sided T-shirt and underwear on and that’s usually how I dress with him too when it’s getting late at night, well when we all got back home he obviously stayed at my house so I told him the normal “I’m gonna go change out of my clothes” and so I do but someone gave me the idea to hat wear the T-shirt and no underwear and try and give him a peek at what’s under 😈😈

So I do, and I come out and make it clear and mutter off “ugh all my underwear is in the wash so watch your eyes” I say with a smirk as I’m looking at him 😏

He just laughs as a normal response but now he KNOWS he could get a peek so now I know to start getting into positions to give him such a peek….

I also made sure to wear a shorter T-shirt and this one I had in just so happened to just barely cover my ass but left just enough uncovered that you could see the bottom of my butt cheeks 😂

He was sitting on the sectional couch so I made SURE to walk past him and I knew by the way he was sitting that if I laid down on the other side he would have a full view and not have to worry about me catching him… so I did just that, I flipped forward onto my tummy and boy did I fuck up. Lol I over committed and the gist of air from my shirt like rolled down my back flipped up the back of my shirt my my whole bare ass was just out in the open lol I knew that would just be to much, like yes of course he’d prolly like it but it would be TOO obvious, so I just said oops sorry! Haha and pulled my shaker back over my ass… now remember it still doesn’t cover my whole ass so he could STILL see plenty under it.

He didn’t say a word. It was making me so nervous and wondering if I had stepped out of line. That is until I decided to look back behind and I caught him with his phone out taking a picture!!! Lol he didn’t have the flash on or anything but you can tell when someone’s taking a picture by my the way they are holding the phone lol… so I immediately called his ass out and asked are you taking pictures!? And he got visibly shaken and flustered and just pretend to be “texting” but I knew what he was doing and I was in full tease mode now… now every so often I’d readjust myself and sorta bring my leg up to the side just a bit, just enough to expose my bare pussy to the open air..I knew it was out cuz I could feel the cool breeze sliding across my pussy lips haha, it was cold and I’d 100% normally have a blanket over me but I wasn’t giving in, I was gonna yeast this man and see just what his intentions were..

But after about 20-30 mins he stands up to say he has to go take a piss and I KNEW he was gonna smack my ass when he walked by and sure enough, WHAM!! He smacked my bare ass and it kinda hurt but I didn’t let out a single peep 😉 he laughed and said “cover that ass up skank!“ and I just muttered off something along the lines of “shut up” but I knew he liked touching my bare skinned ass.

But nothing really happened after that, he went home after the show we were watching was over but it was kinda late and USUALLY he would just crash at my house but not this time, this time he HAD to go home… that little fucker had spank bank material and I’d bet anything he went home and jerked off to those pics he took 😂 but that’s fine, cuz not a second after he walked out the door I was rubbing my clit and took only a few moments for me to cum, my pussy was soaked already and I won’t lie, the still stinging slap mark on my ass help push me to my edge very quickly

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x1sqhg/f_flirting_with_my_cousin_pt2_m


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